EAFLS [CHAPTER 6] Clues of the rising forgotten goddess.


Aswa gets up, wondering what is going on outside, loud shouting and eating, like a feast, Aswa doesn’t care, but as wounded he is, he then remembers.

“I… I was turned into ashes, how… h”

And Aswa passes out.

Elanoire and Manrhim are claiming the cities of Firadia, clearing out the remaining enemy force from the cities of Firadia.

Manrhim captures highpoints and Firadian archers get in their positions Manrhim has claimed, and once they have reached their position, Elanoire shoots an arrow enchanted with Lapi’s explosive magic, the soldier’s fire at the enemy, sweeping all enemies in a matter of seconds.

Months go by without any enemy reinforcements coming to Firadia, but then 1 day, a strong force is coming towards an outpost, and a soldier informs from this immidatiely to Manrhim.



“a strong force is coming towards the castle!”

“Tell the men to get in their position and be prepared for a fight”

“Yes sir!”

Then Manrhim gets up and walks to the room where Amena lies, tells the soldiers to come with.

“Amena, I am afraid we have to get you ready to evacuate the castle, we have to protect the last royal of Firadia.”

“I understand, let me just pack my things”

“Follow the soldiers once you’re ready”

“hey, Manrhim..”


“Thank you, for being trustworthy and strong sided with Firadia, once we rise up, I will make sure you and your family gets the reward you deserve, expecially Elanoire, she has been a huge help.”

Manrhim nods, and walks over the walls for information


Manrhim asks the leading commander of defence

“No, not yet atleast”

Then a big dust cloud starts appearing slowly in the distance as a soldier shouts

“Movement ahead!”

Manrhim takes the binoculars and looks what is going on.

“That’s an unknown group, or rather an army of soldiers, get ready to shoot, we will kill everyone who steps on our soil.”

“Yes sir!”

The archers ready their bows as the army is closing in slowly.

“Fire at will!”

The commander shouts, and the archesrs start to shoot at the army, and starts charging towards the walls of Firadia.

If they fall now, everything will be lost.

Manrhim goes to Elanoire and tells her to get ready since it will be a big fight

“Yes father”

Manrhim and Elanoire then shortly comes to the wall

“we are holding them out, for now, sir”

“good, keep it up”

suddenly, the army stops outside of the range of walls defensive parimeters.

“They’re out of range!”

one of the archers shouts out

Complete silence, with wind blowing the soldiers sweaty faces, shortly after a big, dark figure walks out from the army, rises its hand, and the soldiers suddenly starts to glow with darkpurple fire on their chest, and charges toward the wall.

The archers start to shoot the enemies, but they cannot pierce the enemy armor anymore, the fire melts all Firadian arrows that come towards

“Release the ground force at once!”

The commander says and the gates of Firadia opens, with roaring ground troops, they’re going all in.

The Firadian army charges the enemy back a little bit, but Firadian army is suffering heavy casualties.

soldiers that were supposed to guard amena, comes to Manrhim

“Sir! Amena has escaped her room and is nowhere to be found!”

“What?! Search for her immidatiely!”

The soldiers then take couple scouts with them and run to the city, but then Manrhim sees a girl on back of the army

“Is that? Amena?!”

Manrhim then commands a group of soldiers to get Amena out of the battlefield, but Amena then shouts to Manrhim, with her father walking on the wall.

“I will show, why we are the royal family of Firadia!”

Manrhim sees the old fragile king

“your highness”

Manrhim bows

“stand up boy, and I’m sure Amena will be fine”

“But sir!”

“You will see soon enough, why we are the royals.”

Manrhim stands silent and watches Amena

Manrhim then commands the group back, with the army.

Amena hold her hand out, with a white flame on it, summons a sword.

Manrhim commands the siege engines to give support fire immidatiely

Shorly after Amena disappears to thin air and teleports right infront of the first enemy on the battlefield

as the fiery balls fly over Amena, she slashes the enemy in half extremely quick and cold bloodedly.

running towards the next enemy and jumps a little in the air to get extra power to get swing and cuts the soldiers throat in half, striking the sword in the ground, and a white aura explodes on the ground, burning the enemy’s feet completely within 5-meter radius.

She continues towards the firery explosions killing all enemies that comes infront bloof splattering all over and enemies burning to crisp from the explosions, Amena runs right through the fire and stops for a second, sees she is surrounded by enemies, she drops her weapons, extinguishes her fire, and closes her eyes.

The soldiers just stand by as Amena starts to rise in air glowing with white aura, Amena opens her eyes, and shoots a straight line of energy to the ground, with a huge explosion following it, shortly after Amena summons wings of eternal beauty and launches to the air, and shoots the enemies rapidly with small white energy balls that explode on impact, how ever, this doesn’t last long because the leader of the attacking force to Firadia glides straight to Amena, knocking her out, Manrhim is shocked by the power of the enemy leader, and then the king jumps in like an old master, summons 2 axes out of nowhere and starts to clash through the enemies with Manrhim shouting after


The king then shouts

“Amenaa! I’m coming!”

as the king is slashing through the enemies, like theres no resistance at all, the enemy leader shows up.

and says

“Surrender now, and I will spare your lives”

The king just stands there silently… and suddenly he just strikes out of nowhere and slices the throat of the leader with 1 strike and grabs Amena and since the enemy has no leader, the troops start to panic and they retreat, and the king, with the soldiers left in Firadia, have a feast, for the victory.

At the sametime with Aswa…

Aswa wakes up in a comfy bed, slowly opening his eyes and sees Roger, with some weird looking creatures, Aswa feels threatened.

Aswa tries to get up, but he cannot because of all the wounds, so Aswa asks Roger

“Roger, your sister is in danger! And how am I still intact if I were turned into ash?”

“Because of your soul is strong enough, your body is not fully like it was originally, but memories make us who we are, don’t you agree? And I cannot help her now, she will manage on her own for now, however, a big threat is upon them soon”

“Well, yeah, I do, but, where am I and where is Elanoire?”

“I’m afraid they’re all in danger, and we are not able to help them, yet atleast, we need to recover you first, your power can be used 100% only once, and when you do, you will lose it, the creator made it so it couldn’t be abused.”

“But didn’t I use it all already?”

“no, you didn’t you are much more powerful than you think yourself.”

“ok, umm so what do I need to do?”

“well, first off let the nekelfs heal you, it will make you feel uncomfortable, enter your mind and fix everything that keeps you from using it, I will personally hold you down.”

Aswa stays silent and nods to Roger, Roger then walks behind Aswa, grabs him, and binds him and then on top of binding him he’s holding Aswa with his own strength on top of it.

“You ready?”

“Yes, do it”

The nekelfs put their hand over Aswas wounded body, and the woulds starts to close slowly, starting from the feet, its like a scanner.

After a while they reach for Aswa’s head, and one of the nekelfs lose consciousness.

“Aswa hold on now, this is the though part for you”

an old Nekelf approaches Aswa, enters his mind, and Aswa starts to glow immediately, slow, painful                   process to fix Aswa’s mind from the pain and suffering he has inside, mostly from childhood.

“oh my, they did more harm to you trying to fix you back down there young man”

Said the old Nekelf sounding surprised


“Yes, you are afraid of women now, however, I wont fix that, I will only fix what is locking your powers, if I would fix everything, you wouldn’t be the same Aswa you have developed yourself to be.”

“Understandable, and thank you”

“There, all done”

Aswa then passes out immediately after letting Aswa’s mind go free from the spell.

its been couple hours with Aswa unconscious, and he wakes up near the tree where he was first summoned to the world, and he gets up, and walks over to the military house, hoping to find Elanoire.

Aswa walks through the city, getting a lot of looks, some are angry, scared and some are happy, since some of them recognize Aswa. As Aswa is walking down the road to reach the queen’s palace, some soldiers stop Aswa.

“Is there a problem?”

Aswa asked and the soldier quickly responds

“Yes, your face.”

Aswa then smirks

“get off my way, or you will highly regret it.”

The soldier than shortly after attacks Aswa but Aswa has fought many battles, so the soldiers don’t even stand a slighty change against him, Aswa takes the guards arm, gets behind the guard, bends the arm, and snaps the elbow in half, breaking his whole arm and then leaves the guard at the ground, then the other guards look at Aswa in fear, grabs their friend and run away in fear

“I’ll let you off easily for now, but do something like that again and you will be spiked to my backyard”

Aswa keeps walking down the road, but then suddenly a citizen

stops him and says

“Thank you, sir! Those corrupted guards have been roaming these roads ever since the war started! May

our fallen savior look upon you, kind stranger”

Aswa then looks at the citizen for a while and says

“But, I AM Aswa Morina?”

The citizen bursts into laughter and says

“We all know that Aswa has died for protec…”

The citizen then stops talking as he sees the rune on his hand he’s showing off.

“You really are him?! How are you alive?”

“I do now have time, I am trying to find Elanoire De La Hyachist, do you have any idea where to find her?”

“Yes, the queen herself have her a gift of gratitude and gave her a mansion for her to use with you, but since…”

“I am in a hurry, sorry but can you tell me where it is?”

“Yes, Gurthid road 7, here, a map.”

The citizen smiles and wishes goodluck to whatever Aswa’s doing.

As Aswa is approaching the Mansion, he goes to the window quietly, and looks in, since he’s not fully sure if this is the right house.

Aswa sees Elanoire, with a man close up with white jacket, could be a doctor, but he doubts it.

And Elanoire doesn’t even like to be close to another person, if it isn’t for her own good or her lover.

Aswa starts to cry silently, and to think he made a mistake again by even loving anything, the pain of losing someone than getting love back is too much, he always forgets this because of his big and warm hearth.

Aswa smiles as he has looked some time through the window, and writes a note on the moonlight.

“Aswa here, Elanoire, I know you have forgotten me already, I died afterall, that’s great.

Aswa writes with a smile.

Trust me, it is not easy for me to write a letter like this, but however I wanted to say 1 last thing before I make myself dissapear fully from this world,  im going to the mountains where we had our first trip together! Just going to remember the good things and times we had together…

Aswa then quickly relaises what he’s doing, he’s desperately trying to win her back and stops, and looks in through the window, seeing the man getting closer to Elanoire, Aswa drops couple tears, and just when he’s about to leave, Elanoire screams with a desperate voice.

Aswa then quickly looks back, and sees that the man is forcefully making his way to Elanoire. Aswa rushes inside with Elanoire screaming and shouts with confusing voice


Aswa’s eyes then start to glow blue, with his cheek getting a mark, like a huge lightning, and dashes at the man, grabbing him from the back, not fast enough to even react to such hard attack and pushes him at the wall as hard as he can, and he loses his consciousness.

Elanoire has got up at this point already and she pins Aswa to the floor, crying over him

“Is it really you, Aswa? You aren’t a ghost?”

“Yes, it is me, Elanoire”

Aswa said with tears on his eyes and a big smile.

Elanoire keeps crying and gets up and says

“I’m glad you’re back, are you hungry? Or thirsty?”

“Well, I do have a bit of a sore throat”

As the strange man is getting up that Aswa and Elanoire had forgotten completely gets up with a knife, rushing towards Aswa, but Elanoire quickly casts a magic arrow straight through this man, and he falls to the ground, for the last time.

Aswa then says

“I forgot about him completely! But who was he?”

“I thought he was a scout from the queen, but now that I think about the queen, how did you find me? The Queen gave u… me this house, the kingdom thought you were dead, so she gave it to me only”

“I got directions from a citizen”

“oh, of course, let me go make some tea for you”

As Elanoire and Aswa drink tea together on a comfy sofa, they head upstairs, talking about what has happened, once they reach the bedroom, Elanoire gets on the bed, and calls for Aswa.

Aswa goes over and Elanoire grabs his head and presses his head against her flat chest, hugging his head, Aswa then gets up, pins her on the bed, and kisses, slowly taking her clothes off and Elanoire makes a slight sound

“Are you alright?”

Aswa asks blushing and shaking

“Y… yes finally we can be alone”

Elanoire said her face almost completely red.

As Aswa is kissing Elanoire slowly from her neck, down to her tighs, making love for the whole night.

Elanoire gets up early, and goes downstairs to make some breakfast, but suddenly someone knocks at the door and Elanoire walks to the door with her morning robes on, Elanoire opens the door and a group of soldiers are standing there.

Elanoire looks at the group a bit confusingly and asks

“Uhm, Morning? How can I help you?”

Then the group of soldiers ask Elanoire

“Lady Elanoire please move, we have been ordered to search your house”

“Well, how me the permit paper”

“I cannot, lady Elanoire”

“Well, then I am not letting you in”

“Please do not make this harder than it has to be!”

Aswa then walks down the stairs and the team sees him

The leader of the group then shouts

“Aswa! Capture him!”

The group of soldiers just barge in pushing Elanoire to the side, and Aswa then freezes to think what is going on, since he cannot use his powers and the group has full gear on.

Elanoire then gets up, her hands glow half white and blue, levitates the soldiers up in air, and throws them out of the house, and threathens them

“If you step inside this house one more time, I will give you pain that you have never experienced, you do not want that, do you?”

Elanoire shuts down the door aggressively and says

“Cmon Aswa, we eat, and we go see the queen what is going on”

“I… I’m sorry Elanoire I couldn’t do anything, I think it is about um… time to tell you, is it?”

“Tell me at the table, ok?”

Elanoire looked back and smiled


Elanoire then sits down at the table with Aswa and asks

“So, what?”

“Uhm, I do not know how to explain this, I did die, turn into ash, but my soul was captured by some creatures called “Nekelf” and they explained that they are accociated with the creator, and so my powers have been locked down, you know every one of us has the power to use magic, but our souls will be the ones to allow us to bend it at our own will, but however now in my position, my powers have been locked down for good, and I cannot use them”

“Do not worry, I have got more powerful since we last met! I will protect you, Aswa, forever”

Elanoire said with a big smile and leans towards Aswa, grabs his head and kisses him straight at his lips.

Aswa blushes and starts to feel something on his chest. It is the same feeling when he was watching romance tv shows back in his own world.

“Guess this is the feeling of true love”

Aswa was thinking inside his head

Elanoire then stands up and takes the dishes

“We should go talk to Amena now, I want to know what was that about”

They head out of the mansion, ask for a ride

“Hey, could we get a quick ride to the palace?”

“Sure! Anything for the defender of our insubstantial souls”

Once they arrive at the palace, Amena is just talking to Elanoire’s father Manrhim, the last standing general of the rising Empire of Firadia. (EOF)

Manrhim then looks back as Elanoire walks in with Aswa and shouts

“Aswa!? How are you alive?! And of course, you are with my daughter, hahahaa”

Manrhim slaps Aswa’s back

“Glad you’re back into the fight”

Manrhim salutes Aswa with a smile

Aswa salutes back and says

“Glad to see you’re alive and well also, Manrhim”

Manrhim then walks away saying

“I have a lot to do, so I will see you later, alright?”

Then Amena, the queen of Firadia asks nicely with a calm and sweet voice

“Could you please leave us alone? Just the three of us.”

“Of course, my fearless sovereign.”

As the guards leave alongside with the advisors Amena says

“Firstly, I am glad to see you are alive and well, Aswa, and now, Elanoire, I’ve been trying to make contac-“

But is interrupted rudely by Elanoire

“You tried to make contact with me by trying to force Aswa away from me?”

The queen looks at Elanoire with a shock on her face

“What? No?”

Elanoire then waves her arms around and says

“So a group of guards just happened to have your permission to barge in to my mansion?”

Then Aswa steps up also

“And also when I came back, I was attacked by guards without a reason”

The queen stands up

“You have to trust me! I would never do such a thing!”

“Then who would be behind this?”

The queen then requests the head of security, Manrhim’s most trustworthy commander.

The commander runs in to the palace immidatiely

“Yes, my queen?”

And the commander bows

“There is corruption among the ranks, find out who it is, and do what is necessary.”

“Yes, my sovereign”

“And now, the thing I supposed to say, Elanoire, I would like to send you in Romalinia, they have discovered an ancient spell, with nobody else being able to cast it, so would you like to try, and you could also train your basic skills also, you are a master of big and destructive skills, but how about when things get heated up near you without Aswa being able to protect you?”

Aswa clears his throat

“About, that. I cannot use my powers, I have lost them when I got back, a long story, nothing I can do, sorry my queen”

“Well, now I insist you to go to the Romalinian magic college.”

“But, how about Aswa?”

“He’ll come with you, don’t worry”

Amena smiled and reguested Manrhim to escort them to Romalinia

“You will be well protected, Elanoire.”

Elanoire and Aswa at their way to Romalinia, after packing their stuff.

“Well, now atleast we got time to talk, Aswa, about marrying my daughter, you ready yet?”


Elanoire shouted

Aswa then blushed and laughed

“I would be happy to marry your daughter, Manrhim, but the thing is..”

Manrhim interrupts Aswa

“I do know you don’t have your powers anymore, but I do know Elanoire truly loves you, and that is enough.”

“Thank you, sir”

As Elanoire and Aswa are in the palace talking with the Queen and Manrhim to wait for the escort to arrive ready to go to Romalinia, they wait for 3 hours. After it got there, Elanoire and Aswa hop on and they ride in the skies on their way to Romalinia.

When the escort arrives to the Romalinian territory, and immediately some wyverns arrive to question

“What is your business here?”

The leader of the wyvern force asked

Manrhim replied with a loud and strong voice

“We have been invited to the college of the Romalinia, by your leader, Ustafar.”

the Romalinian commnder then replies and says

“Please let us escort you to your location safely”

Elanoire then says confidently

“You may do so.”

Once Elanoire and Aswa steps off their transport vehicle, gazing at the ports of the college, the commander shows up, and says

“Oh right, sorry, these gates aren’t the typical kind of gates”

Then the commander proceeds casting a spell, that affects the whole gate to be covered in slight green mist, and the gate opens up.

Elanoire is amazed by the magic’s beautifulness

“Yeah, Aswa lets go in”

Aswa hesitates a little but goes after Elanoire anyways

“I am so exicted of what kind of spells we can learn here, I were completely speechless from the beautifulness of the spell that commander used to the gate to open it, weren’t you?”

“well I guess it was nice”

“What do you mean by “I guess”? Are you jealous?”

Elanoire said with a hand over her mouth covering her smile

Just as Aswa started to talk, the school bell rang and an announcement speakers went on

“Old students, please follow your basic schedule, new students, head to the ceremony hall, you can ask any teacher for directions if necessary.”

“Alright, Aswa! Lets go”

Elanoire said smiling full of excitement

she grabbed his hand and dragged Aswa to the ceremony hall and after a while, they got lost.

“uuh, Aswa, do you know where is the hall?”

“No, I have just been following you”

“well, this is certainly a bad way to start our new day”

a teacher then approaches from a room, and the door says “Staff only”

“look Aswa, a teacher, lets go ask”

But before they could open their mouth the teacher already knew they were lost

“Yes, children, I know you’re lost, follow me.”

Elanoire and Aswa then start to follow the teacher and Aswa asks

“So, are you heading for the ceremony aswell, teacher…?”

“Yes, and my name is Maria, I’m going to be the one who starts the ceremony, and then the school representive, aka. the president of the students, will continue from there”

Elanoire then whispers to Aswa

“Such straightforward answers, I’m going to like it here!”

Aswa then says quietly

“Yeah, I think I will like it here too, I hope atleast”

When Elanoire and Aswa reach the ceremony hall, they follow a guide for their seats and sit down.

Maria walks up to the stage quietly with a beautiful flower in hand

“New students of the school, I have high expectations of you, bring happiness and new powers upon our land.”

Maria places the flower then on an altar behind her, bowing down and says

“We will have a prayer for our god, Jauda-Alkatiba-Nemateria-lavertiba”

Everyone on the ceremony hall then bows down and prays with Maria

Maria starts to say the prayer out loud

“Our god of calamity, please keep lending us your power of greatness to keep out the darkness from our hearths, we truly are greatfull of everything you’ve done for us, may your name be clerished in the future. Amen”

Then Maria stands up and says

“Now, the schools student president will inform you all new students how your new day in the school will continue from now on”

(not important in the story in anyway so im not going to write it down, just basically simple and normal school stuff, events, making friends, food)

The day went pretty fast, and it is already evening.

Elanoire and Aswa walk into their room, without making any friends, since none of them really seemed interesting, and they’re not normal students anyway, so they need to talk with the president about why they’re there. After a good nights sleep of course.

The very next morning Elanoire has woken up early, and is just staring at Aswa sleeping and is thinking

“Finally, we are at peace, for now”

And Elanoire hugs Aswa, and Aswa wakes up, opens eyes and sees Elanoire hugging him tightly and Aswa smiles and puts his arms around Elanoire also tightly and says with a smile

“I love you, Elanoire”

“I love you too, Aswa”

Elanoire said blushing and eyes closed head pushed to Aswa’s chest.

After a while of hugging in bed, they get up and go to the school cafetaria for some breakfast, and they see the president in the cafetaria also, so they take their breakfast, and Aswa follows Elanoire to the president, and tell her why they’re there.

As Elanoire has already sat down speaking with the president, Aswa sits down also, 1 chair away from Elanorie, and Elanorie didn’t like this and says with strict souding voice

“What do you think you’re doing? Aswa? Get next to me”

Aswa then looks at Elanoire and says

“Oh, yeah sorry Elanoire”

Then the president, “Linske” saysher eyes closed with a smile

“Oh, I see how your relationship is, Elanoire is in the command of the relationship, rare to see such relationship, usually the woman is the one who follow the man, but however you’re different, I like that, and also, for your situation as I have been informed already, you will participate in a different class, you will participate in a class of the highend, the class that will graduate next, they’re learning spells, that you can use, since I’m pretty sure from your history, you know pretty much the basics, you’re welcome”

And the president then just stands up, and waves her hand to them

“See you”

Elanoire and Aswa eat their breakfast, Aswa being quiet as always and Elanoire talking all the time without a break about their exciting time at the school, after a while once they’re done with their breakfast, they get up and Elanoire asks directions from the chef for the classroom.

“Um, excuse me?”

Then a chef turns around


“Can I get directions for the highend class?”

“Uh, yes sure, you go straight from that door over there and turn left, and the class is on the right, you’ll see it, and… would you like a map around the school? You seem new, I think you could use it”

“Well, if you would be so kind to give us a map, that would be great!”

The chef hands Elanoire the map

“I wish you a great luck and happiness during your time on our school”

“Thank you”

Elanoire grabs Aswa’s hand and they storm rightaway to the class without taking a break.

“What’s the hurry, Elanoire?”

“I want to learn the new spells!”

They arrive at the class door, and the teacher in the class notices the 2 new faces president of the students informed her about.

“Welcome! This is the 4th, and final class of the school! We will be lerning the last and final spells of offensive and defensive magic that no other school can teach, I assume you’re Elanoire and Aswa?”

Elanoire answers energetically

“Yes! I’m Elanoire, and he next to me is Aswa”

“Please take your seats in the class, there isn’t much space left, but I’m sure theres enough space for you two, and also, just so you know, that we have the president, and the princess in the same class, so I suggest for you to behave”

The teacher said with a big natural smile

Aswa and Elanoire get separated, since there isn’t much space in the class, Aswa gets next to the princess of the country, and Elanoire gets next to the president of the students in the school.

Elanoire sees that the princess started to talk to Aswa, and Aswa seemed like he didn’t care, so she got up, and went to whisper Aswa

“Aswa, That’s the princess of the country, show some respect!”

“I know, she’s the princess, but I do not care”

“Aswa, you will start to care or I’ll hang you to the roof from your balls”

Elanoire said angrily with her hand in a fist.

Aswa nodded and smiled slightly while Elanoire went back to her seat.

Then the teacher continues her lesson, and the princess says

“You’re a quiet one, and a big one”

Then the princess starts to laugh with her friends while Aswa doesn’t even care and Elanoire looks at Aswa again, clueless what happened.

Once the lesson ends, they go to practice the spells they learned, Elanoire being top of the class, even the princess and the president are below her, then the princess approaches Aswa with a group of friends as they are leaving the field to their dorms, and start pushing and bullying Aswa, Aswa does nothing and once they stop bullying him, the princess says


and they leave, Aswa gets up and walks into his dorms, Elanoire ready with her whip, and is about to whip Aswa with it, but sees the bruises and little blood on him

“What were you doing with the pri- What happened to you, Aswa!?”

“I… um”

“Tell me who did this!”

“T… The princess and her friends, I… don’t quite like schools, always bad memories from them”

“Oh, yeah, sorry for dragging you in here, I didn’t remember yous history, and the prevorious school”

Elanoire hugs Aswa and says

“I’ll make sure she wont touch you again, Aswa”

The very next morning Elanoire walks right beside Aswa, and gives an extremely angry look to the princess, and tells the other student to switch their place

“Would you please switch your place so I can sit right beside my friend?”

“No, I’m within the princesses group”

“Well, then I’m going to force you from that seat”

Elanoire grabs the student, and burns her clothes to ashes, and summoning a harmless nasty snake on her, crawling all over her body, and she runs away

“Well, now she’s deal with, Aswa lets sit, I’ll protect you from her”

The princess then says to Elanoire

“What did you do to my friend? Don’t you know im the prince-“

Elanoire then interrupts the princess and says

“I do not care, touch my husband again-“

Elanoire blushes and clears her throat and gets closer to the princess with threathening face

“And I will crush you, and this whole country if I have to, got it?”

Then the princess stands up, and shouts

“Are you threathening me?! The princess of Romalinia?!”

“Yes, I am”

Then the teacher says to the princess to calm down, she doesn’t know who she is dealing with

then the president says

“Yes, you do not want to piss off this lady right here”

The princess stomps the floor and shouts

“Guards! Execute this lady right here and right now for threathening me, the royal daughter of Romalinia, and the whole country, she is a threat!”

Guards storm in the class, and the teacher tries to stop the guards to tell whats going on but they push right through the teacher, going to the stairs to the top row where Elanoire and Aswa is then Aswa says

“Elanoire, please you do not-“

Elanoire tells Aswa to shut up

“Shush, I will protect my powerless husband, since you have risked your life countless times for me, and showed me the way to your hearth for me”

Aswa then blushes and stays quiet as the guards come up

“Lady Elanorie! You are underarrest for execution, come with us immediately!”

Then Elanoire’s friend from the class also stand up, and protect her, since they know exactly that she has the right to protect herself like that.

Elanoire casts a stunning spell on the guards, and her friends snare the guards to their place for aslong as they need to be still for the princess to understand the situation

Elanoire then stomps her foot to the table the princess is shocked and scared

“Let this be a lesson for you, do not touch my husband, or I will truly hang you to my backyard, GOT IT? Now, you can ask about our situation in your country from your advisor, but I will damn sure make you regret it next time you touch Aswa”

Elanoire then gets back to her seat, next to Aswa, and her new friends unsnare the guards, and the princess tells them to go away.

“right, this situation got solved I think we should continue the lesson tomorrow, after a situation like this, none of us can think clearly after, so take rest of the day off”

The teacher got up and said as the other students in the class stares at Elanoire, the princess looking like she was beaten up.

Elanoire and Aswa then get up and say

“Remember, Linske, touch him, and you will regret it”

Linske swallows loudly as the students stare Elanoire

Elanoire and Aswa head to a medical bay, to check if he has any infections, and to seal off all possible wounds that could open, since they couldn’t treat Aswa themselves at their dorms.

Aswa were almost fully recovered from the injuries Linske did to him, and they head to their dorms and talk about what just happened, they take a nap, for 2 hours, the clock is 15:33,  and at 17:45, they went to the park through the cafetaria for some food, and spend the rest of their day there, and they meet the princess at the park.

Elanoire gets infront of Aswa

“Get behind me, Aswa, this might get ugly”

Linske then walks right past Elanoire without saying a word, but then she stops and says

“I talked with my advisor, Elanoire, and I am sorry for my actions”

“Don’t be sorry for me, ask for forgiveness from Aswa, dumb bitch”

Linske winshes and smiles to Elanoire

“Aswa, I am truly sorry for what I did, could I get your forgiveness?”

Aswa then looks at Linske with an emotionless face, and walks away from Elanoire, and stops very close to Linske’s face, breathing straight to her foreheaed, since she is pretty small and says with a deep emotionless voice

“No, and if you touch me again, I will personally gut you, and put your head on my wall of my enemies, so I suggest, not to even look at me in the wrong way, got it?”

Linske the closes her eyes, and puts her hand into a fist whispering

“Do not talk to me like that… or else”

Aswa’s hand starts to glow, and Elanoire knows that Aswa shouldn’t be able to use his powers and is shocked

“Or what?... You touch me… or Elanoire, and I WILL kill you, and destroy your whole pathetic country with you, so don’t you DARE, to touch me”

Linske then falls to the ground and her eyes starts to tear up, her friends from yesterday then goes to her, and helps her up, and looks at Aswa like they’re scared to their death.

“Uhm, Aswa?”

“Yes, Elanoire?”

“You hand were glowing just now”

“Oh, really?”

“Yeah, I think we should go to the magical professor, the very head of the school, he may help us with your situation”

Elanoire and Aswa then sit on a bench, eat their food they got from the cafetaria, and head to the highest tower of the school, there is stairs all the way up, but there also is an elevator, so they take the elevator, and ask about Aswa’s situation, and even after Elanoire could say anything, the professor says

“I’m busy, Aswa’s powers are controlled by his emotions from now on, now go, I’m extremely busy”

Elanoire just stands there amazed by how powerfull the wizard is, he answered to them, knew their name and when to say it without even looking.

Elanoire asks

“Since you seem to know a lot of stuff, what are the symbols that appear to Aswa’s body?”

“They are runes made by the creators mother, Emathriel, Aswa will be the one to banish the everlasting darkness from this universe, the runes are there to keep his powers in check, since he is not ready for his full power, there is a big chance for him being corrupted by the power he has, now go”

“Thank you”

Elanoire bows to the Wizard, and they leave the tower, leaving the Wizard alone as he wished.


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