EAFLS [CHAPTER 4] Old scars give more pain than new ones.

Elanoire and Aswa’s been on school for 3 months now, half way until Roger should come back.
“Hey, Aswa, it’s been 3 months since Roger went to the blue mountains of balance, he should be back in 3 months. Can’t wait to hear his reason why did he even go there and why was he chased by the army? And why didn’t my father say anything?”
“I’m sure everything will be revealed when the time comes, and I’m sure your brother is alright”
“Well, I indeed hope so”

Elanoire and Aswa wakes up the next morning to a knocking sound on the balcony window.
“Maybe it’s the princess”
Elanoire stands up and opens the curtains for the window, but nobody’s there.
“Weird, I wonder what was that, or who, and I’m sure I heard a knocking sound, didn’t you too, Aswa?”
“Yeah, I did hear, and yet still nobody’s there, weird”
But suddenly a rock is thrown from the window, or so they thought.
“A rock?”
“No! It’s a grenade!”
Then quickly Elanoire grabs Aswa and takes cover, Elanoire casts a protective ball around the grenade
“Why would someone throw a grenade in our room?!”
“I don’t know, we need to report about this immediately to the staff of the school defenses”
Elanoire said rushing to the hallway out of their room
Once Elanoire and Aswa are at the defense staff room, nobody’s there.
“Weird, they’re here almost all the time, let’s take a look around”
Elanoire said curiously and a bit scared
Then the enemy invasion siren starts up
 “The siren?! This has to be something really big, not just an assassin! C’mon! Follow me, I know a shortcut out!”

Elanoire grabs Aswa’s hand and they head to a secret entrance door, that seems broken and they head in.
When they go around the corner they see a horrific view. All of the School defense staff dead, some of them were hanged to the roof, some of them were cut limbless, some headless, and the floor were full of blood.

Elanoire falls to her knees says
“This can’t be, why is this happening? This is only a school!”
And Elanoire bursts into tears
“Now is not the time to cry Elanoire! We need to take action! Don’t you want to revenge whoever did this?!”
“Yeah, I want to burn every. Single. One of them.”
Elanoire gets up
“That’s the Elanoire I know!”
“C’mon, let’s go burn some fuckers”
Elanoire and Aswa head out of the school defense staff building and go to the school safe place, and they knock the secret code, if someone’s inside, they know it’s someone from the school. They head in and the school teachers and all of the students are there.

“Thank god you 2 are ok! I thought you were dead! The school defense staff should be taking control any second now! So no worries”
“All of the school defense staff have been killed, they’re all in parts and hanged in the school defense building. We were just there.”
The principal starts panicking and says
“Well, uhm… do not panic! We will survive this”
“Me and Elanoire will deal with this, you all can just sit here, right Elanoire?”
“Yes, you all just sit here we’ll be back in max 5 hours, if not, we’re probably captured or killed”
“You are the students of my school! I can’t make such risk!”
Then Elanoire asks the principal to come talk with them alone.

Elanoire and Aswa show the principal their badges, and the principal lets them to deal with the threat that has taken over the school.

Aswa heads to the door with Elanoire but then suddenly out of nowhere Aswa is struck with an arrow.

Elanoire takes cover and has to leave Aswa for a little while alone lying on the open and Elanoire casts a protective barrier right in between of the cover and Aswa.
Then the Firadian elite defense force (FEDF) rushes in through the gates and the informer in the defense force casts a loud warning speaking spell that only those who’ve been registered as Firadian can hear
“If somebody’s outside of the school building, get inside! We’re clearing the yard.”
Then a couple fire manipulators with engineers on a wyrm are flying in and shoot multiple (nondestructive to buildings) rockets and they should play a sound once an enemy dies. But nothing’s playing.
Then FEDF squad Fury goes inside the building, Speedy squad following behind. They get in from the front door and they all get exploded to bits.
Elanoire looks away while trying to heal Aswa.
FEDF sends their “Carapac”, highly armored squad in. With Commandos following further behind.
It explodes again but nothing happens and Carapac’s destroy the traps and they do a group spell that disables every single active trap inside the building, including defensive spells. The protective spell that protected the school students and teachers is deactivated and Aswa wakes up.
“Wh… what happened?”
Aswa said sounding that he’s in huge amount of pain.
Then the enemy arrives at the room where’s all teachers and students, doesn’t notice Elanoire and Aswa and starts casting a spell. Elanoire jumps on this dark figure but the dark figure hits Elanoire and Elanoire is thrown at unbelievable speed and force to the wall, Aswa shouting after her.
“Elanoire! Noo!”
Aswa collapses. And loses consciousness.
After Aswa’s been on the ground for a while Aswa opens his eyes glowing dark.¨
“A, Aswa?”
Aswa starts hovering in the air and turns his head aggressively at the enemy as it tries to attack Aswa, Aswa kicks the enemy’s face in and releases dark light power to the enemy. Causing all other enemies in the school to disappear and then releases a massively powerful strike to the main enemy right in front of Aswa, causing it to explode to bits
Aswa drops down hitting his head and everyone in the school, including the dead soldiers, but not the defense staff of the school, wakes up, and heads to the teachers and students, they come out after a while and the nurse of the school runs to Elanoire that she’s been crying all this time
“What’s wrong? Where’s Aswa?”
Elanoire points at the corner and the nurse says
“It’s alright, he’s just sleeping, he’s not dead”
The nurse smiles and grabs Elanoire
“Let’s get you and Aswa nursed back to health”
Elanoire and Aswa is carried to the medical room, when suddenly the war siren starts playing
“What… what’s going on?”
Aswa mumbled as he started to wake up
“I… I don’t know, but are you ok, Aswa?”
“N… not sure, I can’t feel my hands yet fully.”
Then the nurse quickly casts a see through armor ball as the school rumbles fully from a strike of an enemy.
Nurse de casts the armor ball saying
“Ok, Firadia is under siege by enemy forces! We quickly have to get to the emergency shelter!”
As the nurse and Elanoire with Aswa are running towards the emergency shelter Elanoire and Aswa get separated from the nurse by a fiery cannonball exploding right on the nurse
“Oh, oh god!”
Elanoire starts panicking by the horrific site of the nurse being exploded to bits right in front of Elanoire
“Now, ugh, now’s not the time to panic, Elanoire! We need to get to the shelter! Quick!”
Aswa said after almost collapsing again
Aswa and Elanoire get to the shelter as the defense forces rush in to the enemy to stop them firing the city
After couple hours a group of Firadian defense soldiers come and get everyone in the shelter for safety.

                                                          3 Months later on the war that’s going on
A messenger comes and informs that the Firadian defense forces have pushed the enemy attack away from our borders and the elite defense mechanism has been awakened by our ally, dwarfs. And the 9 gods that possesses and protects this very globe is watching over us.
As the messenger leaves Aswa asks Elanoire
“What are the nine gods?”
Elanoire clears her throat
“There originally were 12, 3 of them were the blue god that our family worships, we have only a small fragment of blue gods power after she was destroyed. And then there is the White god, whose power we have, you being my assistant. And, then there is the god that was created by the blue, and white god to do the nasty stuff for them, but he was corrupted by the 8 other gods that did not accept the actions of blue god, the Dark spirit, it manipulated the 7 other gods to its side, turning against these 2 gods, at this time the godly power the 2 were creating was not complete yet, so they were greatly outnumbered.
These 7 gods were:

saules dieviete, the goddess of the sun, Dea vitae natura, god of nature, and then lastly, Loremgitis, god of love, SpesetvotaDeus, god of wishes and hope, Wrath of the Dragon, nobody knows its real name but it created most of this worlds creatures, its most powerful and biggest creation were the dragons. And then there is Dismay Jumalatar, god of the deepest nightmare you have, god of horror, and lastly Calamity, its real name is not calamity, we call it calamity because his name is difficult to pronounce but I’ll try to,
Jauda Alkatiba Nemateri ālāvērtība
I think that was right?”
“Intresting! But, uhm… Dis… may? Jumalatar? Jumalatar means god, right?”
“Yeah, how… did you know?”
“It’s language from my world, Finnish”
“F… Finnish? You are Finnish?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“ok, prepare for another story. Our world, in the ancient times, the world were corrupted by presidents, that leaded the countries and trashing the whole world, making the air almost unbearable with their technology. So one day a small peaceful country next to a superpower at their time were starting to get overwhelmed with the amount of shit in the air, Finland were the most clean country at that time.
So they started to create an unstoppable army with the unnoticed help by the blue and white god, this were happening 200 years before blue and white gods death. So Finland started a war against the Russians, they won easily then the world war 3 started and the NATO, which was a group of powerful countries at that time united together, to declare a way against Finland, and their allies, Germany, Swedish, all of the Nordic countries and most of Europe. Finland fought NATO for 13 years, Finland eventually won, and then the earth, what it was called, started to clean the air and the ground for the next 187 years, the very next year after 187 years, the dark spirit attacked the 2 gods, and earth’s population were destroyed in the process, blue god sealed their creation (unknown power, is what we call it, to earth, giving the next generation of humans magical powers. And now we’re here.”
“wow, I am from the past in this world. Fascinating”
Then the queen of Firadia informs via a spell to everyone in Firadia.
”we have to be prepared to evacuate the country, Sweridge, Dansaki have been fallen, Norsaki and Gremania is under siege, and Gremania is about to fall to the hands of the enemy forces, so it is likely we have to evacuate, please do not panic and go to your closest evacuating ship, if you cannot find evacuating ship, ask a guard in the streets for advice, they will help you further.”
“We will have to go to my family house and see what will happen now”
as everyone is heading out from the restaurant building they see fire balls shooting from the sky towards the city.
“Wh… what are those?!”
Said the crowd exiting the restaurant in panic
“Everyone get behind me!”
Gither said rushing out of his restaurant and running in front of the people raising height and muscles to his body shouting
Lune, mars et pluto donne moi toute ta puissance!"
the fireballs explode when they touch Gither and the crowd falls to the ground from the impact of the explosions.
Suddenly Aswa hears a strange voice in his head, it sounds like Gither’s voice.
"I’m giving you my powers, reason will find you when the time makes contact with its rightful place."
And Aswa passes out.
Once the fireballs stopped firing, Elanoire notices Aswa that he’s lying on the ground
“Hey, Aswa you alright? The impact was quite strong”
“y… yeah I’m okay. Just fell”
Gither looks back straight to Aswa as the sun shines in the background, making Gither’s tattoos glow.
“Alright, let’s do what the queen asked us to do!”

Elanoire and Aswa heads to the princess for information and orders what they should do in situation like this, the princess asks Aswa to leave the room, this is private chat only for Elanoire.
As Aswa leaves the room the princess then bows at Elanoire and begs her to go alone to the front lines and leave Aswa behind because the world needs someone to carry the power with them, and so the rest of the country can flee, the enemy has already broken through out defenses, and occupied all of our other cities of Firadia. The enemy will reach our city in a day, we will be able to evacuate most of the people of Firadia, but not all, if you with your power are not there to slow them down, for honor.
Elanoire looks at the princess her eyes wet, I’ll do it, it is the Hyachist family most honorable last command, future queen.

Elanoire goes down on her knees head down as the princess blesses Elanoire, then suddenly Elanoire’s spirit animal comes out, the fox talks to Aswa what was told to Elanoire, Aswa hears the fox clearly, but he says nothing, and shows no emotions to the fox, as the fox starts to slowly disappear, Elanoire comes out of the room, grabs Aswa’s hand and they head to the docks, Elanoire looks at Aswa as she is holding Aswa’s hands
“I will be staying here, you, will escape with the others from the noble family of Firadia”
Aswa looks at Elanoire and starts crying and hugs Elanoire as he knows that this is not going to happen, the fox gave Aswa a potion that makes her lose conciseness so Aswa could save Elanoire’s life.
Aswa gives a couple tears and Elanoire asks.
“I know Aswa, but this has to happen, and… uhm… this might sound a bit too forward, but would you like to create a marriage between us? I want to feel like wanted and to give you my marriage animal for your memory of me”
Aswa blushes and looks away
“Y… yes”
“you’re easily controlled by women, you know”
Elanoire smiled to Aswa

Elanoire takes Aswa’s hand and they get themselves needed stuff for their marriage, they feast a bit with the food they bought from nearby market in a church, Aswa and Elanoire then once Aswa made Elanoire drink the potion fox gave to Aswa they get to their positions on the church’s altar, they speak to each other through their minds, hover her hands over an animal that comes to life and dies to a separation of marriage. And the animal comes to life, if both persons want to have a connection with each other.
When Elanoire uses her magic to make the animal come to life, if they both want the connection between each other, the animal comes to life, Elanoire collapses due to the potion Aswa gave Elanoire, Aswa carries Elanoire to outside, with the animal and says to Albert
“We don’t know each other very well but please take care of Elanoire for me, I know you like her”
“I will, thank you, Aswa, I will take care of her until you come back, I will protect her with my life”

Then Aswa proceeds to the way the enemy is coming from, starts meditating, his eyes are glowing his spirit talking to him, what’ll happen, and it says
“You will die with a chance of 100%”
“protect Elanoire with the last breath of your lung”
“Very well, I will make sure the enemy won’t reach Elanoire”
The enemy closes in and Aswa stands up, looks at the enemy with an emotionless face
The enemy comes closer and closer and the commander of the first legion then shouts to Aswa
“Get out of the way, or we WILL take action and run you down.”
Aswa just stands still emotionless and the commander flashes right in the face of Aswa and tries to slice his throat.
And Aswa takes the blade from the commander, and snaps it in half grabs this commander’s head whispering
“Take your army away right now, or you all will perish to the deepest part of hell I will make personally for you.”
The commander laughs
“This child thinks he can take ALL OF US alone! Can you believe this retarded child!? Ahahaa”
Aswa strikes the commander with his right hand and snaps this commander’s neck.
“I will tell you 1 more time, walk away, and you will see another day with your children and family.”
The army starts rushing at Aswa.
Aswa breaths slow, and deep couple times, blue smoke comes out of his nose when exhaling.
First group of enemies attack Aswa, and Aswa jumps up and shoots a white triangle of power to the ground, exploding the whole group and the groups around it.
“Last warning, walk away, RIGHT NOW, or you all WILL be perished.
Aswa draws his Kinika as the whole army is terrified of Aswa’s power, but then the dark spirit steps in.
“Army, he’s just one person, versus 1 person, KILL HIM, or I will give you even more painful death than he does.”
The whole Army then starts running towards Aswa as Kylier and Vectra reveal themselves too.
“oh, so this is how things will go, huh?”
Aswa’s eyes, with glowing tattoos all around his body start appearing too.
“Let’s get this blood flowing… hehehee”
Then the spiritprotector of Aswa comes and says
“You will die! It is not too late to escap…”
Aswa then unsummons his spirit protector with this strong will.
“I know… I know, I’m doing this for the person I love to live a happy, long, harmless life.”
“very well, I cannot help you in situation like this, you need to do it on your own. I am sorry.”
“it’s okay”
Aswa then dashes forward to the enemy slicing and killing enemies rapidly, once the second wave of attack has been defeated, archers shoot straight as Aswa, but Aswa is standing still only breaking arrows which would hit Aswa with the power of his true knowledge.
Then the dark spirit himself walks in saying
“Halt! I will deal with him myself since you rats can’t do it.”¨
“Don’t be so sure”
The dark spirit dashes in cutting Aswa’s hand slightly
“Ouch, so defenseless”
The dark spirit said with a grin on his face
Aswa is shocked by the power and speed of the dark spirit, and he gets hit again by the dark spirit with more powerful attack, slicing deep into his left hand.
The dark spirit laughs
“you seriously are so, so vulnerable”
Aswa falls on his knees and mumbles quietly shocked
“How, how? I cannot die now, I need to hold them back longer, for Elanoire to to survive…”
Just when the dark spirit is about to attack, a powerful blue shockwave of power stops time, and a bright blue figure starts talking to Aswa.
“I’ve been watching you, and you are the person I have been trying to find, let my power guide you through this battle for your loved one.”
just when the dark spirits blade is about to touch Aswa, he instantly stands up and takes hold of this blade glowing blue and breaks the blade
“Oh, I see, so this is your true form, well let’s see what will happen if I do THIS!”
The dark spirit releases a powerful line of power right at the ship where Elanoire is.

Elanoire wakes up from the potion.
“Wh… where am I…”
“You are on an evacuating ship, Aswa begged me to replace your duty to him and asked me to say this
“I love you, Elanoire, I will protect you with my life, like a real man should do to a woman he loves.”
Elanoire starts crying while she stands up and shouts over the railing
and she falls over her knees while her father walks over to Elanoire
“You found a real man, I will not force you to marry anybody anymore, if you do not wish so, Aswa gave his life for you to live a happy life, respect it and use this chance he gave to you to do as he wishes.”
“Yes… *sniff* you’re right, father.”

Aswa jumps up right at the beam and he falls to the ground, with no pulse, or track of power left in him.
“C’mon, let’s continue, those ships are too far to catch now.”
the dark spirit said looking down on Aswa.

“They’re not coming after us, sir!”
Said one of the Firadian soldiers onboard of the ship to the Last general of Firadia, Elanoire’s father.
But suddenly there’s a big explosion on the battlefield.
“What was that, scout, can you see what happened?”
“It’s some little men, fighting the dark spirit’s forces!”
Elanoire’s father immediately commands all the ships to take turn back to the field and prepare to attack without questions.
Elanoire looks at the animal Aswa bought, and it’s glow is fading, which means Aswa’s power is fading slowly too.
“Father, Aswa is still alive! Let’s hurry!”
Elanoire said with a bit of hope in her voice
“Boss! The ships are turning around, and the dwarven soldiers are outmaneuvering and killing our troops rapidly, soon they will reach this place! We need to fallback!”
The black spirit then jumps up and points his fingers to the ground, a beam of dark light comes out and all the soldiers start to run to a portal, to fallback.
“They’re falling back! But Their commander is taking the boy with him, sir!”
Then Manrhim takes off his shirt eyes closed his huge muscular body showing up.
“Don’t worry my child, I will get your boy back”
Manrhim smiled to Elanoire and jumped to the battlefield
a huge dust cloud comes form the impact of the jump Manrhim’s jump
“Give the boy back, spirit of darkpowers.”
The dark spirit says nothing and just proceeds to go to the portal.
“I said… Give… the boy back…”
Manrhim rises his fist and dashes to dark spirit, but dark spirit blocks Manrhims punch like it was nothing and Manrhim jumps back
Then the dark spirit drops Aswa and puts its hands together and spells a magic word again, making the army to attack, but this time, all of the soldiers are enchanted with the power of dark spirit, soldiers are rushing out of the portal killing literally everything that stands on their way.
Manrhim growls quietly and flies back to the ship, commanding the ships to retreat quickly.
The dwarven soldiers are doing the same, retreating.
The dark spirit then leaves Aswa to die to the ground, and tells the Army to take control over Firadia.

                                                          After 3 days of lying on the ground, almost dead
Aswa wakes up in a cabin next to a person that looks like a high ranked commander, a woman, and she’s young.
“do not say anything, I will get you to a military school immediately, then you will fight for your life and future at the arena.”
and the commander curses Aswa to sleep for a time once they get to the school.
Aswa wakes up in a room, with 3 other people, they immediately gather around Aswa.
“What’s up little boy?”
Said one of the 3 boys in the room.
“I said, what’s up, little boy?”
and the boy punches Aswa
“What the fuck is your problem?!”
And Aswa tries to punch this boy back, but his powers wouldn’t activate, and he falls to the ground.
The 3 boys leaves the room laughing
“Beware, Aswa, you will feel the wrath of the 3 brothers of hell more”
Aswa then tries to make contact with his spirit, but nothing happens. and this… is how Aswa spent his couple months in school, getting bullied physically and mentally. And nobody’s there to help, even the teachers bully Aswa.
But this, this day is the worst.

Aswa goes to the class, and the teacher with most students looking at Aswa, calling him all sorts of bad names.
And then the teacher announces that they can send 1 person to the arena of death, and the survivor will be granted access for the real arena, from the class.
So the teacher chooses Aswa, against the 3 brothers, all of them same time.
Aswa gives no face, emotionless.
“The fight will happen Friday, in 3 days.”
After a hard schoolday, Aswa heads to his room, hoping the brothers isn’t there. And just when Aswa is about to sit down on his bed, the brothers come to the room, talk to Aswa that he had a secret pet, a dog called “Goljat”
and Aswa jumps a bit
“Did you do anything to it?!”
“Oh, look now, now he’s giving a reaction, hehee… great.”
Then the second brother throws the dog head in front of Aswa, and Aswa falls over his knees completely, crying, holding the head, and the brothers get out of the room talking how pathetic Aswa is.
Aswa keeps crying over the dog’s head and after a while his body is lightened up by some symbolic lines, he doesn’t notice it.
It’s been 3 days, and it’s the time to go to the arena, a teacher comes to get Aswa and grabs Aswa’s hand tightly.
“Come here, you pathetic fat piece of shit!”
When Aswa is at the arena, the brothers are already there, and the full crowd is cheering the brothers, but a little group is in cloaks, they don’t want to be noticed, or known.
The fight starts in. 3…2…1… FIGHT!
The brothers immediately start shouting to Aswa.
“How have your doggy been?”
“Have your eyes been bleeding?”
The brothers are just bullying the last time
“It’s time to end your pathetic life, kind of sad really. You never EVER fought back, if you really loved that dog, why didn’t you fight back the first time? Your pet would live right now and you wouldn’t be on this condition, or in this situation.”
The oldest of the brothers said close to Aswa.
Then the group take a long look at Aswa while his arms are slowly getting these symbolic lines.
“Nobody actually never loved you, Aswa”
“Firadia has fallen over to the dark spirit, and you couldn’t do anything to protect your loved ones, that never actually loved you”
“How does it feel to DIE soon?”
One of the brothers punch Aswa really hard.
“This is what I mean, Aswa, you don’t fight back, why?”
The oldest brother said and then gives a hard punch straight at Aswa
But Aswa stops the fist, a huge impact and a dust cloud appears.
“You might be right, nobody never really loved me, the dog was my only friend, and touching my real friend, in this situation, a dog, was your worst, fucking, mistake.”
Aswa then twists this brothers arm, and rips it off with a straight face.
The 2 young brothers shouts to the big brother as Aswa rips his arm off, and just about when he’s about to die to blood loss, he says
“Finally, yo… you fought back, pathetic, you didn’t do it earlie…r”
Then the cloaked group stands up as the whole other crowd cheers Aswa, for the brutality
“You fucker!”
Aswa stops the second brother coming in, and punches his face just slightly and he falls to the ground hard.
“How does it feel to lose someone you love? Huh?”
Aswa said while squatting over this second brother the third brother is about to attack Aswa with his full power, and Aswa stands up and takes the punch like it was nothing.
“That was your best shot? huh? Well, Mirlo the second brother of hell, look closely.”
Aswa then gets behind this third, youngest brother in a blink of an eye, and twists this boy’s neck slowly, until a slight crack.
“MURI! You… HOW?!”
“He’s not dead, I just paralyzed him.”
And then the arena bell rings for emergency, the teachers come in
Then Aswa says to the teachers as they are rushing in.
“Wasn’t this supposed to be arena of death?”
Then Aswa quickly warps behind Mirlo punches him really hard to his liver, the most painful spot in the human body to take a hit, a dust cloud from the arena’s dirt floor appears once again, and once it’s gone off, Mirlo is dead, the punch was strong enough to kill him.
The youngest brother, Muri, is crying
“Ohh… don’t cry, actually, I’ll end your sadness now.
As The youngest, and the last brother of hell is screaming in pain and sadness fully straight from his lungs, Aswa cracks puts his finger slowly into his eyes, and then slowly starts to twist his neck, until it’s completely broken, and the boy dead.”
“Now then, who will be next, the teachers?”

Then the crowd jumps straight to the arena.
“You, are the man our queen of Firadia is looking for, will you join us!?”
“Firadia? Fuck no, I am Aswa Morina, they betrayed me, never came back to me, and now that I have gotten my powers you’re interested? Hah, go die.”
The crowd starts to panic and then one more small girl rushes in from the roof, leaving a huge impact of power, making all of the teachers fall over, and then this girl takes her cloak off, it’s Elanoire, and casts a spell of power that pierces right through all of the teachers. And runs to Aswa, tries to hug him.
“Get away from me, thank you for giving me a chance to get away from this hell hole, but you, Elanoire, know really fucking good that betrayal is the only thing I will never forgive nor forget.”
Then the soldiers of Firadia snare Aswa to his place.
“Release me now, or you WILL regret it, I am giving you a chance to get out of here alive, just because you are Firadian, I will not say this again.”
Then Elanoire hugs Aswa again and starts crying
“Don’t say I betrayed you, I have been trying to find you all these years, all over the world, and I finally found you”
Elanoire said while completely falling over her knees, Aswa starts crying with a straight face
“I’m sorry but I know exactly what happened, the commander that saved me, told me that you sent me here, and now, since that happened, and you still have now released me YET, if I will have to break myself out, I will break your bodies the same.”
Then Elanoire says
“Release him, I know him good, when he’s like this he really means what he’s saying.”
Then Elanoire asks Aswa
“Can I give you a hug 1 last time?”
Then Elanoire whistles, and a dog runs at Aswa
and Aswa pushes Elanoire away.
”Did you try to do somet…”
Aswa sees Goljat, fully intact and healthy
And Aswa breaks completely hugging Goljat as Goljat licks Aswa’s face
“Will you listen to me now, Aswa?”
“Say what you have to say.”
Elanoire casts a spell to both of them, when it’s impossible to lie.
“Okay, tell me now, Elanoire, impossible to lie spell is upon us.”
“The commander betrayed us, and I told her to get you to our ship, but took you here instead, out of envy of your power, wanted to see you suffer, and took away your powers, but you somehow got your powers back with the power of your soul, and Goljat is alive because I made a copy just the moment Goljat was about to… you know, and warped the real Goljat to me, so they killed a magical copy of Goljat, I’m sure you remember those soldiers you fought against when we met the second time.”
Then Aswa hugs Elanoire.
“Thank you, Elanoire, I… um…”
“I know, I know… no need to say it”
Elanoire said as she is hugging Aswa.


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