[EAFLS] Chapter 7 The rising of great power but loss of a great soul.


Aswa and Elanoire proceed to learn new spells to protect themselves, with the princess now in homeschool, since the king was informed of her actions, and was kicked out of the school, couple months go by.

Elanoire looks energtic and says

“Hey, Aswa, why don’t we go on a date? We have some days off from school”

“That’s a great idea to go see a movie in the town, if there are any good ones?”

“Yeah, but I want to pick which we’ll go see”

Elanoire then gets up and goes to the board to see any activities and movies, she proceeds to look at the romance, action section, and sees a good one, she tells about it to Aswa, and since the movie starts tomorrow, they hang out with their friends the rest of the day.

Its morning, and they prepare a school “car” that has been recently invented, they get to the cinema, and go in, the tickets are fairly cheap for such new thing as a “movie”.

Once the movie is over, it lasted 1 hour and 32 minutes, they get out, and go eat at a restaurant, they go to a table, and order some food.



Elanoire answered to Aswa with a sweet smile

Aswa says nothing and just stares at her eyes

Elanoire blushes and doesn’t say anything for a while, and then asks


“Nothing, just looking at the most beautiful woman I have ever seen”

Elanoire blushes again and says


a waiter then arrives, and brings their food, with an old couple being behind Aswa and Elanoire at a table, and the old woman says

“Young couples are so cute”

the old man then says

“Just like us”

and they start to hold hands

“Here’s your food”

The waiter then places the food on the table, and Aswa thanks the waiter, and gives a tip to him, he doesn’t have much money, but he is in a good mood, so he wants to share the happiness, so he pays for the food, and dessert, they’re about to order and gives the waiter rest of his money as a tip he has with him.

“Thank you, sir! I’ll bring your dessert right away when you finish your food!”

The waiter then leaves with a happy smile on his face.

The day goes by pretty quickly, and they go to sleep.

The very next day, Aswa is with his friends, and Elanoire on her room, reading a book, Aswa’s been writing for fun, its about a boy and a girl, romance story, how romance and love would work in his own, old world,

but then suddenly,  the gates of the school open, and someone important looking walks in.

one of Aswa’s friend notices this and says

“Look! Someone important is coming!”

a man with a hood, and full body clothing walks in with an escort, with the school guards leading them to the principal of the school

“Wonder what that’s about”

One of Aswas friends said

couple hours go by, and Elanoire has gotten out of their room, heading straight at Aswa

“Tomorrow will be the last lesson, teleporting, if I refine that enough, I might be able to make a temporary teleport between your world and this one!”

Aswa stands up and grabs Elanoire by her shoulders



Elanoire smiled

Aswa then says

“But are you able to choose specific people that only can use the teleport?”

“Of course! That is how the VIP teleports for example in Firadia are managed”

“Well, that’s great! I finally get to see my parents again!”

 Aswa then walks a bit with Elanoire  talking to her how his parents are, but stops and says

“Oh, yeah sorry guys I got too much into this topic, you don’t mind me going with Elanoire, do you?”

“Naah, its cool mate, go on”

his group of friends said

Couple hours go by and Aswa then remembers the cloaked man

“Oh, yeah, Elanoire, today there came a cloaked man in the school with escort and headed straight to the principal, know anything about that?”

“Oh, really? I do not know anything about that, I wonder who he is and what his deal is here, all tough… I think its none of our business since we are in a different country”

“Yeah, that’s true.”

Elanoire and Aswa then spend the rest of the day together, making their relationship stronger than ever before.

at the evening when they’re preparing for going to sleep around their dining table in their room at the school and Aswa says sounding extremely nervous as Elanoire is eating calmly like a fine lady she is.


“Yes, Aswa?”

Elanoire replied with a big sweet smile

Aswas mind melts almost right away as she is looking at Elanoire’s sweet smile, Aswa gets up and kneels before Elanoire, and says

“W-Would you like to uhm… M-marry me?”

Elanoire then drops her fork, and the salad splatters all over the plate and table making a loud noise

“you… I have waited for you to say that for so long!”

Elanoire rushes to Aswa and jumps over him and says

“yes, Aswa Hyachist Morina”

Elanoire said with a big smile her eyes closed

Aswa then hugs Elanoire back, and after a short moment, Elanoire and Aswa then get up, and Aswa gives a wedding ring to Elanoire as she is crying out of happiness, after a while of sweet talking, they go to sleep, and the very next day in the school, the principal comes to the classroom in the beginning of the day and announces to the class

“Morning, class”

The principal then walks forward, and says

“Miss Elanoire and Sir Aswa, are quests from Firadia, as you all might already know, Firadia is a rising first superpower of a country in this world, so we want to give our most warming and best welcoming the saviours of Firadia in the honor of their recent marriage proposal made by Aswa, Elanoire accepted this proposal, so there will be a wedding made in the capital city.”

Then the class are shouting out of the happiness of Elanoire and Aswa.

The very next day, the preparation is complete, and naturally Elanoire and Aswa haven’t seen eachother since yesterday, and the whole family of Elanoire is there, but however, Aswa doesn’t have his family with him,  so he is feeling a bit sad, so the school staff is with him,  and they ask why is Aswa looking sad

“Because my family isn’t here to see this, I’m not from this world afterall”

The principal heard this and from his own personal wealth, and knowledge of the ability to see in the future, he saw

“I know, Aswa, and that is exactly the why, I have my best gift I can provide to you within my power, and for the sacrifice for Firadia, I have teleported your whole family here, and keeping it as a secret from you as a gift.

Aswa is fslls to his knees, and is shaking for all the emotions and love he’s feeling from the people, he has never felt this amount of love all at once before.

He can finally meet his family, and he’s getting married to a woman he loves, and Aswa’s about to cry as he sees his mother coming from the backdoor, and the principal smiles slightly and steps away.

“Go on, Aswa, let yourself free, nobody’s gonna watch”

Aswa runs straight to his mother, and father crying outloud and says half crying

“I love you, It’s been so long since we saw eachother”

Aswa falls onto his knees, and when rest of his family has met him, they walk into the hall where the marriage is completed in, lastly his mother and father goes in, to the frontseat, and then the principal walks in and says with a smile

“This is your day, Aswa, you can live off this day from my wealth, fully”

Principal then helps Aswa up, and wipes off his tears with a piece of white cloth

The bell starts to ring, the bride and groom walks in, with tears sliding off Aswa’s face

Aswa nearly crumbles to the ground again because of all the love he’s receiving, his sacrifice has been rewarded by the overseer of the universe.

The priest starts talking once Aswa has reached infront of Elanoire, looking straight into her eyes as the priest then begins

“Do you take Aswa Morina as your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness in health or core, to love and cherish until death makes you apart?”

Elanoire responds happily with a big beautiful smile

“I will, take your as my husband Aswa Hyachist Morina,  until death makes us apart”

*Aswa says the same as Elanoire but with the word “Bride” of course*

The priest then says

“The husband may now give the bride a seal of marriage of your own choosing, a ring, necklace or any other jewelry, and kiss”

The priest steps away, and nods at Aswa.

Aswa asks Elanoire’s hand, and carefully places the ring to Elanoire’s wedding finger, gets up, and Elanoire is leaning towards Aswa, Elanoire then closes her eyes with Aswa, and kiss.

Audience then stands up, claps and shouts happily for the marriage between the 2 most strongest beings in this planet right now

Manrhim stands up and asks for the attention of everyone in the hall

“As some of us may already have noticed that there is another family next to us, and Aswa’s not from this world, so who are they? They’re the family of Aswa, the principal is actually using his own wealth and power he has himself and actually all of this, is fully from his wealth, but let us give the most warming welcoming into this new strange world for our new otherworldly quests!”

The whole family of Hyachist horrays and welcomes the family of the Morina to the planet, and Manrhim quides the whole audience to outside, for the powershow of Hyachists power outside the marriage hall, once everyone is outside, a huge explosion of all colours from the pallet shows up in the sky, and the family of Morina’s getting a bit scared, so Manrhim goes to comfort them

“Don’t worry, this isn’t dangerous, and if it gets dangerous, I’m sure Elanoire and I will protect all of your within our power, with the whole military if required”

The family of Morina feels as ease and the show continues, the whole family of Morina is completely amazed and feels safe since they’re under manrhim’s protection.

Once the powershow is at its end and the group of Hyachist elite private army of soldiers walk away, Elanoire is standing all alone at the arena, and Manrhim announces

“The powershow of Hyachist army is over, but however, the powershow of my youngest daughter, but yet the most successful one and the most powerful one’s powershow is yet to start, this, is the true power of the Hyachist family what we’re capable of”

Elanoire then shoots a small line of pure power into the sky with the assist of Lapi, making the whole sky completely black, Elanoire dashes straight into the sky, disappearing into the blackness of the sky, after a while of no signs of anything, suddenly the whole sky explodes with the reach of your eye can see with Elanoire shoots from the sky, making a huge impact to the ground, and once the dustcloud has lowered, she has summoned her wedding dress on again.

Again, the whole audience hoorays, and Elanoire runs in Aswa’s arms

Manrhim then says

“My daughter is now married to Aswa Morina, Aswa has been much, much more powerful than any of us combined together, but he has lost his powers through his sacrifice to Firadia and my daughter, so the family of Hyachist will offer you all a home within our land! All food, anything will be provided for free to you.”

after big decicions, the family of Morina agreed to this offer, and the parents of Aswa will receive a small cottage near the sea with incredibly beautiful view to the sea and a big private beach, this was completely their own choice.

Aswa is with his family with Elanoire and introduces Elanoire to his whole family, and Aswa’s family is asking all the time is he alright and what is the sacrifice, so he explains in a short story what has happened, and they are greatful to Elanoire for taking control of him and showing him the love he needs,  Aswa and Elanoire continues in the school for couple weeks more and and Elanoire has gotten even stronger, and gained some of Aswa’s core abilities back when he had his powers and is now the most powerful fighter in all of Firadia, most likely the planet. It is their last days in the school, and suddenly a message straight from Firadia came to Elanoire, telling that they had started a war against rupskia, norsaki and sweridge, sweridge had already surrendered when they sent a threat message to sweridge, romalinia is only of the few only allies of Firadia with Gremania, so they’re completely safe from the fiery fury of Firadian fighters.

Elanoire then stands up and says

“I’m sorry professor, but me and Aswa have to leave immediately since we have started a war against Sweridge, Rupski and Norsaki, Sweridge has already fallen into our hands, please send this messahe further to the hall of Romalinia”

Elanoire grabs Aswa’s hand and rushes straight to their room

“I’m sorry Aswa I know you want to say one last goodbye to your friends, but we can come back to that later!”

Elanoire then signals the forces of Firadia that be ready to leave immediately, not taking a single extra second, and soon they launch from their camp near the school in Romalinia, leaving a huge dustcloud behind.

Once they reach Firadia, Elanoire rushes to the princess, and asks

“How can we help? We are at your service.”

The princess answers

“You can go to the frontlines with the elite group of Firadian soldiers in Rupski, your power will be used greatly with a huge help, please escort Elanoire and Aswa to their place where they can gear and ready up, the fight will start 2 days, get ready for anything”

“Yes my highness!”

Elanoire then stands up, Aswa standing the whole time since he’s the hero of Firadia, and is allowed to overthrow the whole kingdom if he so wishes.

                                                                                  *At the battlefield*

Theres a lot dead Firadian soldiers lying on the ground, Elanoire states

“I wonder what happened, we’re supposed to be indestructible”

They walk a bit forward to see a huge amount of soldiers running towards them without a sound, chisi and rupski has combined their powers.

Elanoire dashes in the air with her combat gear on and draws out 2 small daggers corssed infront of her,  as she is falling dow, she empowers her falling speed by using an explosive spell on her feet and making a huge dustcloud to disable the enemys vision, and then the soldiers of firadia start firing into the dustcloud, Elanoire using one of Aswa’s abilities

“Absolute vision” that gives your brain inhuman like boost in your reflexes and thinking speed of your brain.

Elanoire kneels down, takes a poison vile out, and pours it straight into her daggers engravings.

The poison makes its ay deep into the dagger, even a slight cut from this knife will literally melt down your organs and come through you.

The enemy has no chance against the elities of Firadia’s troops, trained personally one by one, by the most dangerous general in the Firadian army, Manrhim.

Their good luck continues for a while, but then out of nowhere suddenly a person with great power, jumps straight into a pile of Firadian soldiers, Elanoire turns over to what is going on, and she sees this unknown man holding Aswa by his throat, and seeing Aswa’s neck about to be crushed, Elanoire starts running in complete panic and shouts

“No! Aswaa!”

Elanoire is tripping over sticks and rocks on her way to the unknown enemy crushing Aswa’s neck.

a loud crack sound covers the whole battlefield, Aswa falls to the ground, and Elanoire falls on her knees momentarily, as the unknown enemy is about to take Aswa’s last breath away but then, a dustcloud appears again and Elanoire senses Aswa still being alive.

Manrhim blocks the enemys attack, and behind the dustcloud appears the EAFLS force rushing towards the enemy, making a fair fight.

A bright teleport in the sky appears, and after that multiple small ones and through them comes angel like soldiers with bright yellow wings, completely dusting the soldiers of Firadia, making huge half sphere shields around the soldiers and vaporizing them all.

Meanwhile in the creators righthands helper HQ


“Yes, I know already, we’ve lost again, couln’t believe the children of the su-“

The worker interrupts

“Look! Aswa’s power is rising rapidly!”


A complete silence covers the whole battlefield, with an amazing dustcloud covering the battlefields landscape and Aswa is getting up, brighter than ever. as he launced himself to the air, he completely destories the first enemy infront of him and launches a bright ball to the air.

from other side of the world a child’s fear goes away completely, in his mothers arms and the child says

“Mom? Whats that?”

The mother turns around and says with tears on her eyes.

“Hope, my son, hope.”

She knew immediately that the awakening of the ancient gods, has finally happened.

The rune breaks that has been sealing Aswa’s powers away, and goes into a complete rampage mode, rushing through enemies bare handedly, the bright ball in the air is summoning a scythe, wielded only by the worthy, Omri.

Aswa grabs the dashing scythe and strikes the ground making huge blue lightning effect to the ground and after a while the whole arena explodes in huge blue mist and poisoning all enemies in the area.

the family of Aswa is safe, but they’re watching the fight of Aswa through a spy TV of Gremania.

Aswa dashes in air, and spins vertically a while and releases big plate of black lightning and fire to the air, making its way to the ground in pillars, exploding in the ground.

Aswa spins the scythe to his back, and strikes air infront of him in a big swing from his back,

Meanwhile in the HQ of creators righthand.

“We might have hope afterall! If Aswa now knows about the blackening of the universe, only with this amount of power, we might be able to capture an area from the sky and make our way to the top again!”

Aswa dashes instantly once he swinged air to make a huge dustcloud to the ground distracting the enemy, with a big ball of white energy in hand, Aswa releases everything he has in a single line of power into the sky, hoping its enough.

Enormous amount of energy hits the sky and makes a permanent white plate to the sky, it’s a mark of that it was enough to save the universe momentarily.

But never underestimate the great power of rupski’s leaders, that are now undercontrol, of the dark powers.

a voice is soaring through the sky, calling enemy forces to retreat in chinsi, Rupski is lost.

Aswa is falling from the sky slowly, with a light guiding him to the ground, he’s unconscious, and Elanoire is rushin for Aswa tears on her eyes, once Elanoire ha reached Aswa, she’s cying her eyes out, and is screaming from all the pain going through her right now, Elanoire outs her head on Aswa’s chest, starting to cry quietly.

Manrhim after a while is walking behind Elanoire and puts his big hand over Elanoire’s shoulder kneeling.

“Elanoire, my daughter, I know this is hard for you, but I need you to answer to this, alright?”


Elanoire answered with tears falling off her cheek

“Do you truly love Aswa with everything you have?”


Manrhim interrupts with a big smile and wet eyes and says

“No asking questions, just answer”

Elanoire knew something was going to happen, but she did still answer honestly

“Yes, I do love him with everything I got!”

“Good, that’s all I needed to hear”

Manrhim then gets up and takes his hand from Elanoire’s shoulder.

“Elanoire, please step away from him”


“No asking questions, alright?”

Manrhim walked few steps closer to Elanoire and wiped off tears from her cheek

Elanoire then stands up

“Alright, but please, do nothing undoable”

Manrhim only smiled, and takes out a small sphere that is half turquoise and half black, it is the sphere of Elathriel.

                                                      MEANWHILE AT THE HQ OF THE CREATORS RIGHT HAND



“Look! It’s the eye of Elathriel!”

The commander of the HQ then takes off his hat for this upcoming great sacrifice

“Let us pray for his soul to receive everlasting piece somewhere beyond this universe of ours”

Everyone at the HQ then looks down, eyes closed their hats in their left hand.

                                                      BACK AT THE BATTLEFIELD

Manrhim then looks at Elanoire and says

“I love you”

and he instantly breaks the sphere with his pure strength as he sees Elanoire running towards him, a huge explosion occurs, with even bigger dustcloud.

                                                      MEANWHILE AT THE HQ OF CREATORS RIGHT HAND

“My god, that wasn’t Aswa who was fighting just now, this… this explosion has perfect healing magic put into it with unbelievable amount of energy, he was possessed by the Elathriel herself!!”

                                                      MEANWHILE AT THE BATTLEFIELD

while the huge dustcloud is covering the whole field, Elanoire is shouting his fathers name in panic while thinking of what happened to Aswa at the same time.

All the soldiers of Firadia are firing at the dustcloud suddenly while Elanoire still being in there, but then Elanoire sees that the enemy has came back due to a huge power reduction in the area

Elanoire then is about to take his first step into her flash towards the enemy, but something grabs her ankle, and she sees that its Aswa’s hand.


Elanoire shouted with a crackling voice

Aswa then replies

“Get back, they killed and tortured my dog, and I know that sounds extremely stupid reason, for this, but my dogs have protected me from killing myself as a child, as you already know, my childhood wasn’t all nice.”

Aswa then is taking steps towards the enemy with his fragile and wounded body

“You can’t go like that! Aswa!”

Aswa then closes his eyes, goes into a “T-Pose” with his palms up and looks up, suddenly, his whole body is glowing again, turquoise this time, he opens his eyes, and the children of the sun is targeting the most powerful first after Aswa, Elanoire.

Aswa then dashes straight at an enemy beam of power, a dustcloud appears and Aswa devoured the beam and sends it back twice as powerful to the angel of sun following with a big explosion.

Aswa then just stays completely still while the enemy is still running towards Firadian soldiers, and falls to the ground, Elanoire has started to attack the enemy and trusts Aswa that he’ll be alright.

a soldier was about to hit Aswa, but Aswa blocked it, and jumps up making a whirly leg kick straight to the soldiers jaw, making the soldier leave a trail of blood behind him, the shockwave from the kick was so powerful that it wiped off some soldiers behind him, Aswa then does a backflip and his legs summoning a lightning between that shoots up to the sky, making the whole sky black.

The lightning the hits the ground, and everyone on the planet can feel atleast a slight wibe from the attack, destroying most cities, expect those that are under a protection spell like whole Firadia, Aswa’s mother is looking at the fight amazed of the beautifulness of the attacks Aswa’s making, they are just way too “Hyptonizing”, and is 100% sure that Aswa will be fine.

The enemy then surrenders with the leaders of Rupski, since the darkpowers left the leaders a while ago.

Then the Queen of Firadia, Amena, steps forward, and gives a letter of peace to Rupskis, and Chinsi’s leaders, with the command of Firadia receiving all of their soldiers, recourses, cities and land, but they will be able to live a peaceful life in Firadia from now on if they wish to.

The leaders of Rupski and Chinsi then accept this offer from the Queen and they all walk away to a temporary teleporter.

Elanoire gets to Aswa, Aswa being too exhausted to even speak much

“Are you fine? You alive?!”

“Yes, Elanoire, I am fine, please, I need rest, I’m too exhausted to even speak or talk”

Aswa laughed a bit

The commanders, generals and all other Firadian military personel take off their hats, the general of Firadia then walk forward and kneel before Aswa.

“The hero, has returned. It is truly an honor to be alive and support your actions, Aswa, Hyachist Morina”

All of the soldiers from the battlefield with all of the soldiers left from the battle walk away from the field to the most nearby teleport.

a letter comes to Aswa, but is given to Elanoire once they have reached their home

“A letter for our great Hero Of Firadia HOF”

“I’m his wife, and he’s uncounsious, I’ll give it to him”

It is an urgent message from the highest ranked doctor in Firadia.

“I heard that he was able to break the rune that locked down his power, is too much for such a mortal to break, he may be powerful, but he still is a mortal, I’m afraid if he uses his powers more, It will be his last time on this planet.”

Elanoire drops the letter to the floor, and runs the stairs up straight to Aswa, goes in to his bedroom, slamming the door and says

“Aswa! Do not use your powers anymore! Otherwise it will be your last time I’ll see you!”

“H-How do you know that?”

Aswa said a bit mumbling as he was just woken up by Elanoire’s shouting

“I got a letter back from the doctor you have visited often, and he heard about you breaking the rune, and your soul is not able to handle any more of your power, Firadia is now stronger than ever. Please Aswa. Promise me that you’ll never use your powers anymore”

“Heh.. I’ll use my powers ONLY, if your life is on the line, but any other, I wont, I promise”

Elanoire then looks at Aswa for a while and says

“Not even for my sake, got it?”

Aswa then looks amused and says


with a big smile.

After that, Elanoire gets out of the room

“Rest well”

Elanoire closes the door calmly and Aswa puts his head back on a soft pillow and starts to sleep.

Couple hours go by, Aswa gets up, opens the door, walks out of the room stairs down and searches the kitchen cabinets for a quick snack.

Aswa takes some bread and water, walks about the house in complete silence, and he then starts to search for Elanoire since he hasn’t heard of her anywhere, Aswa walks up to their shared bedroom, the room is completely black, and he turns the lights on.


Aswa then walks in to the room, and he is pushed to the bed forcefuly from back

“Don’t move, you’re now under my control, Aswa”

Elanoire said while being ontop of Aswa with a smile.

Aswa swallows loudly

“Are you feeling sick?”

“N… No, why?”

“Just asking, because we’re going to make babies now.”

“Aswa’s face turns into a shocked face and says”

“L-like right now!?”

“Right, now”

Elanoire takes off her shirt… [not going to write porn lads]

After a tough and hard night Aswa has been pumped all out, he cant even get off the bed, since the lack of energy, meanwhile Elanoire is being more energized than ever.

“Cmon Aswa! Don’t you feel good?”

“I…I do but I cant just move, I’ll take a nap”

Elanoire then leaves Aswa alone in the bed and goes for a jog.

Aswa and Elanoire then live off a normal life as husband and wife for the 9 months, Elanoire gets pregnant after their naughty night, and the baby is incoming.

It has been 5 years since Aswa’s first step into this world.

Aswa is now 22 years old, Elanoire 21.

After a year of Aswa living together with Elanoire in their mansion, one evening Elanoire feels kicking in her stomach, and Aswa starts to panic as he thinks it’s a high possibility that Elanoire is giving birth right now.

Someone knocks to the door and Aswa doesn’t go to the door since he has a higher priority of dealing with pregnancy.

then someone rushes in from their door while theyre upstairs.

Aswa looks to the hallway and says

“what the..?”

as Aswa leaves Elanoire behind and asks

“Will you be fine if I check out what’s going on?”

“Y-yes, I’ll be fine.”

as Aswa kneels and hides behind a corner he sees a group of mercenaries, he doesn’t now who they’re after, the baby, Elanoire or himself, but he still goes down charging straight to the group without a second thought, protecting his incoming son and his wife with his own life.

then one from the group points at Aswa and says

“Hey! That’s the guy!”

a big muscular man then grabs Aswa from his shoulders, and throws him outside, since there are too many, his hand to hand combat skills isn’t enough, he doesn’t stand a chance against them, expecially when Aswa cant use his powers anymore, and he doesn’t get any sense of power as he is being beat and threw all over their backyard, but meanwhile they’re beating Aswa, Elanoire had used her powers to send an immident report straight to the hall of Firadia, they she’s giving birth and mercenaries are after Aswa, and she doesn’t know if Aswa is even alive anymore.

one of the queen’s messengers then receives this message, runs straight to the new general of Firadia, Stal.

Stal highly respects Aswa of what he has given to the country of Firadia since the beginning of his life in it, so he sends the best of the best of Firadian soldiers, only the highest in command even know about this group of Firadian elite group of soldiers, they are masters of archery, masters of 1 destructive spell, and master geniouses of defending anything, they’re called “FMOF” Firadian masters of Fighting.

The group kneels before Stal and he tells to go immediately to the mansion of Elanoire and Aswa.

as the group goes to the mansion, they commanded a couple of “EFSD” Elite Firadian Shield

the shields then run straight to Aswa, while half of the Elite group goes into the mansion to secure the baby of Elanoire, and Elanoire herself.

as the Elite Shield of Firadia runs to Aswa they hit the group away from Aswa, the group didn’t even notice the heavy and big man carrying the “HAS” shields (Heavy Artillery Shields), since they have a skill of “complete ignorance of sight and sound” which affects anything and everyone they choose to.

they hit the big guy away from the enemy which were hitting Aswa continuously, and they say to Aswa who is in tears of the thought he cannot do anything and Elanoire’s probably in danger

“Don’t worry Aswa, we’re here, we’ll protect you and your family”

with a big smile

Aswa then looks at the soldier with tears on his eyes, the soldier offer a hand to help Aswa up, Aswa then is about to take the hand, but hears Elanoire’s scream behind him, coming from the mansion, the soldier then looks at the mansion and says

“I’ll take care of thi-“

as the soldier then is about to look back at Aswa, he sees Aswa has gotten up himself without any help, and in his condition, it should be impossible, but now that his emotions are taking control more than ever, he is running towards the mansion, but one of the mercenaries then hooks up Aswa and pulls him back with a force great enough that the soldiers couldn’t do anything, as the mercenary hits his punch Aswa spins straight to his face into the ground, with Aswa looking like he’s lost it all now, he’s completely still his eyes white, the mercenary then laughs, and looks at the soldiers

“My job here is done, what are you going to do now?”

the soldiers then see Aswa with a great aura of power behind the mercenary and they start to laugh too

the mercenary too full of himself from the thought of killing the Hero Of Firadia “HOF”

Aswa his the enemy with his left palm his right hand in a fist and going on his side, the mercenary then launches extremely strongly to a tree and Aswa sticks his fingers between his ribcage, breaking his bones and spins in air horizontally to give more speed to his attack, and as he lets the mercenary go he is coughing blood in the air, and the soldiers stay completely still just from the power of his throw, Elanoire then senses the power of Aswa, but no blessing.

Soon she relaises that it will be the last moments of Aswa in this world, and the other group that went inside the mansion is searching the enemy, but cant find them, one of them are trying to get in the room where Elanoire is, and is trying to break in, Aswa senses the fear in Elanoire’s soul and heads straight into the mansion through the roof of the mansion and grabs this enemys head and crushes it with pure strength the other enemies in the mansion then is affected by the aura of Aswa and tries to escape, but the FMOF catches the mercenaries and kills them in their spot, The group of HAS runs in with rest of the FMOF and the entire group of HAS go secure Elanoire while FMOF contact the hall of Firadia for immediately. The medics of Firadia arrive at the mansion, they get Elanoire immediately out to more secure place to give birth, then half of the medic team go check up on Aswa with the best equipment in Firadia.

the head of the group goes check on Aswa, looks in his eyes, checks his pulse, performs forcefully a checkup of your core that only the best of the best have learned, and finally opens up to say the news about Aswa.

“Thes are the last moments of Aswa’s life on this world, I’m afraid we’re unable to do anything, he has simply used too much power in such fragile state, it is understandable that he protected his lowed one, with his child, so we will perform an olikisami.”

Then the other medics along the boss himself, bows to Aswa their heads down and ask his permission to do so.

Olikisami is a funeral for only the best of the best kings/heroes and gods,

Aswa nods at the head of the medic organization.

As the head of the Medic organization stands up, grabs a poison that kills you instantly, made for painless death for those in need, and he thought to give Aswa his last breath now since he predicts great pain from the rapid weakness of his core.

The leader then asks again

“Are you sure?”

Aswa then says with a hoarse voice

“Y-Yes, but before you inject me, please promise me, get the best security for Elanoire-“

Aswa coughs

“And my child, this will be my last wish”

the leader then closes his eyes and nods

“Your wish will be my destiny after another”

Aswa then closes his eyes

“And please deliver this message to Elanoire, “I love you, and I’m sorry but I have only couple hours left, please live the life you are given, help the poorest of the poor and those in pain with the power that will be given to you from my passing, make Firadia the nation of hope, that darkness shall never pass onto us, even when times look like its all, over.””

“Very well, here I go”

The leader then sticks the needle in Aswa’s arm and injects the poison, and takes the needle out

“Rest well, Hero of Firadia.”

Everyone in the room goes into their knees, their eyes watery since Aswa gave everything he had to Firadia even tho it was not his home, and he was bullied physically and mentally, he still loves every single one of them.

Aswa gives his last breath and saying very slightly

“Thank, you”
The soldiers of Firadia and the medics then carry Aswa’s body out of the mansion with civilians waiting outside of the mansion waiting what happened, and once Aswa’s body is carries out, all of the civilians fall over their knees as they see Aswa’s lifeless body being carried out by Firadian soldiers covered in their own tears.

The leader of the medic organization shouts

“This is the Hero of the Firadia, and we will perform an olikisami for all of his actions, his gifts, his pain, his sweat and love he has gives to us”

The civilians then just get up after hearing this and walks home, preparing their best clothes since the Hero of Firadia has died.

The Olikisami has started

Elanoire cant get out of the hospital since her health is in critical condition after the birth, so she watches over the window and prays for complete peace of his pure soul with tears from her eyes and their baby in her hands.

The parents of Aswa then also died due to the stress and pain in your soul from the death of their child along with some cousins.


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