EAFLS [CHAPTER 1] Beginning of beautifullness and deep love.

                                                         CHAPTER 1
Aswa is 17 years old male student in a Technical school and wakes up in the morning at 7.30 am.
He doesn’t need much time to wake up in the morning and he sometimes has thoughts of some ghosts or someone watching him from beyond this world. He thinks it's just his own imagination.

Aswa gets up and starts walking on soft carpet and is on his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth, school is starting in 45 minutes so he has plenty of time. He starts brushing his teeth and has a weird feeling again that someone or something is watching him from beyond this world, he ignores it, it’s been a while now so he's done brushing his teeth and starts to put some clothes on, he decided to put on some nice clothes on this time because usually he's wearing boring black clothes.

Aswa’s parents has American car with v8 motor "Dodge Ram Van B250" from the 90's v8 motors are Aswa's favorite type of car engine since it sounds cool and the engine it’s in usually is on a cool looking car.
Aswa forgot to take his helmet so he goes back in and takes the helmet from table and his motorcycle keys and heads back outside. He puts the helmet on his head and the keys to the keyhole and starts up his motorcycle.

Aswa likes motorcycles too, especially Honda CBR, it looks nice, durable and fast. He lets his motorcycle running for a while to heat up the engine. He moves his motorcycle to get ready to drive.
Aswa begins to drive to school he still has 30 minutes left till school starts so he has plenty of time left, the way to school should take only about 17 minutes anyways. He arrives at the school, and he sees his friends rounded up on a table, almost the whole class. Aswa's friends invite him over but he refuses because he's an introvert so he doesn’t like to be in a group. The class starts so he starts walking down stairs to change his clothes so he can go to the work hall, he's a student in vocational school, builder site. He's a bit overweight but that doesn’t stop him working as hard as others on his class.

Aswa’s at the change room door and starts opening it but suddenly he almost falls on his knees and feels dizzy and a bit nauseous.
His friends see this and runs over to him and one of them ask
"What’s wrong buddy?"

Aswa replies while getting back up
His friends know Aswa lied, but they leave him be anyway.

Aswa opens his locker and puts his work clothes on and he heads upstairs to the work hall and the teacher "Mikko”
Gets on the workhall and says
“I'll be going to construction sites to check out on some of our classes students how they are doing, so I will be away almost the whole day”
Aswa should start laying bricks but he's feeling a little lazy so he goes over talking to his friends.
Aswa is closing in one of his friends his arms on his pockets with a happy feeling inside
One of his friends called “Niko” facing his phone while he’s playing a game
“Hi Aswa, Do you know this game?”
Aswa answers while taking his hands out of his pockets
“No…? Should I?”
after a long day of school, Aswa leaves the work hall and goes downstairs to change his clothes.

Aswa heads out of the school building. Aswa starts up his motorcycle and he decides to go to a shop to buy some mineral water, he goes to the mineral water shelf and takes it and buys it at the shopkeeper, Aswa heads out and he randomly passes out.

Aswa wakes up on grassland where’s trees around him and some weird looking animals that look like a fox, but it has 2 tails and sabretooths, and also it it’s a bit bluish. He opens his mineral water and takes a little sip wondering
“What the fuck?”

Aswa starts panicking and thinking what happened and how to get back and then he sees this short girl with long pink hair being robbed he goes help the girl but then the robber sees this strange looking boy and throws a knife at him but then blue little particles swirls around him as he dodges the dagger and the robber runs away dropping this girls bag.

Aswa asks this unknown girl a bit nervously putting his hands in his pockets once again
"Are you okay?"
Unknown girl huffs and crosses her arms on her chest
"Yeah I’m okay, I could have handled the situation you know”
This umknown girl then takes her bag back aggressively
Aswa chuckles a bit nervously scratching his leg inside his pocket
"Alright, well uh… what’s your name?"
The unknown girl looks upwards and says with a high pitched voice
"My name is Elanoire De La Hyachist. The daughter of Grand general of the Firadias defense and offensive forces."
"That’s a cool name! My name is Aswa Morina, What are you doing here anyways?"
The girl now identifies as Elanoire is petite short girl with a long pink hair.
"Oh, I’m from the magic school and I tried to summon a familiar again, and it didn’t go as planned"
Aswa gets a bit confused and gets more nervous
"Oh, what went wrong?"
Elanoire huffs angrily tightening her arms around her chest and raising her voice
"That’s none of your business, plebuskian!"
"Oh, alright then… well… have a nice day Elanoire La… De? De La Hyachist" Aswa said a bit relieved
Aswa starts walking the road that heads to the capital of Firadia. The road seems to lead into a big city called "Lakmut" located in a country called "Firadia" Aswa shortly realizes that it’s similar to "Finland" in his world. And Aswa walks down the road to “Lakmut”

Once Aswa arrives at the town he sees that this world has magic and is on medieval time.
“Well…that explains all the weird stuff I’ve seen so far”
Aswa was thinking while walking the streets of the capital city of Firadia
Aswa starts to explore the town trying to find shelter and food because the night is closing in he sees multiple shadows from dark streets have been watching him for a while now… Its dark outside and he has to get in a dumpster that looks similar that’s in his world he gets in it and starts to eat some trash he found… he falls asleep.

Aswa wakes up and shortly realizes that there’s a restaurant next to him.
“Luckily the dumpster wasn’t too smelly so I can try to get a job on that restaurant, but first to find a shelter, to be prepared for the next night.”
Aswa walks by the restaurant and the owner sees Aswa.
“Hey, Boy in need of a job? We have a spot open as a dishwasher”
Aswa accepts the job gladly and he gets straight to the job after the owner gave him some new clothes and real food…

The owner says after a while with a little smile on face while Aswa was putting his work clothes on
“My name is Gither, what’s yours?”
“Alright, Aswa, Come to me upstairs when you’re done, alright? My daughter will help you to get you started, her name is Jannise”

Aswa heads to the kitchen and begins to wash the dishes with Jannise.
It’s been a while and Aswa’s been quiet all the time.
Jannise puts dish brush away for a moment and leans to the washing sink
"So… you’re not one of the very talkative people, huh? But anyways, where are you from"?
"Well uhm… I’d rather not to say"
Said Aswa nervously thinking people will think he’s crazy
”oh… alright then… I’ll have to go prepare some rooms downstairs so call me if you need any help my dad's busy so don’t ask him alright?”
Said Jannise while taking off her apron, leaving it to the rack
Said Aswa sounding happy
Aswa finished for the day and goes to Gither upstairs
”I’m finished for the day”
Gither gives Aswa his payment of the day
”sleep here, it’s better to sleep on a sofa than in a smelly dumpster, wouldn’t it?”
"Yeah, uhm, how? Well no matter… Thanks a lot Gither!"
Said Aswa happily his arms ready to handshake with the owner.

Aswa heads to his room and he to sleeps like a log after a long hard day, once its morning and they have to get up early in the morning Aswa starts preparing the dinner tables at the eating room on the restaurant... the place opens up now that everything’s ready so Aswa goes to the kitchen ready to wash some dishes. But then a noble comes to the restaurant with some guardians and Aswa realizes it’s "Elanoire" from before.

One of the guardians says with loud voice
"Here should be boy called "Aswa" if he’s here come with us at once!”

Aswa starts to panic since he doesn’t know what she wants with her guardians and jumps out the window running with his forehead gaining a temporary glowing mark. The guardians follow him and the dark figures in the shadows start to follow him as he runs away from the guardians, one of the guardians are closing in Aswa Aswa’s leg starts glowing and kicks this guards legs breaking them, one of the guardians summons a wall in front of Aswa, hits his head, and gets knocked out.

Aswa wakes up in a dark room tightly with ropes on his hands, tied up tightly.
Elanoire gets to the room
”You really put up a fight didn’t you... Aswa...?”
Aswa spits on her face
”Let me go! What did I do? And anyways I’m not from your worl… uh...”
Elanoire looks little bit confused and she puts her arms on her waist closing Aswa’s face
"The reason I was trying to find you, was because you are my familiar by looking at your rune ovet your hand”

Elanoire turns and walks over to a table and talking to a dark shadowy corner
Aswa tries to get free, but Elanoire notices this and turns back over to Aswa.
"Don’t try to get away... they are magic ropes..."
But then the ropes break and he runs away but a magic dart is shot on him before he could reach the door and he falls asleep…
A man says from the shadows stepping away from the corner
"Let’s get that guy to metal chains so he won’t get away this time…”
They pick up Aswa and put him against a wall and put him into chains... This man swipes his finger up and he wakes up…
"What... just happened?"
Aswa mumbles
This mysterious man is walking slowly towards Aswa and says with threatening voice
"Let that be the last time you try to run… ALRIGHT?" While Rogers knife is on Aswa’s throat
"A... alright"
Elanoire is amused crossing her arms on her chest
"So, why did you try to run?”
”Because I do not know what are you going to try to do with me”
Elanoire sighs and rolls her eyes
”Your hand was glowing when you helped me with the mugger, I saw your rune and it is a familiar rune of the hyachist family”
Elanoire is leaning towards Aswa and touches him to his forehead, and a light appears between them
“You will obey me from now on!”
Elanoire said sounding annoyed
"WHAT!? I obey no man or woman… you stole my life anyways so I have no respect towards you!"
Elanoire summons a magic whip
"Well... I guess I better kill you off then…”
Elanoire said while her head is facing down
"Wait... wh… what?! No!”
Aswa said sounding a bit unsure and scared and these particles appear again and he breaks the chains.
Aswa starts running around the room he's in.
"Alright Elanoire… that’s enough alright? Let’s get back to school"
this man said sounding entertained enough
"Alright… YOU are lucky"
Elanoire said with loud displeased voice her arms on her waist.

Roger unlocks and opens the door Aswa coming behind him and Elanoire behind Aswa so he wouldn’t try anything funny, like running away. Aswa notices the same black figures on the rooftops following him but he ignores them for now and keeps walking with this man and Elanoire. This man switched direction to their family house.

”See you on Christmas Elanoire, I’ll be very busy with some army stuff!”
“Alright brother Roger! I’ll buy you a gift when I can! And don’t worry about this rat I won’t let him do anything funny!”
Elanoire replied happily
Aswa asks scratching his head and putting his arms on his pockets
”Why did your brother go the other way?”
”Because Roger's not on the school anymore, he's a commander.” Elanoire said confidently
”oh, ok… but why did you call me a rat Elanoire?”
”Because you are a rat… idiot”
Aswa kicks a rock on the road amused
”Alright then, plank”
Elanoire said with a raising voice and looking at Aswa with angry eyes
”Nothing, I was just mumbling to myself”
“That’s what I thought”

Elanoire and Aswa arrive at the school and they start sleeping almost instantly once they hit the room... Aswa’s sleeping on a hard couch and Elanoire on her own big soft comfy bed.

Elanoire wakes Aswa up and commands Aswa
"Cook me breakfast and do the chores”
Elanoire summons the whip and knocking the whip to her hand
"Are you sure about that Hmm?"
Aswa squints his eyes helplessly
"Uh sorry, I'll cook you some breakfast and do the chores..."
Elanoire is smiling and unsummons the whip
”Good, that’s what i thought”
Aswa sighs

Aswa starts doing the breakfast he takes some eggs and cooks it, puts it to the plate, next he takes some bread and cuts it into cubes, then he takes some thyme, leek, potatoes, ginger, and basilica, and cooks the spices and vegetables together a bit and then puts the bread together on the end and cooks the bread long so it takes some crispiness and color.

Elanoire comes in to check how Aswa is doing with her breakfast, Elanoire opens the door and it smells so nice, Aswa notices Elanoire and sees her smiling
Elanoire blushes and looks away from Aswa’s face
"N... nothing! I was just checking how my familiar is humbly cooking me breakfast! I... its only normal for familiar’s master to check how he's doing!"

Elanoire heads to the living room to watch TV. Aswa brings the food in front of her on a tray where's bread salad and cooked eggs on a plate and she starts blushing and she shakes her hear a bit
Aswa is confused
"What’s wrong? Is it bad Elanoire?"
"N... no... I… it’s just... nothing... alright? Idiot"
"Well… alright then? Guess I need to get to work doing the other chores you told me to do”
"You have no chores left, you had only laundry left which i did myself to help you, I'll eat this and let’s get you something to eat too… take some bread from the cabinet and let’s go meet some people around the school.”
Elanoire and Aswa heads out to meet some of the school’s students...

First they meet the "ladies man" called "Albert" on the armory but Albert is already leaving so Elanoire gets Aswa a weapon immediately.

Elanoire asks the armory keeper "Milk" putting her hands on the counter
"I need a sword for my familiar"
Milk hands a sword to Elanoire
"This is my finest sword, but you should let your familiar to choose his weapon himself, It’s the best way to get your familiar the best weapon to use”
"Maybe some other day... I'll just rent this anyways"
Elanoire takes her hands away from the counter and leaves
"Why did you get a weapon for me?"
Aswa said confused taking his arms away from his pockets to take carry the sword with him
"You never know when you'll need it, you’re my familiar after all let’s head to the school's cafeteria to meet some students of the school”

Aswa and Elanoire arrive at the school's cafeteria and first they meet "Isabel Zerbst Kirshe of the Federica"

Isabel greets Elanoire sounding happy as always
"Oh... hi Elanoire!”
Elanoire grinds her teeth and crosses her arms tightly on her chest
"And I had to meet you of all other people in this cafeteria..."
Isabel is curious and trying to relocate her broken arm
"Who's that boy you’re with Elanoire?"
"HE is… my familiar!"
Isabel winks her eye to Aswa and says with a sweet voice
"Oooh... luckkyyy"
Elanoire grabs Aswa and starts walking away from Isabel
"Let’s go Aswa... this bitch is too much for me"
They’re walking towards Elanoire’s friends which are ”Mila and Yumi”
Elanoire is still a bit mad but she eventually calms down and lets go of Aswa
”What’s up Yumi and Mila?”
Mila is so stuffed of the food she has just eaten
”Nothing much Elanoire… Just hanging around this cafeteria with Yumi and who’s that boy you’re with?”
”He’s my familiar... remember when we summoned our familiars and I was the only one that didn’t get a familiar? Well mine just appeared to in middle of nowhere”
Yumi’s amused and has a grin on her face
”You can’t do even that right can you?”
Elanoire shouted stomping her foot to the ground her arms straight on her sides hand on a fist
”Take it easy Elanoire... I was just messing around with you”
Aswa is getting confused and getting curious
”Sssooo… why is there so few men in this school?”
Elanoire clears her throat
”There’s few men only because this is a magic school and most men doesn’t have mind strong enough to control magic”
”Oh, alright”
Aswa waving his head up and down slightly
*Aswa starts to get uncomfortable*
”How long do we plan being here Elanoire? I’m not really people person”
”We got to introduce you to some more of the students and most importantly the teachers!
*Aswa sighs*
Elanoire says to Yumi and Mila that they need to be on their way to greet Aswa to the teachers.
Elanoire and Aswa Next heads to the teachers’ lounge, and they meet all of the teachers including the principal! Lucky! There are 5 teachers and the principal... the principals name is ”Gandalor” and then 2 male teachers ”Juhort” and ”Mikslar” and then the 3 women teachers ”Evlir” ”Marikans” and ”Roselina”

Marikans is correcting some tests with Juhort and ignores them Evlir is drinking coffee with Roselina and Mikslar.
Gandalor (The principal) is reading news on TV and notices them
”Yeah? What is it Elanoire, and who’s this boy your with?”
”he’s my familiar”
”that’s good Elanoire… you finally did it then... Great Job!”
”Thanks but we will have to keep going now… we have to go to the shops… I’ll introduce Aswa better to you all later”

Aswa and Elanoire take a horse and ride to a weapon shop in Lakmut.

”If you hurt yourself I’m not going to spend my money to heal your wounds!”
”Don’t worry Elanoire, I wont hurt myself”
Elanoire lightens the body and gives a little bit more pressure on the leg for the horse to go faster
”Quit nagging… you’re my familiar! I can always replace you, and you are to obey my command!”
”Hey… I’m a human being too… that was a bit too harsh”
Aswa said sounding a bit shocked
Elanoire and Aswa arrive at the weapon testing center and Aswa tries kamaguri…
Aswa seems excited seeing all kinds of weapons
”Well this weapon is hard to use and the price it pretty hard too…”
”Exactly, Just take this dagger with you… you won’t need a bigger weapon yet”
Elanoire said with a calm voice and her arms reaching her wallet

Elanoire and Aswa next heads to a clothes shop, they buy some clothes for Elanoire and Aswa of course carries all of the items they buy.

Aswa notices evening is closing and informs Elanoire should they be going to school.
”Yeah, we should… Aswa go fetch my horse, I’ll stay here, i still have some food left”
”Oh, Yeah… alright”
Aswa opens the stable’s door clears his throat and raises his voice
”Here should be Lady Elanoire de la Hyachist’s horse”
One of the stable keepers comes towards Aswa walking
”Yeah, the horse is right this way”

Aswa follows the stable keeper and takes the horse and rides it to Elanoire, but she isn’t there. Aswa is starting to get worried what happened, so he starts asking nearby people has anybody seen this girl.
But nobody has seen her.

Then suddenly Aswa gets attacked within the shadows, arrow is shot from the shadow to the horse and Aswa draws his dagger Elanoire bought him.
Another arrow is closing to Aswa from the shadows and some markings appear on his hand and it starts to glow and cuts the arrow in half and throws the knife straight to the shadow and a shadowy figure falls down from a balcony Aswa walks to over to the balcony, and there is this cloaked black shorthaired girl.

”Your destiny will come, Kurdyl and if you speak of this to anybody, your master will suffer a long hard death”
Said the cloaked black shorthaired girl with threatening voice

Aswa is confused and the girl but the girl just ”puffs” away from his sight. Aswa gets back to the location where Elanoire was last seen and he sees her there.
”Where were you?”
”I just needed the WC, so… where’s my horse?”
Elanoire said sounding confused
Aswa with scared voice putting his hands in his pockets
”it di... uhm I lost control and it ran a… away”
Elanoire summons the whip with an angry face her eyes closed
”What?!... Aswaaa… you… lost… my horse?”
Aswa swallows loudly
”P… please understand”
”And where’s the knife I bought you!?”
“I, uhm… d… dropped it”

Elanoire is really annoyed now and whips Aswa and he screams of pain so loud crows leave the trees around him.

Elanoire huffs and unsummons the whip
“Alright, that should do it… Let’s walk home now then”
It’s the morning and Elanoire is up early as always
Elanoire wakes up Aswa in her morning clothes
”Get up and get ready to go shopping soon Aswa!”
”Didn’t we shop yesterday?”
”yes, we did and now we’re going again”
Elanoire said while walking to a big closet
”No buts, we go shopping, you cannot get away from this, and anyways your my familiar!”
Elanoire slams the door and changes her clothes.

Aswa and Elanoire go shopping and after a while they come back to school commanding Aswa to do the laundry. First Aswa decides to wash the clothes, and while he’s washing he sees a girl in a maid outfit having a hard time trying to carry something.

Aswa gets up and goes to help this girl
“I can help you with this”
The maid is surprised and gives some of the stuff to Aswa
“Oh, hi Aswa… haven’t seen you since those guardians took you with Elanoire”
“Oh, it’s you Jannise”
Aswa helps Jannise to carry the things inside and they speak a little bit what they have been doing and else.
Aswa is curious what is Jannise doing here
“So… what are you doing in the school Jannise?”
“Noble came to buy me from my dad’s restaurant”
“Well how your dad is doing now then?”
Jannise says with some tears coming out of her eyes
“I’m not sure… haven’t seen him in a while I should go to my room now.”
 “Alright, but can I walk with you?”
 “Of course, I’d be happy!” This made Jannise smile a little.
Aswa and Jannise arrive at her room, and there’s a drunken old man commanding Jannise to come inside and  to do his laundry.

Jannise sounds down and really sad and he smiles to Aswa giving some tears out of her eyes while closing the door in front of him while the old man slaps Jannise’s butt.
“Well… uhm I think I should be going now”
Aswa is shocked even more now and knocks the door down
“I… AM a NOBLE you dirty plebuskian! How dare you come in my room!?”
Jannise is shocked and scared
“What are you doing Aswa… you might get in trouble for this!”
Aswa sounds very confident and self-esteemed
“I’m going to get you away from this old drunken man’s possession! Even if it takes my life, you Jannise… deserve better”

Elanoire is hearing some loud noises upsairs and she decides to check it out. She sees Aswa fighting with somebody nearby and she runs over to him.

“What… are you doing Aswa?!”
“This old man is sexually abusing Jannise!”
Elanoire is shocked and gets her wand out closing her eyes looking upwards laughing like a maniac
“Oh… is that… so?”
“Yes! That’s why I’m making loud noises because I’m trying to help Jannise!”
Elanoire says to Aswa and Jannise they should back off, Elanoire looks really angry
“You… Old man… You… how you dare to do this in a fucking school?!”
The nameless old man stands up and points his finger to Elanoire
“Don’t threaten me!”
And Elanoire blows his room out
“Don’t you dare do anything like this again or your head will hang from a spear that’s on my backyard! Now then… Aswa get back to work!”
Aswa grins a little bit
“Y… Yes Elanoire!”
Elanoire puts her hands together and waving her body a little bit
”The schools having day before Christmas party, ssooo… be sure to wear something nice Aswa!”
”Alright, but i do not have any nice clothes”
Elanoire walks over to her closet
”Then lend some of my old brothers clothes, they should fit you nicely”
”But why should I come to the party anyways? I’m ”Plebuskian”
”B-Because I command you to come with me!”
Elanoire blushes and closes the closet door
Aswa is confused a little bit but he’s confident nothing bad will happen
”Alright then, but… whatever... I’ll come”

It’s the Party evening and Aswa arrives to the party and goes to the table which gives some nice lemonade and goes to a balcony alone to drink it. He is thinking about his old world would it be possible for him to go back… and begins thinking his family and his dog.

Elanoire shows up behind Aswa while he’s crying
”Hey, Aswa I... I’m here”
Elanoire said blushing
Aswa doesn’t show his face to Elanoire while leaning further on the balcony
”I... I’m sorry but c... could you leave me alone for a moment?”
Elanoire realizes he’s crying and is worried
“Why are you… crying?”
Aswa leans back tears coming out of his eyes
”I… I was just thinking about my family in my old world”
Elanoire hugs Aswa from behind and whispers to Aswa ”Look at me, I want you to see me”
Aswa turns with more tears coming out of his eyes and embarrassed of showing weakness
”Y… you are very beautiful…”
Elanoire blushes and is waving her body again facing the ground smiling
Elanoire then hands out her hand to Aswa.
Aswa does nothing and then Elanoire grabs his hand and forces him to the dancefloor with her.
Aswa blushes and swallows loudly and his hands shake a bit
”W-What are you doing, Elanoire”
Aswa walks towards Elanoire and they walk on the dance floor and they start dancing
The dance music ends and Elanoire’s feeling a bit sorry
”So… umm… I’m sorry when I forced you to come to this party here…”
Aswa’s hearth is pounding hard on his chest and he starts shaking nervously
”It’s alright… if… you’re with me”
Elanoire blushes and looking Aswa to his eyes
”R… Really?”
Aswa and Elanoire is having fun on the party and then they start the last dance of the party.
Elanoire leans towards her lips ready to kiss and eyes closed and Aswa is panicking a little bit, but eventually pretty quickly he decides to kiss her.

Aswa realizes what he just did
“I… I’m sorry Elanoire… b… but.”
Elanoire is very confused and leaning her head a little to the side
“What do you mean?”
“I… uhm, I have deep scars in my hearth, so I don’t feel confident enough to… be with such beautiful woman like you doing something like this”
 “Don’t worry, I won’t let go of you, never… I… love you Aswa…”
Aswa swallows loudly and his hearth is pounding on his chest stronger than he has ever felt
“I, uh”
Elanoire starts hugging Aswa as her head touches Aswa’s chest and Aswa hugs Elanoire tightly.

Aswa and Elanoire start walking to the balcony to speak more privately.
Elanoire says with a sweet and calming voice
“Aswa… please do not look any other women like you look at me”
“I won’t, you are the only one for me.”
Elanoire Blushes
“You are plebuskian still… I’m not sure if our thing would go through my father… especially when he has already chosen my fiancé.”
Aswa pushes Elanoire away aggressively
“This is exactly what I mean… first you love me and then you tell me this!?”
“I’m sorry Aswa…”
Elanoire’s eyes are wet and her hands towards Aswa
“No… no… you…you like to play with other men’s hearts…? Huh? Then you can say goodbye to this “Familiar” I’m not going to obey a girl like you, or watching a girl I love getting fucked by another man!”
Elanoire gives a couple tears from her eyes while Aswa then walks away from the partyroom pushing everyone out of his way aggressively, some tough school bullies get on his way and try to stop him, Aswa is really angry so he doesn’t even give them a warning and just straightly punches the “boss” teeth in his throat.
Aswa is at Elanoire’s room and he begins to pack his stuff to a bag.
Yumi and Mila come’s to the room and see Aswa
“What happened?”
Aswa is angry and while putting his stuff to the bag
 “Elanoire is two faced little shit”
Mila is shocked and looks at Yumi
“What happened?”
Aswa says sounding sad while tears are dripping from his eyes
“No… She hurts me too much”
Aswa then pushes Mila and Yumi gently away and starts walking aggressively away from the schoolbuilding, on his way he crashes onto Elanoire
Elanoire cherishes her head eyes closed
“I’m sorry but I’m in a hurry”
Elanoire opens her eyes
“Aswa? Listen to me!”
Aswa bursts more tears
“Oh cmon what is it now?”
Then a sudden voice says
“I like to see you suffer and I never have loved you”
It sounds like Elanoire, and only Aswa heard it.
Aswa pushes Elanoire out of his way and runs to the exit and Elanoire shouts to the guards
“Stop him!”
The guards get in Aswa’s way and they catch him, more guards start coming there to keep him in place, Aswa’s head is facing down
Elanoire gives tears and she walks over Aswa with tears coming out of her eyes at this party night
“Aswa… look at me and listen to me”
Aswa’s arm starts glowing again.

Aswa starts watching Elanoire with a sad face, but after a while it turns into a really angry and he pushes the guards away from him and they summon a weapon for themselves, they are all around Aswa
Elanoire was blown away too and she shouts
“Aswa! Stop this! Don’t hurt him!
Aswa looks aggressively to Elanoire and says with light powered demonic voice
“No… You hurt me too much”
A magical dual Kusarigama with same tattoos on it what Aswa has and they glow with Aswa’s arm
Aswa looks aggressively to one of the guards attacking him and swings Kusarigama cutting him in half and the summoned guard just “puffs” away like ash Aswa knows these are summoned ones so he doesn’t hold back at all then the rest of them attack Aswa by jumping on him, but then a light appears from all of the gaps and all of the guardians is blown in the air Aswa jumping to the air as well cutting most of them in half.
Then Elanoire’s fiancé his name is Julius Ru Ki Sulipe walks to the school and notices this fight Aswa’s in with Roger’s summoned guardians.

Julius runs with the speed of wind to Elanoire and grabs her into his arms
“Don’t worry Elanoire… I’ll protect you”
Elanoire is shocked and tries to get away from Julius tears bursting from her eyes
“Get away from me! I hate you!”
Aswa heard what Elanoire said and his eyes stop glowing with his arms and he burst into tears
Julius grins and laughs a bit
“Hahahhaha… You always make me laugh Elanoire, Now come with me and leave this dirty kid alone, I’m great, you deserve me”
Aswa puts his hand into a fist and stands up facing down while walking towards Julius
“There’s nothing else I hate more than selfish little shits, and betrayal”
Elanoire takes Aswa’s arm
“You can challenge him to a duel to win my father’s favor to stop this engagement, but you have a high chance… of… dying”
“Then I’ll duel him”
Aswa suddenly doesn’t remember the line “I like to see you suffer…”, work of the gods to prevent evil forces corrupting Aswa’s head.
Elanoire smiles while crying and grabs Aswa’s hand tighter
“You… you would do that for me?”
Aswa puts his head straight and relocating his shoulders
“You… pretty boi… I challenge you to a duel for Elanoire’s father’s favor”
Aswa is looking straight at Julius eyes while Julius bursts into laugh bending over a bit
“Ahahahaha… a plebuskian wishing to die in a duel with a commander? Well that’s a heroic way to die! But I’ll accept your duel.”

The duel is tomorrow evening at the duel arena… everything’s allowed”
Julius walks away winking his eye to Elanoire
“It won’t take long for me to kill this kid, no worries my love”
Elanoire says to Aswa smiling with tears coming out of her eyes
“IThanks for doing this to me, this may be the last time seeing you alive this close, but good luck”
Aswa bursts into tears and falling to his knees
“I… I’m sorry what I did earlier, like pushing you and… s… shouting at you, now I can fully trust you”
Aswa grabs Elanoire and cries over her shoulder
Elanoire surprises that he shows his weak side to her but she takes Aswa and taps his back
“It’s alright, I understand”
Aswa and Elanoire parts their ways until the duel day Aswa goes to sleep in the restaurant where he worked the first time in this world.

Aswa arrives at the restaurant and knocks to the door
“Hey… I know it’s late but I need a room to stay in only this night, and it might be my last”
Gither opens the door quickly
“Of course! And you don’t even have to pay since you saved my daughter from that old pervert”
Aswa walks in shutting the door behind him getting some cold wipes as the door shuts
“I’ll explain to you next morning, ok? I need all the strength”
Gither looks confused and he goes sitting on one of the chairs back drinking his tea
“Alright, good night”

Aswa arrives to his room and goes straight to bed
Aswa is almost asleep but then he feels somebody is watching him like back in his own old world, he opens his eyes and he sees a figure in his room and he says quietly.
“What the fuck is that?”

The figure speaks
“Oh c’mon… “That”? My name is…”
Aswa is tries to reach his knife but falls from his bed
The figure says his hand reaching his forehead
“You felt somebody is watching you, just like in your old world… and you thought it was your imagination, no, I have been watching you your whole life… I am your spirit protector, the light commander, Light commander is Light Masters helper, so you are her, Elanoire De La Hyachist’s protector.  And also… you are in trouble so I’ll lend my power for you tomorrow, I don’t want my child to die so young.”
Aswa mumbles and gets up
“B… but wh…”
The figure stops Aswa from talking
“No buts or what’s… I’ll lend you power… but only this once, now… get to sleep… you’ll need the energy tomorrow”
The figure lifts Aswa to his bed with his telepathic powers and puts him asleep immediately
Aswa wakes and heads downstairs to Gither and Jannise its Sunday so there’s no customers.
“Hey Gither and Jannise… you might want to know what’s going on”
Gither turns over to Aswa cracking his knuckles
“Yes, gladly”
Aswa looks out from the window and realizes it’s already mid-day
“Alright, it’s already mid-day and I have lots to do, so shortly I have a duel with Julius Ru Ki Sulipe”
Gither slams his cup to the table spilling the liquid he was drinking
“What!? You’ll die!”
Aswa says proudly
“Probably, but at least I die protecting someone’s happiness with my life”
Gither smiles
“Now… That’s a real man right there… good luck… Aswa Morina”
Aswa nods his head to Gither and Jannise
And Jannise also says
“Good luck, Aswa”
Aswa head out to see Elanoire, after some time he arrives at the school and head straight to Elanoire’s room.

Elanoire puts a book down she was reading
“Hello Aswa, we need to go see my father before the duel”
Aswa says with his hands behind his back standing straight
“Alright, let’s go then”
Elanoire and Aswa leave the school building and they ride couple hours to their family house to greet Elanoire’s father.
Elanoire slows the horse down
“My father’s name is Manrhim De La Hyachist and my mother’s name is Anastasia De La Hyachist and also I have 2 sisters and 1 brother, well you already know my brother Roger De La Hyachist but my sisters are Sofie De La Hyachist and Marisa De La Hyachist”
Aswa stays quiet and nods.

Elanoire and Aswa arrive at Elanoire’s family house’s port, Elanoire uses family magic to open the port and they go in. When they are in the house Aswa sees big stairs and really big room and everything is decorated with blue color inside, Elanoire’s father comes down to greet Aswa.

“Young man, you duel against my daughter’s fiancé for my favor to marry my daughter. If you win, you will get my favor and to marry any of my daughters by your choice, if you’re defeated, Elanoire’s fiancé “Julius Ru Ki Sulipe, the third general’s son will get my favor to marry any of my daughters”
Aswa bows
“This is clear, sir”

Manrhim goes back upstairs and Elanoire starts speaking to Aswa
 “We should go to the duel arena now”
Elanoire and Aswa go outside and they meet “Roger De La Hyachist”
“Aswa, you duel for my father’s favor against Julius? You are the bravest man I have encountered for a while. Or the most idiotic.”
Roger tapping on Aswa’s shoulder.
“Aswa, We should get going now”
Elanoire and Aswa go ahead and Elanoire’s whole family is coming soon after them to the duel arena.
Elanoire and Aswa arrive at the duel arena and Aswa heads to the preparation room, but after that Elanoire says to Aswa blushing
“Just so I won’t regret anything…”
Elanoire nearly kisses Aswa but doesn’t and then she quickly goes to the stage seats
“I love you Aswa”

Aswa walks to the preparation room and once he is there he prays for the light powers to protect him like the strange figure promised. After a while one of the staff of duel arena comes to get Aswa ready to fight Julius Ru Ki Sulipe. Aswa slowly walks to the arena with Kusarigama, 2 Karambit knives and 4 throwing knives. Julius comes to the arena after taunting aswa and then praising himself how great he is.

While Audience booing to Julius but the girls of course praising him
“Aswa, you’ll die as a fool today”
Aswa nods and grins head down
“Don’t be so sure pretty boy”
Then most of the male audience praises Aswa how brave he is
The duel started and they start to walk in a circle Julius taunting him
“Look how pathetic this brat looks”

Julius attacks Aswa dodging his attack and his arms start to glow, both of them this time and his eyes too

“I’ll give you a chance to run away right now”
Julius bursts into laugh
“Oh really, brat?”

Julius attacks Aswa again with more powerful attack and multiple attacks continuously very fast.

Aswa grins
“Ok, is that your best?”
Most of the male audience praising Aswa
“Alright, I think it’s now my time to strike”

Aswa takes his Kusarigama and swings the chain around Julius’s legs, he falls to his knees and throws 2 throwing knives to his knees and then he takes his karambits running towards Julius cutting his throat.
Blood spills everywhere and the audience praises Aswa
the director of the arena shouts
“The winner today is Aswa Morina! a plebuskian!”

Aswa then slowly walks out of the arena and says to Elanoire as she is running towards him
Elanoire praises Aswa
“G-goodjob, familiar, you did your job well.”
Aswa says nothing and walks straight to the stable
“What’s wrong with Aswa? Shouldn’t he be kissing and hugging my daughter Elanoire?”
“You know how Elanoire is like, don’t you Manrhim?”
Anastasia said with a sweet voice.
“Yeah, I guess we need to talk to her, or atleast try to talk to her about relationships, and love”
The hyachist family then heads to their territory, the mansion of Hyachists.

It’s the Christmas Eve and they are at dinner table Elanoire’s father praising Aswa how brave he is and offers Elanoire’s hand for him to take her hand for life.
Aswa spits food out of his mouth half shouting
“What? But I’m 17 and she is 15? Isn’t that a bit too young?”
Manrhim laughs and puts his milk glass to the table
“Well you have my word to marry my daughters at any time you yourself see fit.”
Aswa and Elanoire head to their room.
Elanoire blushes and puts her hands together straight downwards in front of her
“Hey, Aswa… I’m… glad you’re alive”
Aswa felt sudden weakness and falls down to his knees
“I’m… uh glad”
Aswa looks at Elanoire and smiles. Elanoire frightened
“Hey, you ok?”
Aswa laughs nervously
“Y… yeah I am… uh… do you want to hear a secret?”
Elanoire helps Aswa up hanging to his arm
“Sure, what is it?”
Aswa blushes and pets Elanoire
“I… uhm, usually feel weakness and fall to my knees when I truly… uhm…”
Elanoire is confused but she grabs his arm tighter
“C’mon, be brave and say it!”
Aswa swallows loudly and wipes sweat off his forehead
“I feel weakness when I truly love a person and I’m next to a… alone”
Elanoire wipes Aswa’s chin looking straight at his eyes and blushes and walks in circles couple times around Aswa
“I see… you know… I can let you touch them for Christmas present”
Aswa blushes and looks at Elanoire
Elanoire blushes and begins unzipping her bra, and Aswa blushes but suddenly Elanoire’s mother slams the door open and comes in
“Hey kids, oh… did I interrupt something?”
Aswa starts panicking and pushes Elanoire by accident and Aswa falls straight between on his face to Elanoire’s boobs and his hand is on Elanoire’s pants, Elanoire screams her head facing up
“Yeah, you kinda did, mother”
Anastasia walks in the room smiling
“Elanoire and Aswa get to sleep, I came here to say goodnight for our new couple in the house”
Elanoire and Aswa blushes
“W… we are not a couple he’s my familiar!”
Aswa stops
“Really Elanoire?”
Elanoire looks back at Aswa
“S… Shut up!”
Anastasia walks away smiling, switching the lights off and closing the door
“Good night you 2 lovebirds”
Elanoire blushes
“M… mooooom!”


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