EAFLS [CHAPTER 3] Fading of the good and the rise of darkness.

But then suddenly a soldier with a wyrm Elanoire De La Hyachist? Is it?
“Yeah, I’m Elanoire, why are you here?”
“Your brother wishes to speak to you, something important.”
Said the soldier loudly on top of his hissing wyrm
“Well, we are just leaving our dat… I mean our training session of the weekend.”
while Elanoire blushed and looked down as she was swinging her foot on the ground crunching the sand under her shoe.

Elanoire and Aswa continued their trip out of the forest and heads to Elanoire’s family house, for Elanoire to meet his brother, when Elanoire and Aswa arrives near Elanoire’s home.

Aswa taps Elanoire’s shoulder
“I’ll head to the school, I think you’ll be fine without me, right?”
Elanoire turns facing to Aswa smiling
“Yeah, go on, it’s pretty late after all”

Elanoire begins walking to her family house as Aswa heads to the school.
When Elanoire is at her brother’s room, she knocks at Roger’s room
“Hey, you there?”
Elanoire said as she just knocked Roger’s door
“Yeah, come on in”
Roger said loudly from inside his room

Elanoire opens the door and steps in closing the door behind her
“So, what’s the matter? Brother”
Elanoire said smiling to his brother as he was levitation meditating

Roger stands up and grabs Elanoire’s shoulders and moves his head close to Elanoire’s ear and whispers
“I’m being hunted by the army, I’ll be leaving to the blue mountains of balance, keep this as a secret, if I’m not back within 6 months, please come look for me”
Elanoire stand back a bit looking shocked
“No questions do not say anybody about this, expect to your boyfriend, Aswa, he’s a nice man for you, Elanoire”
Roger said smiling to Elanoire as he was fading same time blue light low blue light glowing under his legs
Elanoire says to Roger
“Alright, I hope you’ll accomplish whatever you’re going to do”
“Just to be sure, do not even say this to your mother, or your sisters, especially not our father”
Roger said seconds before disappearing completely.

Elanoire stood still to think a while what to do, she sat down, after a while Elanoire’s mother comes to the door knocking.
“Roger? The food’s ready! And your father wants to have chat with you”
Elanoire panics a little bit and hides behind a curtain.
Elanoire’s mother comes in opening the door, takes 1 step in and says
“Oh, Roger isn’t here, I thought Elanoire was here too, well, guess they’re gone somewhere”
Elanoire’s mother closes the door and Elanoire steps away from the curtain and tries not to cry until she’s on warm, secure arms of Aswa.
Elanoire heads out of Roger’s room quietly, trying not to be heard by her family, she makes it to the port and a guard opens the gate for Elanoire.

When Elanoire arrives at the school, she makes sure the door is closed looking sad while Aswa is sleeping on his bed on the floor.
Elanoire heads to Aswa and starts crying on his chest, Aswa wakes up.
“What, what’s happening?”
Aswa looks at Elanoire crying on his chest
“What happened?”
Aswa said while putting his hands on Elanoire’s shoulders and stands up with Elanoire.

Elanoire hugs Aswa and pushes her forehead to Aswa’s chest
“My brother is being hunted by this country and he went to a very dangerous mission, alone, and he told me to tell only you that we will have to go look for him if he’s not back after 6 months, to the blue mountains of balance”
“But, uhm I’m sure he’ll be back, he’s very nimble and smart.”
Aswa said to make Elanoire feel better
“Yeah, I hope so”
Aswa sits on his bed and Elanoire comes to his lap hugging him
“Let’s stay like this for a while longer, Aswa”
Aswa said smiling and puts his head over Elanoire’s shoulder.
Once Elanoire stops crying Aswa says
“Let’s get some sleep, ok? Tomorrow’s school and it’s very late”
“Y… yeah alright, goodnight Aswa”
“Goodnight to you too, cutie”
Aswa said with a grin on his face
“Don’t call me cu… te”
Elanoire said quietly
Aswa said turning his head over to Elanoire while lying down on his bed
Elanoire said with a blush on her face.

Once it’s morning, Aswa does he’s morning routines, breakfast, cleaning clothes and wakes Elanoire up, Aswa walks over to Elanoire’s bed and puts his hand gently over Elanoire’s blanket.
“Breakfast ready, Elly”
“Yeah, I’ll be right there”
Elanoire said bit mumbly
Aswa walks over the door and right before Aswa is touching the door to close it Elanoire jumps up and says
“What did you just call me?!”
“My name is Elanoire! Don’t give me nicknames!”
“Alright, Elly”
Elanoire looks Aswa with a small angry face while she’s closing the door.

Aswa heads to the table waiting Elanoire to come breakfast, once Elanoire arrived, they eat breakfast and head to the classroom.
Once the school day is over.
“Nothing interesting happened today, I’m so bored, guh”
“Yeah, you’re so right”
Elanoire’s friends are coming towards them to ask about their “training session” in the forest
“You had some hard training on the forest, huh Elanoire?”
One of Elanoire’s friend said
Elanoire blushes
“Y… yeah”
“So hard, that you moaned right on the first morning out of “hard work”?”

Elanoire blushes and grabs Aswa’s hand and they quickly start moving to their room while Elanoire’s friends giggle behind.
When Elanoire and Aswa are in their room, someone knocks. It’s one of Elanoire’s friends, and she says
“Don’t worry we won’t tell anybody about your “training” in the forest”
“T…thanks, but how did you know about it?”
Elanoire said nervously while Aswa was standing quietly next to Elanoire
“We had a trip to the forest too, but I think you didn’t notice us, but well I have to go now, bye!”
Elanoire said to her friend who is walking away

“Well, that’s that”
Aswa said to Elanoire while closing the door
“So, what should we do now?”
Aswa said to Elanoire while walking over his bed
“I don’t know, I’m bored”
Elanoire said while lying down on her bed.
“Can we take a good sleep and go hiking somewhere near next day? How does that sound Elanoire?”
“Sounds good, but after school of course”
Aswa says
“Good night Elanoire”
“Goodnight hon… Aswa”
Elanoire said blushing.
Aswa smiles but says nothing as he knows Elanoire was about to say “Honey” as she meant he’s precious and important to her.
Aswa and Elanoire gets to sleep and Elanoire decides to say
“Uhm, Aswa?”
Elanoire said with embarrassed voice.
“Yeah, Elanoire?”
“Want to c… come sleep next to me?”
Aswa swallows loudly and says
“Are you sure… you’re okay with t… that?”
“Well… we did sleep next each other on tents, didn’t we?”
“Uhm, Yeah”
Aswa stands up and gets under Elanoire’s blanker with her, she’s very cold, when Aswa has a warm body.
Elanoire grabs Aswa’s back with her small cold hands and cold body pressing herself to Aswa
“So this was your plan, let me go!”
Aswa said while struggling with the overpowering coldness he’s feeling on his back
“Please let me be like this for a while, I’m really cold”
Elanoire said with sweet calming voice
“Alright, but let go of me just for a second, ok?”
Aswa said as Elanoire let her hands off Aswa and he’s turning his body to Elanoire, hugs her and says
“Alright, now you can grab me”
Elanoire hugs Elanoire for a while and then says
“Thanks, Aswa for these years, but I’m going to relieve you now”
“Wait, what does that mean? And why your face is kind of dark?”
“I’m summoning you to your own world”
“No! I love you Elanoire!”
And then Aswa wakes up in the arms of Elanoire, having cold sweat all over his face.
Elanoire wakes up too and asks
“Yeah, um…”
“What kind of nightmare?”
“I’m not sure if I want to tell you”
“Well, Alright then, get back to sleep”
“I, uh, let me just… get to my own bed, ok Elanoire?”
“Whyyy, I’m cold”
Elanoire said with a downed voice
“I’m sorry, but I’ll sleep on my own bed for now on”

Aswa gets asleep pretty quick and his spirit protector comes to speak with him-
“That nightmare was just a future you saw, be careful”
Aswa wakes up the next morning seeing Elanoire close to him looking at Aswa’s info
Well, seems like everything is fine, it was just a normal nightmare out of nowhere, but you got to tell me what was it about.
“I… uhm… sorry Elanoire”
Aswa said while he’s eyes getting a bit wet.
“Hey? Aswa? What’s wrong?”
“Uh… nothing”
Aswa gets up and heads to the balcony, Aswa walks in and says while closing the door behind him.
“I’d like to be alone for a moment, alright?”

Aswa calls for the figure in his mind
“Was it really the future?”
“Yes, but it may not happen in that exact act, but the idea behind it, is true”
“Alright, thanks…”
Aswa gets his head down to the balcony railing and starts crying slightly
Elanoire sees Aswa crying slightly on the balcony and knocks on the balcony door
Aswa turns and opens the door and heads back to the railing head down
“What now?”
Aswa said with a downed voice.
“What’s wrong? Not that I c… care or anything”
“Y… you know you’re the only reason I’m here, I have no other friends expect you, I can’t even think what would happen if I lost you, and I got a nightmare where you were releasing me from my “duty” and leaving me all alone once you got what you wanted from me.”
“What? Why would I ever do that?”
Elanoire said sounding shocked
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what I’m thinking…”
“Look, Aswa… I… I, uhm, love you, I’ll never let go of you, so let’s go to sleep now, ok?”
Aswa and Elanoire heads to sleep and they can hear someone knocking on their window and both of them wake up.
“What noooow?”

Elanoire said half asleep
“I’ll go see what’s up”
Aswa said half asleep also while getting up
Aswa moved the curtain over the glass balcony door and opens the door, Aswa gets knocked out and gets thrown inside and the princess, Elanoire’s childhood friend gets in.
“Amena? What are you doing here?”
Elanoire said while getting on her knees in front of the majesty
“Get up, you silly”
Amena Ocohlaraminoski Na Ra Roshkosem said to Elanoire with a sweet calming voice
Elanoire gets up and asks
“First off, why did you knock out my boyfri… uhm… familiar and second. What are you doing here!?”
“Well, he’d probably shouted and people on the school would have known I’m here, and second, I need your help, I know about your powers, and I think only you 2 are elite enough to complete my personal request”
“Well, I understand, but, uhm, it really depends on the request”
“I… uhm want you two to bring this letter to the prince of Dansaki”
Amena said blushing to Elanoire swinging her leg on the floor and facing down from the embarrassment
“Hehehee, you’re blushing out of embarrassment, aren’t you? But very well, we’ll do it, not sure if Aswa will do it willingly after what you did, but I’ll make him”
“Well, I know about your relationship with Aswa, Elanoire, don’t even think about teasing me, Elanoire”
Amena giggled
“We! Uh, sorry, Amena”
Amena giggles again
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anybody, you can trust me”
“Well, we’ll get goi… wait what do we get from doing it? I mean, your princess and all, but we’re not going to do it for free, and not without correct transport ride”
“You’ll get a wyrm to fly there, so don’t worry, and your payment will be 10000 coins”
“10 thousand coins?!”
Elanoire shouted
Aswa wakes up and asks
“What the hell just happened… Elanoire? You ok?”
Aswa stands up and sees the princess standing with Elanoire
“If you’re waiting me to bow, your wrong.”
“Bow to her, you idiot!”
“And why the hell should I?”
“It’s fine, Elanoire”
Amena smiled and giggled
“I like your personality, Aswa, it’s manly and unique, may think to take you all to myself”
Amena giggled and Elanoire stomps her foot
“You may be the princess, but I still won’t let you do that with me watching aside, you know that right?”
Amena giggled and smiled
“Don’t worry, you two make a great couple, that was only for me to tease you, Elanoire”
“You’re one devilish princess”
“Well, that’s what I indent up to be”
Amena giggled
“Anyways, what is the princess doing here? And why did she knock me out?”
Aswa asked confused and a little bit annoyed
“You probably would have shouted and people on the school would have known I’m here, I can’t take such risk, Elanoire will tell you why and how and else. I must now head out!”

Amena sneaks out of the school as Elanoire starts explaining what happened and about her mission she gave.
“Well, 10 thousand sounds nice, let’s do it! We’re powerful enough, if we’re together”
Elanoire and Aswa head to sleep and they start preparing to their mission.
“I’ve got everything, how about you Elanoire?”
“Just a sec, meet me at the school gates, go”
Aswa walks over the gates to wait Elanoire, Elanoire comes and says
“I’m here Aswa! Let’s get going, we’ve got a long way!”
Elanoire and Aswa head to a secret location where is a wyrm for them to travel with, it has reinforced armor and extra supplies with princess leaving a note behind saying.
“I sent 5000 coins to your bank for some extra payment. Good luck on your mission! –Amena”
“She sent me 5 thousand coins extra to my bank, Aswa”
“That’s great, I bet every coin goes to you.”
“Hey now, you’re still just a familiar! And I’m your master!”
“Yeah yeah… let’s get this over with”

Elanoire and Aswa begins to flying over to Dansaki, Coparhagen
They’ve been travelling for a while, both being quiet.
“Hey, why are you being so quiet?”
Elanoire said slashing the wyrm to go faster.
“I’m always quiet, I have nothing to say.”
“Well, I was jus…”
“Don’t, just don’t”
Aswa said sitting his legs crossed
“What’s wrong with you? Everything alright?”
Suddenly the wyrm starts to fall down a bit and Elanoire says
“Hey! What’s wrong wyrm?”

The wyrm growls and starts falling full speed to ground, a dragon appears and goes right through the wyrm with devastating speed.
“Mikä helvetti?”
Aswa said while falling down with Elanoire on his hands
“What is that thing?!”
Elanoire said clinging on Aswa
“I have no idea! But it sure doesn’t like us!”
Elanoire and Aswa falls down and pronounces magic words
A protective bubble appears around Aswa and Elanoire, protecting from the fall.
They crash down and the dragon comes down with Julius standing on it, with fearsome dark purple eyes, like they are flaming
“That’s dark summoning magic, and they’ve took over Julius, and the legendary dragon”
Elanoire whispered to Aswa
“Hey, who’s that flamy guy?”
“I’m Vectra Harmon, your worst nightmare…”
Vectra summons a giant fiery liquid star over Aswa and Elanoire
It starts shooting little magma like balls on them

A protective shield has come on Elanoire and they escape to the forest, Vectra following them and shooting massive destructive fire arrow like stripes at them.

“He’s alone! Now’s our chance!”
Aswa turns over and draws his blue dagger, crafted by the master smith of Bluemaster himself.
“Come at me, you ugly little piece of fucking traitor!”
“Well, the brat decides to fight back, huh?”
“I always knew something was wrong with you!”
Aswa flashes through Vectra, giving him a deep cut over his stomach, but suddenly Vectra got teleported away.

“Where did he go?!”
“He was teleported away, but who’s behind this attack?”
Vectra roars out of pain once he was teleported away
“That little shit got me good”
Vectra said spitting blood
“WHAT. Were you thinking Vectra by going head to head battle alone at the Light Master and it’s Light Commander?!”
A mysterious figure said from the shadows
“Sorry, master! I’ll make it up for you! I promise!”
Vectra said as he was begging on his knees
The mysterious figure steps forward.
“Be more careful next time, or I will find someone else who has a little more brain than you do!”
Witch said pointing to Vectra
“Won’t happen next time!”
                                                                                       At Elanoire and Aswa
“Now then, what now?”
Aswa said
“Hmm, we shouldn’t be far away from Coparhagen, about 10 imitha’s away”

Aswa and Elanoire starts walking to Coparhagen, badly wounded, they decide to sleep on a cave, Aswa getting some sticks and dry leaves for fire, while Elanoire using last of her conciseness and power to hunt food. They sleep good overnight. Elanoire and Aswa continue the trip to Coparhagen.
Once they arrive at Coparhagen, they see lots of people with sacks over their back, like most of the people moving away or something.

Aswa and Elanoire stops 1 person and Elanoire ask
“What’s going on here?”
“The royal family of Dansaki have been fallen and a new one has taken over, they call themselves “The dark side of the light side” And that Dansaki won’t be the last one that’ll obey their command, so most of us are moving before we get burned alive! Now I’m sorry but I’m in a hurry”
“The dark side of the light side? That sounds pretty dangerous and scary somehow”
Elanoire said to Aswa while looking around her
“Yeah… do you have any idea where we are supposed to go now?”
“No, I have no clue…”
Aswa and Elanoire think what did the person meant by
“Burned alive? It cannot possibly be that bad that someone would want to literally destroy the whole world, can they?”

Elanoire and Aswa walk around Coparhagen when they notice the prince of Dansaki hiding in the trees, Elanoire and Aswa act like they didn’t see anything and go over the trees.
The prince of Dansaki protects his mother and calls elite assassins around Aswa and Elanoire their knives around their throats.

“So this is how you welcome your allies from Firadia? We are here by the request of Amena”
Elanoire said with a calm voice
“Release them! By Amena? Doesn’t the whole Firadia know we’ve been attacked and being in civil war for 3 months now?! And they send just 2 Childs with us?!”
The prince said quietly
“I don’t know, I didn’t even know something like this was happening here, and my father is the head of Generals”
“Something must have happened to our scout delivering the message”
The Queen of Dansaki said
“So, what does Amena want? We were just escaping Dansaki to Gremani, Breln”
“Amena wanted us to give this letter to you, prince”
Elanoire said to the prince

Prince takes the letter, opens it and takes a blue square like jewel, that fits perfectly to the princes bracelet. it looks like a perfect match to Amena’s Jewel on her necklace.
“What is that jewel?”
“It’s a secret… but it looks like we’re not going to escape after all…”
The prince then closes his eyes, summons a big square half blue and half red
Veniam peto pudentem hyacintho et rubrum magister vester adiuvaret et constitue mihi tempus in defensivum et offensivum in exercitu.

The prince’s jewel starts to glow and his left eye starts to glow red as his right eye starts to glow blue.
Hyacinthum dominus petere te da mihi potestatem, et virtutem tuam magnam Exitosus uelocitas celebritatem, salubritas Rubrum domino, ego quaeritur te praebueris tua fortis et magnus virtute defenderent.

A powerful, red and blue mixed in, big, strong looking transparent armor appears on the prince with blue machete, and a blue scythe on his back. And from the square an army of big red transparent armor rushes through the square with red archers. Then assassin blue fox like people come out walking calmly with chained knife, and dual Karambit on their chest.

“Well then, shall we go take our country back?! What do you say brothers and sisters of DANSAKI!?”

The prince points forward and the summoned red armor starts running towards the city the archers behind the armor, and the blue assassin’s just disappear in front of their eyes.
The archers shoot high to the sky, dropping the enemy’s ships, exploding and eventually destroying the town a bit.

“I hope not too many will get injured of my people from this act I’m about to do”
Elanoire and Aswa just stands still their mouth hanging open.
“So is this what true power looks like?”
Aswa said with Elanoire thinking the exact same
The Queen says
“No, this is just a scratch of the true Dansaki Firadia alliance power let me show you something even more powerful”

The queen waving her arms around like she’s absorbing power from the heaven.
A bright light appears and an unnaturally powerful lightning striker the queen’s finger and she quickly points it towards the town and says
Ad hunc caelestem fulminis ictu cærulearum corrupti dominos malos focos et hostium naves Firadia Dansaki amicitiae!

The lightning bolt is so strong it they can’t see anything for a moment, and then the queen releases the lightning bolt, and it separates itself to 24 different strikes, a nuclear like explosion appears to the ships on air.

“Ok, I think it’s time to show our little power too, wouldn’t you agree, Aswa?”
Elanoire said while turning over and looks Aswa’s eyes.
Aswa’s and Elanoire’s eyes start glowing together, they start to rise up holding hands together and Elanoire starts spelling magic words
Lumen spiritus contribulatus cor hunc lumen.

Multiple light balls come from the hands of Elanoire and Aswa
but suddenly they all get destroyed, by Julius.
“Oh look, we meet again!”

Julius laughs demonically
Julius releases a powerful stripe of purple fiery energy at the queen of Dansaki, striking right through her.

“Oh, too old and fragile, her magic did a good number on my ships tho.”
The prince draws his scythe and swing it summoning a wide blue energy at Julius.
Julius counters it right back at the prince, 10 times faster, cutting right through the prince, eventually the summoned army starts to disappear with the prince.
Elanoire and Aswa are too shocked to say or do anything.

Aswa starts holding Elanoire and says
“Summon a protective bubble around me”
“What’s your plan, Aswa?”
Elanoire whispered sounding horrified
“You see that dark ball on the dragon? I’m going to dash to it and try to strike it with my Knigama, give me the bubble when I dash to it It’s our only chance at least kill this dragon.”
“Will do, good luck, Aswa”

Aswa dashes at the dragon and piercing right through the dark ball and the dragon dashes away, Elanoire gives the bubble to Aswa, Julius falls down, loses conciseness and the enemy army has started to run to the place all this has happened.

“We don’t have time! We have to run Elanoire!”
Aswa grabs Elanoire’s wrist and they start running deeper to the forest, but then suddenly the dragon they freed comes in front of them and growls.
Aswa said as he was about to draw his Kinika but the dragon kneels down as it wants for them to get on him.
“Is it trying to save us or block us?”
Elanoire said loudly as the army is rushing towards them bawling
“I don’t know but it’s our only chance, let’s take the risk and climb on its back!”
Elanoire and Aswa climbs on the dragons back and it jumps to the sky through the clouds at the speed of light.
“Whoa! Are you still with me Elanoire?! This dragon is really fast! I guess this is a thanks because we saved it from the that controlling prison spell”
“Yeah, I’m still here, I can’t do anything Aswa, I’m feeling too weak, sorry”
“It’s ok, I’ll be right beside you”
Elanoire blushes and holds Aswa a bit tighter

It spreads its wings and starts to glide.
After a while it whips his wings forward and from that action small bluish balls, piercing right through a ship that was about to attack the dragon.
The ship explodes and the dragon starts flying towards a mountain, it doesn’t take long when it reaches the mountain as it’s so fast.

The dragon lands to the mountains in front of a cave, where is same kind of dragons but small
“Are those its kids?”
Elanoire said curiously
“So, now that we’re safe, what now? The prince, and the queen is dead, don’t know about the king”
Aswa said to Elanoire while trembling out in the cold mountains his hands in his pocket
“We should try to find the king and get him to safety if he’s still alive but first of all we should make a fire, I can try to find something dry on that forest, should be something dry there, you pick some twigs”

Elanoire and Aswa get to work, Aswa finds some twigs and some berries, he sees a bird in the sky, going to his nest, Aswa draws his Kinika and is ready to kill the bird, but he sees it going repairing it’s nest where’s eggs.
Aswa lowers his weapon as he was thinking the bird has eggs and will probably be a parent soon, but kills the bird anyways feeling really bad what he did

“Sorry, bird, Elanoire’s got to survive”
Aswa picks up the twigs and the bird with its eggs, and goes back to the cave.
Elanoire is already waiting for Aswa.

Aswa’s cold and emotionally unstable, and feeling weak of not eating anything and collapses to the cold hard ground.
“You alright?”
Elanoire shouts to Aswa as she was running towards him.
“I b… brought some food for you Elanoire, berries, eggs and a bird I’m not hungry, you eat, I just stumbled”
Aswa said smiling to Elanoire
“You’re weak, you…”
“I’m fine, Elanoire, you eat, got it? This is something I won’t argue about”
Aswa walks inside the cave and start the fire, while Elanoire is preparing food, Aswa goes to Elanoire and says
“The fire’s up, it’s late and I’m going to sleep by the dragons, I bet they’re warm and soft, well if they let me that is”
“Alright, you sure you won’t eat?”
“Yes, I’m sure”
Aswa walks slowly at the dragons and touches the father dragon’s nose and asks gently and smoothly
“Can we sleep with you here?”

The dragon growls as it was agreeing to Aswa’s question
Aswa lays down on the father dragon’s belly, getting asleep pretty quick as he was weak and hungry
Elanoire summons the fox Aswa saw earlier when we was first summoned to the world, it’s Elanoire’s spirit animal, only her, and his familiar can see it.

“What should I do? I know he’s hungry and wants me to feel good.”
“You should just respect his choice he made, he just wants you to be safe and feel good, he feels peaceful when he knows your safe and feeling good, especially in a situation like this.”

The fox was whispering in deep voice to Elanoire while going circles around Elanoire, eventually sitting down by the fire rubbing its paws.
Elanoire and the fox talks to each other for a while and Elanoire goes sleeping next to Aswa.
It’s morning and Elanoire begins to plan how will they get back to Firadia to tell what has happened.
Then the dragon suddenly talks, I can fly you wherever you wish, master Aswa.
Elanoire jumped
“W-w…what?! You can talk!?”

The dragon says calmly
“Yes, I could always talk, when we first met, it was not the best time to show that, but now I think it was.”
Aswa has been lying on the ground for a while now
“Btw, I think Aswa fainted when you spoke”
“I’ll get him on my back and warp us away from the enemy, so we can safely end our adventure

The dragon with Elanoire and Aswa knocked up on the dragons back is travelling to Firadia.
Once Elanoire and Aswa are at Firadia they land on the school backyard. The principal of the school walks to Elanoire.

“What is the reason you have brought a dragon here? They are dangerous beats, and to think. You, have tamed one and its children?”
“I have a secret and a very important message to the head of Firadia! I highly believe the world is in danger!”
“Don’t be silly, Firadia has the strongest defense in the world, thanks to our technologically armored war tortoises, and we’re allies with the dwarfs. What could possibly happen?”
But suddenly the principal falls on his knees holding his head and growling
“Principal?! You alright?!”
The principal stands up
“Yes, I’m fine, but I’m afraid Firadia will not be If we won’t get your message to the head of the country, the queen herself, C’mon we need to use the teleport, YOU, guards! Take the dragons to shelter and give them some food”
Aswa wakes up when Elanoire and the principal are heading to the teleportation room.
“Wh… what the dragon… it talks…”
“Yes, he does”
Elanoire said while petting Aswa’s forehead
“Alright you two, come here”

Elanoire and Aswa gets to the teleport, once they arrive near the castle of Firadia, they go in without anybody asking anything, and they go straight to the princess’s room they tell about what happened to Prince, and they ask for her to come with them to the King, it gives them a better chance of him believing what they have to say. Aswa and Elanoire goes to the king, tells everything and the king then stands up and clears his throat

“I want the defense, offence Generals and the master of Generals of Firadia right here, right now! We need to be prepared for an attack! And to prepare the evacuating ships just in case! This is critical! HURRY!”

Then The kings 3 scouts immediately activate their special magic, ”Seed of the speedlotus”
After a while the scouts come back
“Message delivered, they will be here in 1 hour”
“We’ll talk about the situation, go with the princess, she’ll know what to do”
Elanoire, Aswa and the princess goes to princess’s room
“Are you ready to be Firadias most elite soldiers? You’ll be highly rewarded form your missions, the most deadly, this is a great risk, but it comes with a great price”
“Yes, I am at least”
Aswa said immediately
“How about you, Elanoire?”
“Yes, I’d be happy to help my country!”
“Now, bow and I’ll give you the mark”
The princess spells these words as she hovers both of her hands over their neck
Genus elite defensor, Spiritus lumine
Aswa, and Elanoire gets a blue symbol on their neck, it stings for a while but it eventually calms down.
“You are now trusted with the Firadia family’s pure power, the most deadly. Your rank is as high as the commanders, so you’re allowed to go anywhere you wish, expect the places where only the generals are allowed. And you both are under my command.”
Elanoire and Aswa both are speechless
“Speechless, I understand. I’ll give your mission right away, your first mission is to spy over the enemy, go to Dansaki, if the enemy has moved, try to find out which way, or what country they’ll attack next”

“Will be done, Amena”
Elanoire bows to her and Aswa standing still next to Elanoire
“Bow, you fool”
“No, nobody will command me, you can give me missions, princess, but you are NOT in charge of me”
“Oh, really?”
Elanoire cracks her knuckles
“It’s fine Elanoire, that’s just his personality, but go now, and good luck!”

Aswa and Elanoire then head to their dragon, and go to Dansaki, the cave they previously were in, sheltering.

“So, we should probably get some food ready and ingredients for fire, I believe we’ll be here at least 1 night”
“Yeah, I’ll get the food, you get the fire ingredients this time”
Elanoire was heading out from the cave shouting to Aswa
                                                                                       *15 minutes later*
Aswa comes back with Elanoire already waiting on the cave, cleaning berries and some fruits she found on the forest

“Oh, you found some fruits, nearby the town?”
“Yeah, I went a bit too far and I think I know where to look first, it was heavily guarded too”
Then Elanoire stands up
“Let’s go, no reason to find meat, since we don’t know when we’ll be coming back, so the fruits will have to do when we get back”
“Alright, lead the way”
Elanoire and Aswa heads to the town, border, quietly, they take down the guards defending the building they’re about to go and Aswa quickly heads in while Elanoire stays outside hiding the bodies and guarding the door so nobody comes in.
Aswa finds a map, full of weird markings, he takes it with him, and then he sees a book with similar markings, he takes it also, and finds a letter, written in the weird markings, he takes it also with him, he then heads to the door, whispers to Elanoire

“Everything alright?”
“Yeah, nobody’s been here yet, but I think we should get going still, I heard some noises nearby”

Elanoire and Aswa heads to the cave, Aswa starts fire, Elanoire continues cleaning the berries and the fruits, they eat, talk a little bit about things, and head to sleep. The next morning they scout the town if they can find any other suspicious looking buildings, they even search the halls of Coparhagen, they find nothing.
They just head to the cave, informs the dragon they need to head back to princess.
“We found these, Amena. We have no idea what they say”
“Thank you, Aswa and Elanoire, you were a great service to the country, here’s your reward for your dangerous & hard mission, it’s the same payment as a normal spy gets but it’s quadrupled, and since Aswa is still a plebuskian rank in the country, he won’t get a price, I’m sorry”
Amena hands Elanoire 1200 coins
Then Aswa clears his throat
“Is there a way for me to rise from plebuskian? I mean, I have an army rank, but I’m ranked as a plebuskian, can I somehow rank from plebuskian to buskian? And then eventually to Land lord?”
“Yes, you can but you can’t “rise up” to land lord through doing favors, you need to buy or somehow get land to be a land lord.”
“Oh, of course, I feel stupid now”
“Ha-ha, Don’t worry, Aswa, lots of people has mistaken it. I’ll inform you when I get your next mission, and I’ll take good care of these you found. You both can go now”
Elanoire and Aswa opens the door and the princess suddenly says
“Uhm, Aswa? Can you stay here for a bit, I have something to say to you”
“Uh, alright? Elanoire I’ll see you at our room”
Elanoire heads out.
“So, what do you need, Amena?”
The princess is pets her thighs and going up
“Do you want to do it here with me?”
“Uhm, do what exactly?”
Aswa blushed and swallowed loudly while taking few steps back
“Have sex, of course”
“You know I’m with Elanoire, right?”
“Yes, yes I know, but you’re so manly and so caring inside”
“I’m sorry to turn you down, Amena, but I won’t betray the person, the reason, my only love I’m still alive and on top of that even here still, she’s the reason I’m staying, Amena, I’m sorry, you are beautiful, I’m sure you’ll find someone.”
“Yeah, I understand, Aswa”
“I need to go now, see you later”
Aswa opens the door and hits Elanoire with the door, she was listening their conversation
“Elanoire? Didn’t I tell you to go to our room?”
“Y-Yeah! I decided to wait you! I was just standing a bit too close the door!”
Elanoire said while blushing and being happy of how loyal Aswa is to her
“Say, If you were to lose me would you go back to your own world?”
“Wow, so straight answer”
Elanoire thought in her head.

Aswa and Elanoire head happily to their room, make some evening snacks and head to sleep, and continues their normal school days for 2 months, until one day one of the messengers from Elanoire’s family come to her to deliver an urgent message.
“Daughter, I’m old and fragile, I need YOU to deal with this threat south of from our family house, the slythicelake, on the farm, the lapis lazuli which gives extra life for our farms is angry since some adventurers lost it’s artifact. Go and talk to this creature and solve its problem”

Elanoire thanks the messenger
“You up for this Aswa? This only involves my family so you don’t have to come if you don’t want to”
“Sure, I’ll come with you, I am your familiar after all, I will be by your side, Elanoire”
Elanoire smiles and say
“Thank you, Aswa”
Elanoire shortly starts packing stuff up and start heading to the lake of slythice, the goddess of life of blue.
“What’s the problem Lapi?”
“These morons lost my artifact, and I will turn them into lapis worms if I won’t get my artifact back”
“Just asking, why did you lend your artifact to these adventurers?”
Elanoire asked confused
“These are my old companions, and I lent it to them because they needed some blue flowers to their home, so I was nice enough and lent my artifact that can grow any blue living thing out of thin air right where you point it”
Suddenly Aswa and all the adventurers around Lapis been shot with a dart that makes them scream out of pain and their heads explode, expect Aswa’s since he endures the pain as much as he can and he passeses out.

“What was that?! Without my artifact, I’m useless!”
Lapi shouted terrified
“Don’t worry I got this”
Elanoire said while crouching agilely
Quickly Elanoire dodges incoming dart by jumping horizontally spinning which came from the shadows of the trees and shoots a blue stinger line straight to the trees, causes everything to stun in 5 meter radius.
Elanoire walks slowly to the woods and drags this mysterious person out.
“Its dark red skinned, which has horns on its head, what’s this? You know anything Lapi?”
“I believe its Mulukus, the Dark witch’s apprentice”
“Mulukus? The witch has an apprentice? Like me and Aswa?”
The guards of the farm rush in when more enemies start coming out of the forest, the guardians say
“Get your partner and the Lapi to safety! We’ll protect you lady Elanoire!”
The guardians take a knife attached with a blue string out of their pocket and starts spinning it in the air, jumping all over and cutting the enemy heads, and then the archer guardians shoot from the towers.

“Take cover!”

The archers shoot a magic arrow that explodes and reveals all life forms that has not been registered as an ally to the Hyachist, blue god family.

Ab hostibus Dei revelare spirituum hyacintho hyacintho, PRODEO

And multiple enchanted bluish arrows are being shot from the watchtowers, all archers shoot at once all around the Farm.
A blue light array covers the farm and all the enemies are now revealed in blue smoke.
And then the archers shout again

Hyacinthum deorum, ita gubernem ut praebueris potestatem spirituum, blue hoc est sagitta interficere hostibus ac Vestibulum dux eorum!

And the arrows shoot straight in to the air and they break in to little smaller arrows and eventually is shot down, killing all enemies, and stunning the leader of the attack on slythicelake.
Meanwhile the soldiers fight and protect the farm Elanoire protects Lapi and Aswa, Elanoire goes up to Aswa.
“C’mon you big dummy, get up, hey Lapi, can you do anything to know if he’s alright?”
“I could try to run a test through his body”
Lapi hover’s her hand over Aswa’s chest and suddenly Lapi’s hand blows off.
“Well, looks like I won’t run a test through him, his soul power is far greater than mine, and I am a god, so I don’t know what happened. Let me run soul power test through him now.”
Lapi said while her hand was generating back.
Then Lapi suddenly feels weak as he sees he’s power of his soul
“You ok, Lapi?”
“Y… yeah it… it’s just his soul power is incredibly high It’s higher than mine times 10”
“Times 10?!”

“Yeah, I don’t know how a human would have such soul power but, I think his soul power is near the creator of all, “Curash” let me explain soul power in numbers, so, a normal human soul power is from 10-25, right? A soldier’s soul power caused by its training can be from 100-300. A captain to general can be from 2000-7000. A superior leader, like kings, soul power is about 7000-10000. My soul power however is 20000, doubled from your leaders, a normal god has soul power of 40000-80000, and the creator of everything “Curash” has a soul power total of 200 000”

“Wow, so Aswa is stronger than a god?
“Not necessarily, but there is an ancient forbidden power that was sealed, until a day that threatens
the whole universe. That makes your soul power to rise over 300 000.”
“th… three hundred thousand?!”

“Yes, but by going over the human limit, 20000 can be dangerous to your soul itself because it cannot
endure it. Over 20000 is too much for a human to handle, and his soul power at the moment is over 20000
since my hand exploded, I can run the test only if the person is 20000 or lower with soul power. And there is nothing we can do to help him survive, I think the person who shot at Aswa had a poison that makes your soul power rise nearly instantly so high your head will explode, only the strongest of souls can survive this, I think even my soul is not strong enough to endure a poison like that, only thing we can do right now, is to pray for him to survive the poison.”

“Oh god, why did this have to happen!?”
Elanoire puts her head over Aswa’s chest giving couple tears
“Please Aswa, survive the poison, I beg you”

Elanoire starts crying over Aswa’s chest and Lapi goes over to Elanoire and tries to calm her down, but suddenly Aswa’s eyes start to glow blue, with his mark on his forehead Elanoire has given him and starts to levitate.

“Elanoire, get away from Aswa, this is the moment where he’ll either die or survive.”
Elanoire shouted her face wet from all of the tears while trying to get to Aswa but Lapi has Elanoire tightly on her arms.
Then Aswa’s hand’s start to get tattoos like when he’s fighting and his emotional power get stronger.
“Aswa, please”
Elanoire calmed down and went to her knees crying
“Please survive I ca…”
Aswa stands in front of Elanoire and puts his hand over to Elanoire’s cheek
“What were you going to say?”
“I… uhm, just wishing for you to survive because summoning another familiar isn’t done easily, you know?”
Aswa laughed a bit
“So, I’m glad you’re ok”
Elanoire blushed and smiled while facing down and hands between her legs
“Btw, I was able to hear the whole conversation, Elanoire but let’s head out as soon the soldiers come to us and say it’s safe to come out.”

It doesn’t take long when a soldier comes to them and says
“It’s safe now, we eliminated the enemy, and found the Lapi’s artifact too, it was with the leader of the attack. He’s in interrogation right now”

But suddenly the soldier’s chest is pierced with a Guisarme and Elanoire gets terrified
“Mitä vittua!?”
“Hello, Aswa, YOU killed my son, and now you’re going to pay”
It’s Julius’s father, Tura Ru Ki Sulipe
Tura jumps back and says while growing bigger and stronger insanely fast
“C’mon, you little man! Come and fight meeee mwuahahahahaaa”
Aswa steps over the fallen soldier and sees everything in the farm is dead, even the civilians.
“Well, looks like this is going to be real fight then”
Aswa said calmly
Tura smashes the hut Lapi and Elanoire were in and Aswa looks back with a terrifyingly sad, and scared face
“You, killed, Elanoire…”

Aswa goes to his knees and starts spelling weird language so quiet Tura doesn’t hear it
“Oh, you’re giving up this easily? I thought you were a little more a MAN!”

Tura swings his Guisarme and hits Aswa. A massive dust cloud covers the area Tura hit with the leaves blowing off from the trees with small parts of wood.

The dust cloud wears off and Tura says confused
“Huh, where did you go, coward?”
“You did a big fucking mistake, you ugly fucking man”
Tura swings his Guisarme across the air blowing rest of the leaves off from the trees.
“You cannot hit me, you are as weak as your son when I cut his ugly little pathetic head off his body”
Aswa jumps in the air spinning and hits his Kinika in to Tura’s arm, climbing towards Tura’s throat.
“I’m going to gut you like I did your son! mwuahahahaa”

Aswa laughed like a crazy person demonically
Then Aswa smiles when jumping across Tura’s face while all his tattoos, eyes and the mark on his forehead glowing blue. He throws his Kinika near Tura’s throat and is about to swing his throat open but then a shout comes from the ruins of the hut that was destroyed by Tura.
“Aswa! You got this! Kill him!”
Elanoire shouted while in a protective ball made by Lapi
“Elanoire!? You’re alive!”
Aswa looks at Tura using one of his abilities called “Terrebit

It terrifies whatever living creature that it’s casted on
Tura starts shouting for being scared, he starts seeing Hallucinations of anything that he finds extremely scary.

Aswa has the terrifying smile on him again while his mark glows only this time and swings his Kinika over Tura’s throat.
“I told you I was going to gut you like your son. And that’s what you get for trying to kill my master. Elanoire”
Tura says in a huge amount of pain
“You will pay for this, Aswa”
And Tura was teleported away by Witch’s apprentice.
“We’ll see again, Aswa, I’m sure of it!”
Elanoire can’t believe what she just heard since Aswa very rarely calls anybody his “master”
“So, I am your master now? Huh?”
“Uh, um, N… Yes”
Aswa said looking embarrassed
“hahahaa, you humans are so cute and funny”
Lapi said laughing
Elanoire smiled to Aswa
“I’m glad, Aswa, I never could have believed you cared about me this much, but, why were the enemy this far in the country?”
“I have no idea…”
Aswa said while Elanoire and Aswa were walking back to Firadia, magic school.



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