EAFLS [CHAPTER 5] Old souls will never die, they only get stronger.

                                              CHAPTER 5
Aswa is getting medical treatment the next couple weeks, in a camp, outside of Firadian territory, well, the best medical treatment that remains from the Firadia.
Aswa then tries to get up suddenly, but Elanoire pushes Aswa back laying down.
“not until the doctors say you are ready to go.”
Then the head of the project to heal Aswa physically and mentally “Doctor Hus.”
Calls Elanoire with him, he has important info for her.
The doctor starts explaining Aswa’s condition.
“I have finished my calculations of his power during the arena, and what has happened to him during these years, and you know how corruption works, he’s in very very thin ice right now, even a slight so called “hearth break” and he’ll be the end of the universe, his power of his soul during the arena was… um.”
“Yes, doctor, continue.”
“Over 5 000 000”
“Over 5 million?!”
“Yes. I do know know how he has survived such amount of power and still be in this condition, but if he corrupts, nothing, and I mean, literally nothing, will be able to stop him, maybe emotionally, who he loves, I do know now, but this is the situation.”
“Alright, doctor”
Aswa has been standing near the door, his ear touching the door listening their conversation.
“And also, Elanoire, we will be killing Aswa tonight, he’s too big of a threat to the whole universe.”
Guards walk forward
“What? You cannot do that! As the queen of Firad”
The guards knock Elanoire out and she collapses to the ground.
Aswa quickly runs back to his bed as the doctor is walking towards the door.
“Aswa, would you like your meal? I have some extra meat meat with it.”
“No, doctor, where is Elanoire?”
Aswa said emotionlessly to the doctor as he stands up
The doctor then swipes his hand upwards, and a dart is shot to Aswa, he collapses immediately.
as Aswa is placed on a bed in containment room, and as the guards leave the room about to lock the door, Elanoire gets her consciousness back and shortly after, she shouts straight from her lungs
Aswa’s body reacts immidatiely to this shout of help, and the same with her father, shortly, her father rushes at Elanoire’s shout and sees Elanoire chained to a tree, and Aswa locked in a room.
Aswa’s hands start glowing rapidly fast, way faster than usually, and then he breaks the magic sealed secure door and walks out slowly with blue smoke from the room and laughing with a log pitched voice.
“You, made just a really big mistake, doctor.”
Elanoire’s father is low on the bushes nearby and says
“Show those traitors what the Firadians are made of!”
Elanoire then says with tears coming out of her face
“Don’t kill them Aswa!”
Aswa’s tattoos slowly start getting brighter and starting to turn to a colour nobody has seen before
Then the doctor says
“The world is now…. Doomed, theres no stopping Aswa now.”
And the doctor then kneels down before Aswa his head down as Aswa is in the air with his eyes glowing furiously, ready to swipe everything in his way.
“A.D.AM’s fall apart, langer is gone, the world as we know it, will no longer be there, a new era has begun, the apocalypse.”
And Aswa strikes his most unefficent strike straight to this doctor, and kills everyone in the radius of 5 meters from the point this was struck to.
“What’s going on?!”
Elanoire’s father shouts as he is running from the bushes, and Aswa then quickly turns his head at Manrhim
and just when he’s about to strike him down, Elanoire breaks from the chains and starts praying to the blue god.
“Lapi, I know I have never believed in you, but if you really are there, please save Aswa from his emotional overrun, and help us save the universe once again!”
Then suddenly the sky breaks apart and a blue beam is struck to Aswa and a huge blue angel is gliding down from the sky.
“I’ve been watching you.”
Then the beam starts getting more bright and powerful, wider.
Aswa starts shouting of pain and then the blue beam turns to Lapi and a connection is made between Lapi and Aswa.
Purple and blue is fighting, Aswa is overtaking Lapi, but suddenly Lapi gets an urgent power and almost instantly the beam gets fully blue and Aswa falls to the ground.
“Take better care of Aswa, he will bring balance to the world, that the dark spirit has taken over with his dark powers.”
But then the Dark spirit and his 2 minions are coming from the deep trees, without his Army.
“well well, look who shows up after all these years, to the world you abandoned.”
The dark spirit says to Lapi
Lapi then casts a powerful spell that stuns and teleports dark spirit far away
and disappears back into the sky.
Elanoire then rushes with her father to Aswa and calls a doctor, a real one this time, to check his condition.
The doctor then runs some tests on Aswa, and it turns out that he needs therapy to recover fully, therapy that only few people know, mind therapy, I know those few people, all ore firadian, and I can grant you free permission to go to those therapies with Aswa, since he is the last hope of this world, pretty much.
Couple months go by, and Aswa’s condition has not been going anywhere, but he is able to live normally, talk, walk, eat… so Elanoire decides to go on a trip with Aswa, alone to a trip.
Elanoire starts packing stuff and Aswa walks in the room
“What are you doing?”
“Packing stuff for our trip we’re going right now, and just so you know, you have no rights to deny this, ok?”
“Um, ok, but I have a therapy tomorrow, ordered by the real queen of Firadia?”
“Yes, but our family has decided, thinking for your own good, we’re getting a real therapist for you, my grandma, you can let loose with her, give the best you got to her she’ll block all of your magical attacks, but remember, only magical attacks.”
“um, I think I’ll stay with a professional”
“as I said, Aswa, you have no rights to deny this.”
“Well, I mean I want to get recovered”
Elanoire huffs and strikes Aswa down with a magical spell
“Sorry, Aswa but you ARE going to my grandma, no other choice.”
When they arrive to Elanoire’s grandma “seja”
seja immidatiely says
“I’ll take care of him, I already know everything, now, please leave so I can start the ceremony.”
and Elanoire leaves without saying a word.
The next morning Aswa wakes up in a bed, Seja sitting next to him
“Good morning, Aswa, I am Elanoire’s grandma, I belive she told you what you need to know, do not try to attack me in any way, and I will break your mind, in order to cure your corruption, is that clear?”
The next morning Seja wakes Aswa up at 5:25
“Make us breakfast, I will have a long day with you, to teach you everything we will do.
Aswa first was a bit unsure should he do everything she says, but since she’s Elanoire’s grandma, he trusts her fully, and “Seja”, is Aswa’s first so called “boss” he really does exactly as she says.
Aswa then proceeds to stand up, walks to downstairs and starts looking for some ingredients to cook with.
Aswa decides to cook the same breakfast he cooked for Elanoire for the first time, once he’s done, he brings the breakfast to the dinner table, calls Seja to come eat. She comes down stairs and says
“The smell is promising so far, Elanoire told me that you’re a great cook.”
Seja sits down and takes the first bite.
“Oh my god, this is the best thing I have ever eaten in the morning, so there was something in for the deal for me aswell.”
Seja said sounding happy as she is enjoying her breakfast.
Then the doorbell clings, and Aswa stands up, but Seja says
“Sit, I’ll go to the door, eat yours and we’ll be off shortly to the training area.”
Aswa says nothing as Seja stands up and walks to the door, its Elanoire.
“Oh, Elanoire, what brings you here?”
“I just decided to come check how’s Aswa’s first morning since he hasn’t really got used to waking up this early”
“He’s doing great, he just made us breakfast and we’ll about to go to the lake, wanna come with us? The water is warm you can maybe swim while I train this half corrupted boyfriend of yours”
“H-he’s no”
“Shhhh, you cannot fool me, Elanoire.”
Elanoire then blushes and says
“H… he’s so cute, and I feel really safe and warm when im with him, he’s really sweet, I cannot be without him, I really want to get married with him for real, I mean, we did get married, but it was a temporary marriage, to only get a pet for Aswa, but things went otherwise.”
“I understand, your grandpa was exactly the same, but now we will have to go, if you’ll come with us, come right away since I got a lot of things to teach this boy.”
Seja first commands Aswa to take a heavy wooden bucket, and fill all 4 barrels with water from nearby lake.
Aswa then asks
“Because I say so.”
“no buts, if you want to be cured, you do exactly as I say, got it?”
“Yes madam”
Aswa then proceeds to do as Seja commands, he grabs 2 buckets, and starts walking to the lake.
When Aswa is back, and filled all of 4 barrels, Aswa asks breathing heavily
“What’s next?”
Seja smiles and says
“Next is, balance, follow me.”
As Seja and Aswa is walking over some tall thin rocks, but still wide enough to place a foot on, Seja bears her mind to Aswa saying “Whats next” after a pretty hard task.
“He’s got some guts”
Seja said to Elanoire ealking beside Seja.
“What do you mean? Grandma?”
“Your boyfriend has some guts, a strong will, “Sisu” as the ancient finns called it”
After a short nice walk, they’re finally there.
“Now, Aswa, do as I do, come up here”
Seja jumps really high and waves her hand up as she is standing with 1 leg on top of a tall rock.
Aswa then proceeds to try and jump as high as Seja, but fails.
“Remember, do not use your powers. If you do, you might die, remember that, you need to learn to do things without your powers, with only your sisu, close your eyes, empty your mind, once your mind is empty, open your eyes, focus on your legs, and jump up here!”
Aswa opens his eyes and jumps as high as he can, it’s a bit too high and he falls to the rock.
“Well done, you jumped a bit too high, I think even I cannot jump that high”
Seja said laughing a little bit
“Now, it is really important to empty your mind, because those are some really thin rocks we’re going to jump to, it is certain death if you fall, if you think about falling, you will fall, if you think about jumping on to the next rock, you will jump to the next rock and be safe, this I am not going to show to you, you will go first, no strings attached, go.”
Aswa opens his mouth
“B… Yes, I trust you, Seja”
“Isn’t this a bit too early for this grandma?”
“no, it is not, he is really strong, he can do it, now, be quiet, this is a hard task”
Aswa then closes his eyes, empties his mind, and starts jumping the rocks like a master.
“Great job, Aswa, now do it again the other way!”
Aswa then starts jumping even faster the rocks back to Seja.
“Nice job Aswa, did you know, this was one of the hardest, and the most dangerous tasks, you will do in your training?”
“Really? That’s a bit of a relief since this was not extremely hard, you know?”
“Yes, I believe you will actually enjoy this.”
“I am already enjoying this, master.”
“now, lets go back, we need to eat something, I bet you’re exhausted and hungry after carrying that water and this hard mind task.”
Aswa, with Seja and Elanoire then walks back to the house, Elanoire walking with only a towel around her blushing
“D-Don’t look at me, Aswa!”
Aswa then quickly turns his head blushing also
“Ahh, the youth, it is something”
Once Aswa and his friends arrive to the house, Seja tells Aswa to make dinner, Aswa then proceeds to do as Seja commands, and Seja asks Elanoire to come with her
“should we watch some TV while Aswa makes some food?”
“Yeah, but I believe only ads and some boring shows are coming on this time of the day.”
Seja and Elanoire then walks upstairs chatting with eachother.
                                                          20 Minutes later.
Aswa walks ustairs and tells Seja and Elanoire that the dinner table is set.
Seja and Elanoire then gets around the dinner table with Aswa, they eat and Elanoire goes to her room
“Goodnight Seja and Aswa, I’ll head to sleep now”
“Night, I’ll meditate with Aswa for a moment before we head to sleep also.”
Elanoire then continues to walk up her room.
“Alright Aswa, now, just like before, empty your mind, but this time think of making connection with me, I need to enter your mind, in order to know more from you.”
After a while of meditating, in complete silence… well, almost, with Elanoire’s snore.
Seja connects with Aswa’s mind, first, first complete, pure darkness, she goes to level 2 in his mind, little deeper, still dark, but some visions of Elanoire, his loved ones, and some other persons back in his own worlds that are important to him, but slowly fading away since he hasn’t seen them in a long time.
Seja proceeds deeper into his mind, to level 3, to find the reason he’s being corrupted.
Seja then sees visions of people again, she believes they are people he hates from the bottom of his hearth.
she draws quick sketches of those people on paper, and she proceeds to the last level, it may be dangerous, but she is really experienced with this kind of stuff, so she goes ahead and goes even deeper, and then she gets multiple visions flashing over her, all kinds of terrible stuff, his mother being raped and killed by a robber, bullied his whole life, almost all women of his age he’s been with has betrayed him, most of his friends betraying him, bullying him physically, mentally… and it just continues like there’s no stop to it and Seja quickly breaks the connection with him, its too much for her.
“What’s wrong?”
“Uh, nothing, I got what I needed”
Seja said breathing heavily
“let’s go to sleep for today, we will get you to nearby hospital tomorrow, we will run some tests”
“Alright, goodnight, Seja”
its morning and Seja wakes Aswa up earlies than normally
“Wake up, don’t wake Elanoire up, since she will be strongly against this test, you need to trust me, this is the easiest and the fastest way to know your corruption core”
Aswa then gets up and goes to the hospital with Seja, without Elanoire knowing.
Once they are are at the N.S (nightmaresimulator) Seja then asks Aswa to go lay down on a metallic bed.
Aswa lays down and is chained tightly to the bed, for security
“You are chained to the bed because this is a nightmare simulator, it reaches to the deepest part of your personality and picks out the most dark spot it will create a scene of, random generated characters, none of them are real, are you ok for this to happen? It will majorly help me.”
“Yes, let’s do it”
Elanoire then wakes up shouting to Aswa
“Good morning dummy, how are you feeli- Aswa? Seja?”
Elanoire then gets up and starts to think the worst that Seja has put Aswa to a N.S, Elanoire rushes to the hospital while Aswa has been on the N.S for quite a while now, everything is ready, he’s in a fully secured room, nobody’s inside and the test is ready to start.
The machine then starts to run and Elanoire rushes in the room
“Seja! We talked about this! No N.S!”
Elanoire then attempts to open the door Aswa is in, but it’s locked
“Aswa wanted this himself, you need to respect his opinions, when we meditated last night, I’m sure you remember, I visited his deepest part of his mind, the corruption has grown since he entered the school life, middleschool, it’s so big that I need to harvest it, to know exactly what’s causing this phenomenon”
“He wanted this himself? Well even tho I am strongly against this, I will respect his decision, as you said.”
Elanoire then sits down calmly, waiting for the test to be over.
“Nice to hear that from you, granddaughter.”
The machine starts to generate the scene that’s based on Aswa’s deepest part of personal hell.
“The show’s about to start, a holographic screen then appears in front of Seja and Elanoire.
Aswa is a highschool student, a normal self, nothing special, Aswa’s brain is feeded of pictures, moments and feelings towards a randomly generated girl.
“a girl? This is unexpected”
Then when Aswa sees this girl across the street, he shouts
but Otome doesn’t answer, and is grabbed from her chest by an old man.
The machine starts to make a loud noise and starts generating the darkness Aswa produces.
“The fuck?”
Aswa said, his hearth beating strongly.
Then suddenly his littlesister, age 16 jumps on his back, surprising him
“What are you doing?”
The machine stops the scene and feeds Aswa’s head generated memories and feelings that this girl is his little sister he loves unbelievably much.
“Oh, Sanji, whats up, I actually am”
Aswa is looking around the street and sees her nowhere
“Uh, nothing”
Aswa smiles
“what are you doing here?”
“Oh, I just came from school and saw you here standing alone.”
Time fast forwards to evening time, Aswa on his own room, by a computer, and a black figure drops something to the mailbox, Aswa goes to check it, and sees it’s a VHS-Video casett, nothing is on it, just a plain VHS-casett
He inserts it to a casett player, and a girl naked is sitting on a bed, with bunch of old ben by her.
Aswa grabs his coffee mug
“a porn film? Why would someone drop a porn fil-“
Aswa then drops his mug of coffe to the ground as he sees this girls face
”o… otome…”
”Knew this would happen!”
Aswa then puts his hand into a fist and punches a hole onto his wall.
his step mother than comes to his room and asks
”What are you doing?!”
Aswa then rushes out of the house crying and the machine fastforwads of Aswa walking.
Aswa sees his sister also with an old man, walking to men’s bathroom, Aswa’s mind is generating huge amouts of pure, sad darkness.
The machine then stops the scene temporarily and shows multiple moments in his real life where he’s got beat up by his friends betraying him, multiple girls cheating on him, ect.
His step mother had followed him and asks
”What’s wrong?”
Aswa wipes his tears off his face
Then another old man is coming towards Aswa’s stepmother and slaps her ass and asks
”Hey, want to do it again?”
Aswa starts to breath heavily and his eyes burst into tears, Aswa runs to his room and lays on his bed.
he starts to fall asleep focefully since he’s so tired.
Aswa wakes up the next morning and he starts packing a bag with clothes and other essential items for surviving alone.
Aswa opens the door without any emotion, straight face and he sees Otome and his sister
his sister then attempts to hug Aswa and Aswa hits her
”Get away from me, Sanji, you are not the sister I thought I protected, and you, Otome, you better not get in my way, or things will not go very well.”
”B- big brother?”
”Aswa, what’s wrong?”
Otome then starts to walk towards Aswa and Aswa pulls out a knife
”I said, don’t come closer”
Aswa still has an emotionless face, but they clearly see Aswa is about to break inside
”Seriosly, whats wrong?”
Sanji then remembers he might have seen the tape that was delivered to the house last night
”Wait, Aswa!”
”Don’t talk to me, dont follow me, dont contact me in any way, this is last warning, same with my ”mother” if any of you try to contact me in any way, I will, I mean it, I WILL kill you all.”
Aswa then proceeds to walk away from the house calmly, opens the door, and sees these 3 old men he saw take the girls.
and they start to call him names and laughing
”Loser, why dont you do anything? I fucked your mother AND your sister, how does it feel to lose everyone you love by 3 old men?”
”And I stole your girl, I am an old man, cmon why dont you even fight back?”
Aswa then says calmly
”Stop, or you will regret what you have done, seriously.”
Then Aswa’s old school bullies that are his former best friends that betrayed him is walking towards Aswa.
”Your girl gives good blowjobs”
Aswa then starts to glow in the room, rapidly generating pure darkness.
”Stop the machine!”
The machine doesn’t respond and Aswa’s simulation is going crazy, generating and inserting feelings of being betrayed horribly.
The machine’s emergency program launches.
The machine then starts to insert memories of the most important person into his brain, Elanoire.
And Aswa’s body calms down, and the body detached Aswa’s mind from the machine.
Aswa wakes up and remembers nothing, but Seja and Elanoire now knows exactly what Aswa fears the most in his life, Betrayal.
“Oh, is it over already? It was like I was asleep!”
“um, don’t you remember anything what happened?”
Elanoire asked sounding scared and confused at the same time
“No, not really, by the way, morning, Elanoire”
“Yea, um, morning”
Seja then stands up and says
“Alright, everyone! This was it, we’ll go away now, and thank you for lending me the N.S.”
While Seja, Elanoire and Aswa are walking quietly back to Seja’s house, Seja is thinking about the things she saw, betrayal.
“Alright, Aswa, we’ll continue with kung fu training for couple weeks, switch to Karate, meditate some more and then is the final test, or whenever you feel you are ready yourself.”
Seja said when they arrived at the house
                                                                                       1 MONTH LATER
“Alright, its been a month now, I am ready to start your final test, are you ready?”
“Can we kung fu today, tomorrow karate last time? Then I think I am”
“As you wish, Aswa, go make us some breakfast and I’ll go wake Elanoire up”
Aswa then walks to the kitched to cook and Seja walks upstairs to wake and talk with Elanoire what are her plans.
“Elanoire, wake up, I need to tell you something extremely important”
Elanoire mumbles to herself and sits up
“I will do a betrayal simulation myself to Aswa, create an alternative universe and teleport Aswa therte through a portal, just to break him, I am sure when he breaks up, the corruption will completely disappear from his mind, and his mind wont be clouded anymore, and I need you to be with me, and say when I push him to the portal you say “I’m sorry, Aswa”, alright? It’s happening tonight.”
“Alright, I just say “I’m sorry, Aswa” nothing else?”
“Nothing else”
“Alright, but will it affect our relationsh… I mean… our friendship?”
Elanoire said blushing
“I doubt it will, but I wont make any promises, this is our only way of curing him, and he should be ready by the training I have teached him”
“Alright then, if there is no other way.”
Aswa then shouts from downstairs
“Breakfast is ready! Come to eat!”
Seja and Elanoire then walk downstairs to eat and when they are all around the table
“Today will be a little different, Aswa.
“Oh? What will it be?”
“You’ll see soon enough, Aswa.”
Once they are done eating, they go stand outside and Seja starts explaining what they’ll do.
“All you have to do, is to play the game, no more teasing, no more waiting.”
Seja is secretly spelling magic words to summon the portal behind Aswa.
“And, let the corruption run through you, let the darkness fall over you.”
“Wait, what?”
Seja then pushes Aswa back and he falls to the portal.
Elanoire says
“I’m sorry, Aswa”
Seja then closes the portal but Aswa still hears Seja’s voice
“All you have to do is to play the game, in order to save your loved one, Elanoire”
Horrific generated voices of Elanoire screaming for help play in the backround for Aswa to hear, Aswa is unable to say anything, and dark powers are attacking him from all directions, Aswa is falls down, starts glowing, dark powers keep attacking him harder and harder, Aswa the is able to speak and screams from all the pain and emotions of betrayal reaching the deepest parts of Aswa.
Aswa then quickly stands up lightning fast, the attacks stop, and Aswa just stands there, his arms glowing, and a huge scythe of eternal power of the lapi crashes to the ground infront of Aswa, and he grabs it, dark figures start to spawn around him, but they stop as a misty cloud is around Aswa and blue light is glowing strongly through it, the cloud starts to slowly disappear and Aswa’s eyes look even more deadly than ever before.
Seja says
“Alright, now I need to calculate his Soul, his power, to give him a worthy enemy.”
Seja the scans his soul, and the results come up for Elanoire and Seja to see,
His will, does not even have a number since its too big, and his soul, is over 10 000 000
“This… this amount of power should be impossible to even get in the whole universe, how is a mortal body able to keep this much power?”
“Well, this only means to make a clone of him with thrice of everything he has”
but it explodes immediately, due to the amount of power Aswa has, the clone cannot handle the amount of power.
“Well, this didn’t go as planned, but atleast we broke him, but not completely, hope this wasnt enough, but if Aswa can control this amount of power by his will, he will be our key to saving our country, and this galaxy.”
But then when Seja is about to close the universe and get Aswa out, she notices that the clone is still alive.
“wait, Elanoire, look at this, Aswa’s clone is still alive, but we cant see it anywhere”
“Oh yeah, should we do a scan for lifeforms?”
“Good idea”
Seja then scans the universe and now they see Aswa’s clone in particles, which are slowly attaching back together
“Whats this? Particles attaching back together after it exploded?”
“Let’s see where this leads”
Seja said to Elanoire fascinated to this event.
While Aswa is slicing through dark figures, his clone teleports behind him and punches him, and he flies straight to a wall the clone summones at the right time
“Oh wow, he really is strong, with only a punch he made him fly like that”
Aswa then gets up and dashes extremely fast against the clone and goes right through the clone with kinika on his right hand
“What? Isn’t the clone supposed to be three times stronger than Aswa?”
Elanoire said confusingly
“Yes, but it seems Aswa can get even more powerful when he’s damaged, I think its one of his abilities”
Seja answered sounding confident
“alright, this is enough for Aswa now, I’ll get him back, he has suffered enough”
Elanoire said to Seja, and Seja agreed.
They get Aswa back to the real world and give him medical treatment.
Aswa gets back to Seja and Elanoire unconscious through a portal.
Seja then grabs Aswa’s hand tells Elanoire to grab his other arm, and they drag him back in to the house, Elanoire wipes Aswa’s face with a warm towel.
Aswa starts breathing heavily, Elanoire Shouts Seja to come see whats happening.
Seja then runs over to Elanoire and Aswa
“Will he be okay?”
Elanoire asked panicking her hands shaking
“Yes, don’t worry, he’s just about to wake up from my medicine, Elanoire, don’t worry, he’s in my safe hands”
Seja said as she touches Elanoire’s shoulder
Elanoire wipes tears off her face
“Y-Yes grandma, thank you”
Aswa then wakes up groaning
“oooh fuck, my head and back hurts like hell… the hell happened? Why did you guys push me through that portal?”
Elanoire jumps on Aswa hugging him
Seja then giggles a littlebit
“It was just a test, you are the omri.”
Elanoire could not believe what she just heard
“THE omri?”
“Yes, he’s the omri”
“Alright?, Um, what exactly IS this so called “omri”?”
“Its an extremely powerful living powerly being that the creator of the universes made for this universe we’re in, theres about 8 universes in total, and there is only 3 not being undercontrol by an extremely powerful evil power, nobody knows what it is tho, and the creator himself created the omri, that will find the worthy and pure enough to wield this power, being even more powerful than the creator himself, and Lapi, the god, the creator of this galaxy has a fragment of this creators power, with her powers and the omri, you’ll be unstoppable and be able to stop this evil power that’s corrupting the universes.”
Seja gasps for air after speaking nonstop
“Ok, that was interesting, but, how am I able to do all this hero stuff, when I don’t even have any powers?”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself yet, I’m not 100% sure of this yet, there is no more tests to test this, so the only way to see if you are the omri by just waiting, the omri will activate when you hit your absolute breakingpoint”
Then Elanoire opens her mouth confusingly
“But didn’t Aswa hit that already?”
“No, he did not it was his blackening, but not his breaking point, so there is even more powerful version of him inside there somewhere that can not be tested, only through real experience.”
“oh, alright”
“I’ll go to sleep, I need to think about this thing alone”
“Yeah, I understand, goodnight, Aswa”
Seja and Elanoire said to Aswa after giving him a lovely hug
Aswa then goes straight to bed, thinking about this omri stuff
“Elanoire, we need to start preparing for the assault to Firadia, I got this message from the highcommander, a big group of Firadian soldiers will head to Ruppksia, and will split in 2 groups the otherhalf will stay in Ruppskia recruiting people, the otherhalf will go to chani, and they split again and then Aswa, you and couple other elite soldiers come with you to Japsinese our only chance to get firadia back is to ask help from the asia, along with the dwarves.
Seja and Elanoire then proceeds to sneak in Aswa’s room, and give him poison that will keep him asleep aslong as they need him to be. After a while they get Aswa out of the house, go to a secret firadian military hospital, and put him into a nightmare breaking stasis.
Aswa then starts to slowly wake up groaning, but Aswa quickly relalises that he’s bounded to a chair and a weird “bucket on his head”. Aswa then cant even control his eyes anymore as he sees doctor with white jackets on them, saying you’ll be alright, if you’re strong, stay strong, my friend.
Aswa then goes through different kinds of memories put in to his head, breaking his mind completely, going over and over those stories. (I will write them later as short stories about 10-20 pages)
“Why are we torturing him like this again?”
Elanoire asked looking at Aswa trying to break free from the chair sweating
“Because we need his emotions take over, he is the last hope of Firadia, along with the trip we need him on”
Seja said completely calm like nothing is happening
“But, I… uh…”
“N… nothing, Grandma, nothing…”
After few hours of mind torture, it finally stops.

Elanoire then rushes in the room and asks directly
“Are you okay?”
Aswa groans as he is still waking up and asks
“Wh… who are you?”
Elanoire backs off few steps as she is shocked what Aswa just said
“Y… you don’t know who I am?”
“No, should I?”
Seja then walks in the room and puts her hand on Aswa’s forehead and asks Elanoire to be quiet
“What are you doing?”
Aswa asks confused
“Shhh, just be still”
Seja said as she is closing her eyes and entering Aswa’s mind
Couple minutes of complete silence go by and Seja takes her hand off Aswa’s forehead.

Aswa needs immident treatment, bring me the juice, doctor.
The doctor then takes the juice and brings it to Seja and Aswa asks
“Can somebody explain what the fuck is going on and where am I?”
Seja then places her finger on top of Aswa’s head and Aswa falls in deep sleep.
“Everybody leave this room, only Elanoire, Aswa and I will stay, and turn off all the machines and lights.”
“Yes madam”
As everyone is leaving the room, Elanoire asks Seja sounding scared
“What happened to Aswa?”
“Aswa’s mind is extremely weak for love, the machine went overboard of making up fake stories of love after scanning his head, and all of those stories ended up with a horrible, truly horrible ending, which leaded to this, he lost his mind, some kind of protection system from his core, his soul, to prevent him going crazy, this is not the first time this has happened, his childhood was extremely hard.”
Elanoire is left speechless.
Seja then proceeds to feed Aswa the juice, a poison that disables core protection, made from the deepest fears and feelings of Aswa, nothing special happens when he drinks it, but then Seja goes to other side of the room, and asks Elanoire to do the same, casts a low quality barrier around him, surrounded by the blessing of Dismay.
a dark aura appears infront of Seja, and Seja asks this dark figure
“When this boys core protection activates, you will destroy the protective wave coming from his soul and overclock his protective power, and restore his memories he has lost, memories make us who we are afterall, make rest of his life as he wishes deep down”
Elanoire is unconscious
Seja then gets up, turns on all the machines and lights, and asks they can come in now, and sits down next to Elanoire like nothing happened and Aswa wakes up once again, remembering nothing expect the last day.
“Now, gentlemen and ladies, we have to go to the camp, we have an urgent mission to do.
“Save Firadia”
“What’s the plan? And why am I here? Did something happen?”
Aswa asked as he is standing up
Seja then swipes her finger towards Aswa and Aswa’s mind is filled with the full plan, how things will go, and why he was there.
Aswa asked
“Wasn’t I already on this simulation?”
“Oh, yea you were, but we needed to do 1 more thing to you without you knowing”
“Oh, alright”
Aswa said scrathing his head
Elanoire then grabs Aswa’s hand and drags him out of the place, once they’re outside, the warmth of the sun hitting them, Elanoire hugs Aswa and says
“Finally, some alone time with you”
Aswa smiles and says
Elanoire then after few minutes of silent hugging what she is doing
“Uh! I… I mean I was worried for myself, because… uh… I would have to summon another familiar if you couldn’t do this”
Aswa smiles and laughs a bit as Aswa lets go of Elanoire, shortly after Seja comes out of the Hospital too and tells Elanoire and Aswa that they should start heading to the camp already, Aswa’s training is complete.
Seja, Elanoire and Aswa heads to the house, Seja gives them some food and drink for them to eat at their way to the camp, the trip takes 1 day to go from Seja’s place to the camp, the night is closing in and the cmap is not too far away, but they still decide to camp there for the night in separate tent to avoid any kind of danger for themselves.
Aswa’s having nightmares of the stories he was feeded in yesterday, and while he goes through thinking about these stories for many hours, he finally comes to his senses on the morning when he’s waking up that he shouldn’t have any kind of feelings towards anybody anymore, they will only hurt you more than give you satisfaction.
Elanoire shortly wakes up as Aswa is warming up a breakfast for himself by a fire
“Goodmorning, Aswa”
Aswa replied
“Is… something wrong?”
“Well, what is it?”
“I had nightmares last night”
“Oh, I’m sor”
“About the stories yesterday”
“But, you shouldn’t remember them…”
“Well, I do, I know there is a reason that I shouldn’t remember them, but it really made me open my eyes that I shouldn’t relay on others anymore, and not to give any kind of romantic, friendly, or trusting vibe to anyone, it will only bring more harm, than good, sorry, Elanoire, I think I cannot continue doing our thing… expecially when you keep acting like you don’t give a single fuck about me”
“But… they’re only stories!”
“Exactly, they’re only stories, and I feel this bad about them, I don’t want to even imagine how it would feel like to lose you like that, or even you betraying me for real like that one time.”
“We should start heading to the camp, I will do teamwork with the others, but I will try to keep myself making any friends”
Elanoire just stays quiet and starts to think what Seja said to her
“Aswa might remember the betraying NTR stories from today, so you HAVE to dominate him, you need to show him that you really care about him, and that is done by dominating him, I know female dominating sounds extremely unbalanced in a relationship, and unrespectful, but Aswa’s personality matches perfectly with it, he can be controlled easily once you have the dominant side, he will try to block you out, this is the way of claiming him for isolating himself, it is in your hands, it doesn’t do anyharm to others, he is able to communicate and do teamwork, but I’m saying this for you, Elanoire, if you want to stay with Aswa.”

Elanoire was completely in her own head, and now they’re already back to the camp. The last standing highest ranked commander with Elanoire’s father, the last general, coming towards Elanoire and Aswa.

“Welcome to the preparation camp, I believe you know what’s about to happen and how things will go? Or should we discuss it again at the commander tent?”
“Yeah, I think we should discuss is once more, just to be sure.”
“Alright, follow me to the tent”
The commander explains the plan again, and just at the ending
“And Aswa with Elanoire will be scouting in the air with your dragon we have been holding here, I think kI forgot to mention that on the letter”
“Yeah, everything is now fine, and under control”
“So, the trip will begin tomorrow morning at 10, be there”
“Yes sir”
Elanoire said while Aswa’s just standing there saying nothing
“What’s wrong with Aswa?”
Manrhim says to Elanoire bending forward
“some trust issues and trouble with his feelings, but I know the cure for it”
“That’s my girl”
Manrhim said grinning a little bit
                                                          The next day’s morning at the starting point
Elanoire shouted


“nothing, I just wanted to feel the warmth of you”
Elanoire giggles

“Elanoire, you know why im like this pleas”

“Don’t, just don’t I was cold and lonely, and you’re warm and I feel protected and good when im around you, so please, let me stay by your side, atleast for the rest of the mission, we’ll see after that how things are, okay?”

Aswa swallows loudly and blushes slightly

Elanoire looks at Aswa with a smile while hanging to him
The trip begins, Elanoire and Aswa fly up with their dragon to scout ahead for any hostile movement.

Then Elanoire asks in mid flight
“What would you do, if I we would get a mansion, with land to do whatever we want, would you live with me in it, or what?”

“I would give it to you, I prefer smaller houses”
“That was a bit too cold, you know?”
“Be nicer to a cute girl!”

Elanoire said while starting to hug Aswa behind tightly
“Hey! Don’t hug me that tight!”

“What’re you gonna do about it?”

Aswa blushes again and says nothing and lets Elanoire hug Aswa as long as she wants to.
After a long trip of gathering troops all over aksia, they’re preparing an attack, only half of the army will attack first, and the reinforcements will arrive soon after their first contact with the enemy.
Aswa is leading the attack with a support from the troops from aksia, runski, chinsi and japski.
High tech punk group from Japski at his right side, chinsi at the left and rupski special forces behind him with Firadian forces also.
Aswa notices a little boy shivering on the front lines and he walks at him and asks
“Are you in the right place?”

“Y-yes, I need the money to feed my mother, I have no choice, I have never fought a human before, only animals”

“animals, huh? Humans are way easier opponents, I’m sure you’ll be fine, but I can give you this gem, keep it at you at all times during this fight, I will know if you’re in trouble.”
Then the war drums start playing
“I have to go back now, goodluck”

“Thank you!”

Aswa smiles back to him and goes back to his position.

Elanoire and Manrhim back at the Firadian camp giving the attacks tactician orders and information, then after a while the wardrums stop playing, a complete silence occurs, and then the First attacking squad of Firadia attacks.
The black army that occupied Firadia collides with the first attacking army, with heavy casualties on the black army’s side.
Firadias forces greatly overtake the Black army and then the tactician commands them to advance.
A great blowback from the black army is received, does heavy damage to the attackers of Firadia, Aswa dashes in at an enemy, but then suddenly the he feels that the gem is shizzling, that boy is in trouble.
The boy shouts in pain of soldiers torturing him on the battle field.
Aswa then slashes the enemys stomach open he was fighting and dashes super fast at the boy and as he spins over the enemy he strikes the axe on the enemy soldiers back making him fly and crash straight to a rock, drawing his sword, protecting every single attack that comes towards the boy, starts to think why is he getting such attention.
Once the soliders back up, Aswa helps the boy back on his feet, and then relaises quickly that the Firadian attackers are being killed and overpowered by a great force. Aswa summons a barrier around the boy
“Listen here, boy, I need you to run back to the camp, warn everyone to hide, we got no chance to get Firadia back yet, we need more power”

“But, what about y…”

“Don’t worry about me, I just need you to get back and protect Elanoire with your life, it will be my last command, take this with you.”

Aswa hands his Kinika over to the boy
“Take care of Elanoire.”

Aswa breaks the barrier with a great dust cloud surrounding the enemy sight.
Then the enemy commander shouts
“concentrate your fire on that man!”

Aswa’s amulet starts to glow he got from the Firadian scientists of keeping his power under control.
Aswa rises up levitating in the air, slashing through the enemy forces with all of the might and power he has left inside of him, but quickly enough, even Aswa’s power is not enough to go all by himself against a full army, the boy escapes, reaches the camp only to see that its in ruin, he starts to panic and hides in a nearby bush as a group of beast soldiers go by.
Aswa is not contained in a facility made by the dark spirit himself.
“Well, look who’s here again, you have grown quite a lot have to say, guess my beating wasn’t enough last time”

Black spirit punches Aswa on his liver and he spits out blood
Aswa stays silent and says as the heavy steel chains shake in the air.
“Atleast… Elanoire will be safe”
Black spirit starts to laugh
“Oh yeah, she will be just fine, as my SLAVE, I can’t wait to see her bent over at the ground crying for mercy, don’t worry Aswa… I wouldn’t kill such a beautiful girl, hahaha”
Aswas fury then takes action and tries to get out of the chains
“Don’t try to get out, it will only make things worse for your… little boy…”
Black spirit then shuts the door as guards step in guarding him
Couple days go by, Aswa only has the amulet intact and some ragged up clothes on him in a work camp
Aswa then collapses to the ground for starvation
Guards gets him to the rest room gives him a bit of food and water, and then quickly the guards are taken down by an unknown person.
“Cmon Aswa, you are the last hope of Firadia, you are better than this, you, Aswa Morina, are better than this, now is your chance, Elanoire will be given to Black spirit today! I know, you care about her, I know you are extremely hurt inside, I know everything, cmon, give it 1… last… push.”
The mysterious person then disappears right infront of Aswa’s eyes and Aswa starts getting flashbacks of happy moments with Elanoire, and then the last what the black spirit said…
“she’ll be his slave.”

Aswa then gets up, with a straight face, breaks the amulet, walks out of the rest room, guards are alerted immediately.
As Aswa is glowing, with a straight face attacks Aswa but they are no match for the power of Aswa morina
Aswa then looks up his eyes glowing with a grin on his face as he brutally slashes through the guards with his bare hands
 “I’m coming… for you.”

Aswa then gathers energy into his hands and unleashes a powerful wave that destroys all guard structures and the prisoners then quickly overwhelm the guards.
The black spirit is then informed of the accident that happened at the camp but he doesn’t care and sends a strong mercenary after him right away.
a mercenary instantly appears infront of Aswa and Aswa punches once the camp ground, destroying every single living being within 100 meter radius.
Aswa then kicks the ground, makes him fly through the skies an unbelievable speeds. Aswa is remembering of what Manrhim has said about Elanoire
“She might look fragile, but she is extremely strong.”

Aswa is then saying things on his mind how bad he has treated Elanoire before the attack and regrets every word.
And right as Black spirit is about to rip Elanoire’s clothes guard comes and informs the Blackspirit that Aswa that an unknown force is coming towards his location with extremely high speeds, and the soldiers and no match for him.
“get my weapon, I will kill this intruder myself.”

“yes sir!”

Just as the soldier is about to open the door, a fist comes through it straight at the soldiers throat and crushes it.
Then Black spirit then takes few steps back and Elanoire shouts

“How are you here? Well no matter, I was just about to have fun with Elanoire and you crash in? I’ll have to punish you”

As Black spirit draws his weapon, Elanoire notices that Aswa doesn’t have his amulet on him and she starts to cry quietly so Black spirit wouldn’t notice
“Say, what is your name, Black spirit?”

“My name is rudfi, Rudfi the Black enchantment, now I will have to kill you, I will not hold back this time, you do not even have a weapon”

Rudfi then strikes Aswa with his strongest head on attack and Aswa at that exact moment grabbed his sword with his bare hand, crushing it, and goes for his throat but rudfi counters this and attacks him with a exploding magic spell but Aswa counters it making the building roof to explode behind rudfi
Rudfi grabs a knife from his table

Elanoire is crying
when Rudfi is about to attack Aswa, he gets up, grabs his throat, throws him over his head and looks straight at his eyes as Aswa is slowly squishing more and more at his throat, after a while he snaps is completely. Shortly after guards knock the door and Aswa breaks Elanoires binds that prevented her to fight back, says to her with a rough voice
“I… Love you”

Right as Aswa collapses Lapi’s blessing then comes out of Aswa, flashing in the air, and then strikes Elanoire.
The guards crash in just to see Rudfi on the ground dead with Aswa dead too, Elanoire standing in middle of the room with glowing blue eyes.
“The leader is down! I order all of the troops on the black army to attack this woman and wipe out rest of the Firadian force immidatiely!”

As the soldiers then attack Elanoire, Elanoire unleashes a wave of blue fire that burns through the enemy
Elanoire then walks out of the room calmly, with the tattoos of her family, and lapi glowing on her. a new pattern on her forehead, its like the tattoos are combining, like they were made together.
“once you reach the edge of your mind capability, you need to go further, unlike most mages who stop there, you need to awaken yourself, Elanoire, Queen of the Firadia.”
Lapi said on her head as she is walking out of the mansion with broken clothes.
Elanoire closes her eyes for a brief moment, once she opens them, a great sphere of energy unleashes from her, vaporizing all enemies around her.
Elanoire has a angry face with her eyes glowing bright blue her hair waving in the air slightly from the breeze of cold air.
Meanwhile on the hideout with rest of the Firadian forces a scout comes running towards Manrhim.

“T… The capital is under attack by a great unknown power! And we have acquired Aswa’s signal, but he’s not moving and we’re not getting his hearth rate, and your daughter is moving with the location of this power! If I may sugges-“

“Gather the troops immediately! We’re going to attack now! This is the signal Lapi told us, it is now, or never”

As the soldiers rush outside Manrhim walking slowly in middle of the rushing soldiers
“Aswa, you truly are an amazingly tough man, thank you for taking care of my daughter, now is my turn, may your big hearthed soul rest in eternal peace.”

As the Firadian soldiers are gathered to a magic circle made by lapi, the last mages of Firadian army then proceeds using the circle, and teleports the Army straight to the gates of Firadian capital city.
Manrhim then walks forward and says
“Men! We will die for our country today! We will get out beloved families and soil back with the blood of our enemies, and our strong souls we have lost, CHARGE!”

As the Firadian Army comes straight through the gate, fearsome as ever, going straight through the unsorted and paniced army of Black army.
Elanoire sees that his father with rest of the army is coming to the town, Elanoire then starts her real counter attacking, charging her power into her hands, sending big waves of blue fire and blue energy that recovers the souls of Firadian soldiers and damaging every other living thing they come across.
then scouts from the countries around Firadia broadcast the battle to the head of the countries, and show it to the people in the world
“The Firadian army has awakened! They are currently fighting and destroying black army without fear, only fury in their hearths, wouldn’t it be time for us to rise up too?”
Then the scouts and a small party of soldiers that were with them join the fight.
Firadian army has killed the enemies from the gate and mansion, and is advancing where lays rest of the black army in Firadia, once they reach the point, they surrender, waving white flags.
Firadia, has won the war, for now.


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